The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2166: Coward

As soon as Gu Xiaowan said it that day, Lin Haitian immediately reacted. All five people have been selected. It would not be a coincidence.

Among these five people, some passed the exam and some were recommended by the minister.

Lin Haitian saw that these people were selected, but the way they were selected was different. Although there were no flaws on the surface, Lin Haitian knew that the more normal things seemed, the more tricky they were behind them.

These five people finally checked carefully and found that they had something to do with Shi Ziye.

Thinking of this, Lin Haitian decided to still give these people to Su Peian. He already knew the truth of the matter. These people were the key to Su Peian's catching the real murderer behind the scenes.

When Lin Haitian took the people to the Ministry of Households, Su Peian was interrogating the prisoners who had been caught. However, the prisoners did not mention the important instructors. Ingot gold asked them to come forward and correct.

How the people gather, they don't know.

They don't know the people who gave them gold.

When things got here, it seemed that the clue was broken.

When Lin Haitian came to the Ministry of Households, Su Peian was shocked. He didn't know what Lin Haitian was doing at the Ministry of Households, but he heard that he had brought a lot of people. Su Peian knew that things had changed, so he hurried out to see him. Up.

Lin Haitian didn't say much, and he brought people up directly. As soon as these people's confessions had something to do with the elder son Shu Lin, Su Peian's face immediately became pale.

Lin Haitian saw him staring at these people without speaking, and sighed, "Master Su, I know you will become relatives soon. However, this matter is related to the national luck, although these people are clearly behind the scenes. Framed Master Gu, but this is hidden, but it affects the relationship between the court and the people!"

It is not easy to build a business in the Qing Dynasty, and it is even more difficult to maintain a business. Now there is such a major event that affects the relationship between the people and the court. This is a major event that affects the fortune of the country.

Su Peian was still thinking, Lin Haitian didn’t say a word, and just said: "Master Su, you and I are both old people in the court. The emperor has been working hard for me since he became the king and has done a lot of good work. Things. The Qing Dynasty has always been in good weather, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. I have brought you people, think about it yourself. I believe you, you will make the most correct choice!" Lin Haitian patted Su Peian Shoulders, and then left without looking back.

Su Peian fell into the armchair, as if he was being pulled by the neck, breathing extremely hard.

He suddenly thought of Bingzhu's long conversation with Su Ziyue that night.

Su Ziyue said that no matter who did the wrong thing, breaking the law would have to commit the same crime with the common people.

Su Peian asked him at the time, what if your future relatives were the one who committed the crime? If you have done this, how should you face the people around you?

Just ask for justice, not about identity.

Su Ziyue said such a sentence for a long time.

Su Peian knew that his family were all good people, but his son was too dazzling and was looked at by others. It was a good thing, but he was helpless. Now, good things will turn into bad things.

Su Peian did not hide anything, and told Su Ziyue what he suspected.

Su Ziyue's complexion didn't change much. At that time, he only said one sentence: "Father, if it's difficult, I'll retire, let's go back to my hometown!"

Yeah, let's go back to my hometown if it's a big deal!

Su Peian is not a person who can gain power for the sake of power. He waved his hand and shouted to the people outside: "Come here, let's interrogate the prisoners!"

Those students were bought to make trouble. They didn’t expect that they didn’t go to Chenghanlinyuan and went to the Ministry of Households. They knew that they were ruined in their entire life.

In order to fight for leniency, he took the initiative to confess what he had done, and the people behind the scenes also found out.

After finishing the book overnight, Su Peian put it aside after reading it. He took out another folder, thought about it, and dropped the pen. That night, the household department sent two papers into the palace.

Shu Hao knew that Lin Haitian had sent someone to the household, and he soon knew what was written in the booklet!

Let people intercept it now.

Shu Hao knew what the consequences would be if this fold was delivered to the emperor. Even if Shu Tianci thought he would spare Shu Lin for his face, the punishment would certainly not be light.

Thinking of this, Shu Hao was furious and shouted outside: "Let Shizi roll over!"

For the first time, when people outside saw the prince's anger, they hurriedly responded and went to find Shu Lin.

But there was nothing in the yard, and no one in the whole house after searching. A group of people were anxious like ants on a hot pot, looking out for them, waiting at the door, it was so lively.

Fortunately, Shu Lin came back in time, drunk, and full of alcohol when he spoke.

"Sir, you are finally back, and the prince is looking for you! You are almost anxious!" Seeing that Shu Lin finally came back, the servant hurried to help him, but it was only half a fragrant effort. There was an urgent blistering inside.

Shu Lin drank a lot today. He was drunk. Seeing that the next person looked like anxiously, he said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of? Lord, he can still eat me?"

When the people thought of the eerie and terrifying look of Prince Ming, they couldn't help but shudder: "Sir, you should go and see the prince!"

If you don't go, I'm afraid that the house will be burned by the anger of the prince.

Shu Lin hiccuped his wine, and with the help of his servants, he walked deep into the prince's courtyard.

At this moment, the servants and the guards in the yard were standing far away, all like ostriches, hanging their heads silent.

Seeing their fearful look, Shu Lin trembled with laughter, smiled and pointed at these turtles with shrunken heads, and said sarcastically: "Hehe, it's all cowards, cowards! Turtles, tortoises"

The group of tortoises was so frightened that they did not dare to make a sound, and they bluntly said that they had seen a ghost.

This was originally such a crippled person in the Ming Palace, but there was only the Mingdu princess, so how come Prince Ming was going to eat people today.

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