The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2169: He still can't forget

Su Qianyue was not satisfied, and she pulled Madam Su's hand and said a lot of interesting things about Shu Min, just to make Madam Su happy, so that Madam Su thought that Shu Min was a good person to get along with.

This Su Qianyue is heartless, but Mrs. Su is not. How could she not know what kind of person the Princess Mingdu is, so even if Su Qianyue described Shu Min as a flower, Su The wife was not moved at all.

Because there was only one piece, Su Ziyue was unhappy, which made Madam Su dislike Shu Min.

The whole Su Mansion was very depressed because of the three masters' bad mood, from top to bottom. If it weren't for the lanterns and festoons everywhere, the red lanterns everywhere, and the red silks everywhere, it seemed to be done. The appearance of the happy event, people outside really thought there was something funeral in Su Mansion!

With three days to go, Su Qianyue excitedly explained that there were many people from the Princess Capital who were going to add makeup. As a close friend of the Princess Mingdu, she also wanted to celebrate.

Madam Su didn't stop her, watching Su Qianyue happily walking outside step by step.

Seeing Su Qianyue's back finally disappeared in front of her, Madam Su sighed for a long time, her face that had been pretending to be excited was not willing to pretend anymore, her beautiful eyebrows were stained with a touch of sadness, and she sighed for a long time. He said in a tone: "Is the son at home?"

"Early in the morning, I didn't see the son going out!" the maid behind replied.

"Well, let's go see the son over there!" Madam Su went to Su Ziyue's yard with the help of the maid.

Laiqing stood outside the door at the moment, looking at the closed door and patted gently: "My son, you open the door. It's useless for you to have breakfast. Open the door anyway. Eat a little bit. It hurts yourself. Body!"

No one answered, and the sound of a needle falling quietly could be heard. If he hadn't heard Su Ziyue's voice early in the morning in Laiqing, he would really think that Su Ziyue was gone. .

When Mrs. Su arrived, she saw this scene.

Lai Qing was knocking at the door, and the maid standing beside him was holding a square wooden tray. On the tray was a bowl of porridge and a few side dishes.

Seeing these things, Madam Su was immediately angry: "What's the matter? How do you serve the master? Why is it that even breakfast is useless now!"

When Laiqing turned around, seeing that it was the lady who was here, she hurriedly hugged her hands and asked for peace: "Madam, son, he doesn't open the door, and our things have never been sent in! This porridge has been served again for several times!"

Mrs. Su believed Laiqing. Seeing the steam on the porridge and the dishes, she knew that Laiqing did not lie.

Su Ziyue never opened the door, how could this group of subordinates get in! When Mrs. Su thought that Su Ziyue would behave herself, she didn't even need breakfast, her heart was as painful as she was holding her heart with her hand.

"Yue'er, you open the door, mother, can you open the door, okay? Even if you are not happy, you should always eat something, be careful of your own body!" Madam Su patted the door and lowered Crying.

The sound of sobbing from the outside still spreads inside. At this moment, Su Ziyue is sitting at the back of the desk, looking at the mess on the table, but in the middle, it is very clean. There is only one painting on it, not one yet. The finished painting.

Su Ziyue couldn't bear to worry about his mother, so she stood up stupidly and opened the door.

The scorching sun outside came in, and Su Ziyue, who had been hiding in the house without seeing the sun, couldn't stand such a huge scorching sun, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

The wrinkles in the corners of her eyes tightened up, and Mrs. Su saw that her son, who was not in his twenties, had already begun to grow old. She felt choked up in her heart and felt even more heartbroken.

"Yue'er, let's have something to eat!" After the maid brought in the meal, Mrs. Su deported the people and retired unconsciously, leaving only the two of them.

As if Su Ziyue hadn't heard Mrs. Su's words, he returned to the desk and stared at the painting in front of him dumbly.

The head of the large desk is very messy, but only the middle piece is neat and tidy with a picture on it.

Su Ziyue was staring at the painting in front of him with a dull expression. Madam Su stepped forward and took another look.

I saw a huge screen painted in the painting. The top of the screen was white, and in front of the screen, there was a woman with long hair and a graceful figure standing proudly.

She was wearing a moon-white dress, with her back facing everyone, she was holding a pen in her hand and scribbling freely on the screen. The robe and brocade robe fluttered by the wind, like a living begonia, the colorful butterflies on the cuffs are alive, and the dazzling sunlight just sprinkled on her body, as if coated with a layer of gold, The radiance is brilliant and the extravagance is pressing.

The man stood with his back to the crowd, no one could see the man’s front face, but when Madam Su saw this painting, she immediately thought of the poetry and song meeting held at the mansion. That day, she stood tall On the second floor, that proud and reckless woman looks like a woman emitting golden light.

Gu Xiaowan!

We will get married in three days, and he still can't forget her!

Now, Su Ziyue doesn't hide it. Such a painting is just spread out on the table. Although you can't see the front, everyone knows who this person is!

Thinking of the imminent marriage, Su Ziyue still has a portrait painted for Gu Xiaowan himself. Thinking of Shu Min's temperament, he felt a chill in his back: "Yue'er, this painting mother will put it away for you!"

Su Ziyue didn't move, she still stared blankly. Seeing her son's stupid appearance, Madam Su didn't know what he was thinking, but the bride was about to pass in three days, and some relatives and friends also They have to visit the door one after another, if they discover this painting, then they still don't know what will happen.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Su also couldn't agree with Su Ziyu, she reached out and rolled up the painting. Because of the worry in my heart and a little bit of anger, when I started, I was very rude.

This made Su Ziyue, who regarded the painting as a treasure, changed his face greatly. He only felt as if his treasure had been taken away from him. She hurried forward to grab it: "Mother"

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