The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2187: Su Mansion is defeated

This Su Mansion has lost a daughter, and his son is going to retreat, what is going on!

"Girl, don't worry, I heard that there has been no news from the palace, and I don't know whether it was retired or not!" Zuo said hurriedly.

That Su Ziyue helped the girl, and Su Pei'an helped Gu Ning'an clean up his grievances. The girl, who has a good temper, will definitely help!

Gu Xiaowan frowned, feeling that this pile of things happened one after another, it could not be alone, there must be something here.

The Su family hit the tip of the sword by themselves!

I have already made a kiss with Shu Min. Whatever happened, I have to regret it. This not only prevents Shu Min from coming to stage, but also makes Prince Ming angry, and may even make the emperor and queen mother angry.

After all, this marriage was made by the emperor himself!

"Go outside to find out what's going on in the palace, come back and tell me immediately!" Gu Xiaowan said anxiously.

When Zuo left, Gu Xiaowan walked around the room a little nervously.

The Su family had helped her, but now that there is something in the Su family, she can't just stand by.

In the palace at this moment, Su Ziyue was kneeling on the transparent jade floor tiles. He had been kneeling for more than an hour. The numbness from his knees had been stiff, but he was still kneeling stubbornly.

Shu Tianci didn't look at him, and continued to review the memorial with a cinnabar pen. It seems that I have never seen such a person kneeling on the ground at all!

On one side, Grandpa Qi was watching his nose and his mind. He didn't look at it, and he didn't move. For a while, there was nothing but the sound of reviewing memorials in the huge imperial study room. It seemed that he had fallen into a ghostly silence.

Su Ziyue didn't know how long he had been kneeling, but he heard a stern voice from outside, breaking the tranquility here.

"Brother Huang, Brother Huang, you have to call the shots for Min'er, ooh"

Su Ziyue frowned. He kept his head down all the time. He didn't even see the superior person in the bright yellow robe above. The corner of his mouth was slightly pulled up with an almost invisible arc.

Gu Xiaowan soon got the news that the Su family fell.

Su Ziyue actually retired three days before getting married, which not only damaged the royal dignity, but also damaged the royal face.

The imperial decree issued by the emperor himself, which Su Ziyue opposed, was disrespectful and disrespectful.

The Ming Palace was also a relative of the emperor, and Su Zi read the anti-decree because he was disrespectful to the Ming Palace.

Both royals, Su Ziyue were offended.

At the beginning, I heard that the emperor disagreed. Later, Su Ziyue could not kneel down and said that he was willing to abandon all the glory and wealth, but he did not want to marry Shu Min. The emperor was angry, and immediately stripped Su Peian's official uniform and hat, leaving the Su family with nothing and immediately leave Beijing.

Su Peian and his son were escorted back by the Ouchi guards, all in a panic. After returning to the Su Mansion, the door didn't let both of them in, so they escorted Madam Su out.

All the families inside and down were dismissed, and the three of them were also taken directly to the gate of the city by the Ouchi guards and "sent" outside the city gate.

Seeing that Shang Shuling of the past has become such a depressed appearance today, Su Mang still couldn't bear it.

"Master Su, the emperor asked you to leave Beijing immediately. You regretted your marriage with the Ming Palace and voluntarily gave up all your glory and wealth. Then you, go now. Although the relationship between Master Su and my colleagues is not deep, it is considered He is half a confidant. From now on, he is not allowed to set foot in the capital for half a step. Otherwise, he would not blame Su Mou's sword without eyes!" Su Mang said sharply.

Mrs. Su, who had been escorted out of Su Mansion from the beginning, saw the situation at hand, and was shocked to say nothing.

Until Su Mang walked away, Su Ziyue on the side came to help her up, and Madam Su took Su Ziyue's hand and asked loudly, "What's the matter? This is what's going on? How could we be kicked out? Where's Yue'er? What should Yue'er do now? No, I'm going to find her!"

Madam Su broke away from Su Ziyue's hand and rushed towards the city gate, but from the moment she stepped into the city gate, two soldiers wearing sharp swords stopped in front of her, holding swords in their hands. , The cold light of the sword, aggressive.

"Let me in, let me in, I'm going to find my daughter, I'm going to find my daughter!" Su Ziyue wanted to rush inside like crazy, the two soldiers were just stopping, but they were holding them. After all, the sword is a sword without eyes, and Madame Su seems to have lost her mind madly, rushing between the two swords.

Su Zi Yuesheng was afraid of any accident to his mother, so he rushed forward and grabbed her: "Mother"

"What the **** is going on? Isn't it a good idea to return home? How can this be? Our home? Our moon?" Madam Su shouted hysterically.

Su Peian's face looked gray, as if he had died once: "Madam, we have no home!"

"There is no home? How come there is no home? Isn't it done, let's go to retire? How could this happen?" Madam Su couldn't believe what she heard, and continued to question loudly.

At this moment, there were many people at the gate of the city, and they all looked here when they heard the movement here.

Mrs. Su was like a madman at the moment, sitting on her knees on the ground, if it weren’t because she was wearing silk satin and the bun on her head was neatly combed, otherwise, everyone would think that the woman was already crazy.

Su Ziyue saw the pain of her mother, and felt the pain in her heart.

He regretted it for the first time, regretting that he shouldn't leave his relatives.

Now that the home is gone, the sister has not been found, and the mother is heartbroken. Is all this what he wants?

There are so many people here, Su Peian, who has always been tolerant, also started to choke at this moment: "Mrs."

"I want my daughter, I want my daughter Yue'er, Yue'er," Madame Su yelled hysterically.

Su Pei'an was afraid that anything she said would arouse everyone's suspicion. At that time, even if Yue'er came back, her reputation would be gone.

Su Ziyue nodded clearly, a hand on her shoulder, Madam Su fainted.

The world is so big, where can they go?

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