The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2200: sick

The child next to him did not speak, looked at his master distressedly, and then took out a white veil and handed it to the man beside him.

The man didn't answer, his eyes quietly stared at the dark bottomless abyss, the endless loneliness in his eyes, but with a trace of firm hope.

That old bald donkey, it's time to return to Beijing!

"The girl is still asleep, and the nightmare last night, the people outside asked them to wait for a good time, don't come to quarrel the girl!"

A Zuo tried to lower her voice from outside. Gu Xiaowan woke up a long time ago, but she felt a little dizzy and aching on her body, so she did not get up. Now that she heard this voice, she slowly supported her body: "Who coming?"

The door opened with a "creak", and Zuo walked in, seeing the black green under the girl's eyelids, distressed: "Why doesn't the girl sleep longer?"

"Who's here outside?" I didn't sleep well last night, and now I feel a little pain in my brain, Gu Xiaowan pressed her temples, her voice weak.

"It's Liang Shouyi's family."

Gu Xiaowan frowned upon hearing that this family was coming, "What are they here for?"

Zuo hesitated to speak but stopped, fearing that people outside would make the girl worry about it again. Gu Xiaowan glanced at her, her eyes were faint, but there was a boldness that could not be denied.

Zuo couldn't, and could only say: "They yelled at the door and asked the girl to give them money."

Zuo's expression was a bit angry.

"Give them money?" Gu Xiaowan didn't understand, and asked again: "What money to give them?"

"They said that they had done such a big favor to the girl, saying that they had offended the Gu family's big house, and there were no people who could help. Now in the capital, they are counting on the girl and let the girl give them a little more money." Zuo was a little nauseous with their shameless face.

"Didn't they give them a thousand taels of silver for them to do some business? They were also given a house to live in. How long will it take? How can I ask for money?"

Zuo said: "It is said that there are too many places to spend money in the capital, they have all spent their money, and now they even have no money to eat!"

Gu Xiaowan sneered: "Did you eat shark fin bird's nest every day? It's so expensive."

Gu Xiaowan didn't finish her words, coughing violently, Zuo hurriedly went over to pat her back.

She waved her hand, Zuo had to stand aside, looking at her anxiously.

Gu Xiaowan's heart was a little confused, and she jumped abnormally, as if she was about to jump out of her chest at any time. She grabbed her neckline hard and wanted to stand up.

Due to coughing, her complexion began to turn red. Gu Xiaowan stood up, and just moved a few steps, suddenly her body fell soft and she hugged her with open hands, and asked with concern: "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Xiaowan only felt that the world was spinning, her eyes turned black, her chest was bored and her body was weak, and she said weakly, "A Zuo, I'm dizzy."

Zuo was shocked and felt the strangeness coming from the palm of his hand. He hurriedly reached out and probed her forehead. Her forehead was hot and hot. Seeing her flushed and weak, she was shocked: "Girl, you are heating up." !" Gu Xiaowan poked her forehead with her hand. As expected, she didn't have any strength in her body. It turned out to be a fever.

Gu Xiaowan lay back down again, his brain swelled more and more, and said weakly, "I'm fine, I will be fine after a short rest!"

Zuo Anxious eyes are red: "Girl, you lie down first, I'll call someone!"

After speaking, he rushed out.

After a while, I saw Codan coming in with a copper basin in her hand. Gu Xiaowan had a terrible headache, and she was sore and weak. She didn't have any strength at all. It seemed that there was too much wind blowing outside last night.

Her mind was dizzy. She only looked at Kou Dan's vague figure, and then lost consciousness and fainted directly.

Before fainting, I heard Codan anxiously calling: "Girl, girl"

On a sunny September day, the eastern sun broke through the clouds, with golden light, and the warm autumn breeze blew on the body with a slight warmth, but also with a slight coolness.

On the Jinluan Temple, Shu Tianci, who sat above him, had a youthful face, but he was full of kingly spirit.

Under the hall, civil and military officials stood in order, and above the hall, Shu Tianci was talking about Nanling.

"Nanling is now the seventh prince Xiao Yuanyao ascending the throne. They will arrive in Daqing in November to offer me tribute." Shu Tianci said quietly.

He didn't come to solicit the opinions of these people, but to tell them this fact.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the main hall suddenly became lively.

Seeing the people below you started talking every word, everyone was excited.

"The new emperor of Nanling has just ascended the throne, and their dispute over the grandfather has just subsided. They came to me so soon to offer tribute, which shows that my Qing Dynasty is becoming more and more prosperous, and the four dynasties come to congratulate!"

"The emperor's wise martial arts made Nanling surrender to the Qing Dynasty. It is the blessing of my people!"

Shu Tianci sat quietly on the dragon chair, quietly listening to the flattery of the person below him, with a faint smile on his face.

Standing in the forefront, Shu Hao laughed as he listened to the endless laughter of the people around him. His eyes occasionally swept over the heavy curtain above the figure sitting back, suddenly sneered.

"The emperor, the minister heard that after the death of the first emperor in Nanling, the regent once went to condolences secretly. After the condolences, this Xiao Yuanyao cleared away the obstacle of his brother-in-law Xiao Yuanshan and successfully ascended the throne. Here, the emperor, Don't you doubt that there is something tricky?" Shu Hao asked.

Shu Tianci was a little confused: "What kind of trick? What does the emperor uncle mean? Could it be that Xiao Yuanyao's ascension to the throne has something to do with the regent?"

The hall above the hall was strangely quiet for a while, as if a needle fell on the ground and could be heard.

Everyone's eyes turned to the main hall as Prince Ming questioned him. The only one who could sit and listen to politics like the emperor without standing in the hall.

No, it's on the curtain.

Because the regent had always sat firmly behind the heavy curtain, only vaguely saw his dim shadow and his deep and deep voice.

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