The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2201: Don't want to fight

This love, even the emperor's uncle, Ming Wang, has never been like this.

"Oh, is it? Midnight went to condolences to the emperor of Nanling?" Shu Tianci pretended not to know, and asked.

There was no sound from behind the heavy curtain for a long time. Just when everyone thought the regent would not answer, there was a slight cough behind the curtain: "Go back to the emperor, yes! But it's not a secret, and It's upright!"

"Be fair? The old emperor has been unwilling to surrender to my Qing Dynasty. He has repeatedly violated my borders and disturbed my peace. The regent is good. This old stubbornness is dead. You even went to condole him. Is it possible that you still have personal relationships? "Shu Hao sneered, questioning each sentence, approaching the person behind the curtain.

The ministers look at me, I look at you, and the shadow on the curtain, and the emperor sitting in the chair of the dragon. There are cowardly, and those who have nothing to do with this matter immediately start to shrink. Head turtle.

The prince Ming had long seen the regent as a dislike. They were all princes, one of them was an uncle of the emperor, and the other was just a king with a different surname. Logically speaking, they should be different.

There is indeed a difference, but it is the other way round, the emperor's uncle, the prince, is not as powerful as a different surname Wang Dang.

Shu Hao regarded Qin Ziye as a thorn in his eyes, everyone knew it well.

Everyone looked up at the hall again, and the shadow behind the curtain was sitting awkwardly, with his back standing upright as before. There was no slack because of Prince Ming’s questioning, and there was no sound at all. Waves.

"I ruled the country in the Qing Dynasty. I pay attention to etiquette and law. I enjoy the whole world. No one knows. Except for Nanling, even the first emperors of the Western Zhou Dynasty and Beifan died. The Qing Dynasty sent envoys to express condolences. It’s not very far, why can’t I go to mourn? Or, I can’t tolerate people in the Qing Dynasty, I can only tolerate a country that surrenders to my Qing Dynasty?”

The voice from behind the curtain was as cold as ice-wrapped. They seldom heard the people behind, especially speaking so many words. This cold-hearted, cold-blooded and even cold-faced regent has always been It's not a lot of words, and it's rare to be able to say so many words now.

The crowd listened a lot, and it didn't feel strange, but Gu Ning'an, who was following the upwards, felt a little dazed when he heard this voice.

This voice sounds familiar! It's like I heard it somewhere.

But above this hall, he dare not take it lightly. Can only **** up ears and continue listening.

Shu Hao sneered: "Really? The Qing Dynasty is not fake, but how about so many soldiers? Did the regent forget? How did the young general Tan and his wife be bullied by the Nanling people? Such a deep hatred, is the regent? Did you forget?"

Tan Yexing who was present at the scene stiffened slightly. This has happened for more than ten years. Now he is suddenly brought up. Thinking of his tragic death of his son and daughter-in-law, as long as he thinks of their broken and incomplete bodies, he even breathes a little pain. .

"General Tan, don't you think?" Shu Hao looked at Tan Yexing whose expression had changed, and he was proud of it. Tan Yexing wants to adjust his mentality well, but there are some people who want to speak up.

Say what?

The pain in Tan Yexing's chest is deeper than the sea. He hasn't walked out for so many years. Now he has been opened by someone. The scar he has just formed has started to gurgling out of blood.

Everyone looked at Tan Yexing again. To know the tragic situation of the year, there were some generals in the hall who had seen it with their own eyes. It was so tragic. Now I want to come.

Tan Yexing's body began to tremble, and his eye sockets suddenly became red. He trembled and tried his best to resist the surging sadness: "Veteran minister"

It would be great if it could not fight wars!

That way, his son and daughter-in-law would not die, they would not die so tragically. Every time he recalled, his heart was bleeding.

It hurts!

As a general with a half-length military horse, when he saw the corpses of his son and his daughter-in-law, he unexpectedly thought of what a good idea he would have if he didn't fight.

This idea has been lingering in his mind for more than ten years. If he could not fight, his son and daughter-in-law would not die. If he did not fight, he was not allowed to send so many people away from home. After a lifetime of war, countless bones and corpses are everywhere. In each war, how many brothers will die, the bones are exhausted into mountains, and those people are the flesh and blood of parents and children in the family. !

Like the parents of those brothers who died, he felt that if he could not fight, it would be great!

When Tan Yexing was talked about the pain, tears couldn't help streaming down. Shu Hao on the side was overjoyed when he saw it, and waited for Tan Yexing to speak.

Where did I know, Tan Yexing said in a choked voice: "The emperor, the old minister thinks that if Nanling can retreat without a fight, it would be a good thing to submit to my Qing Dynasty!"

When Shu Hao heard this, his angry beard was about to curl up. He looked at the general of the military and horse life, and angrily accused: "What? General Tan, have you been counseled by now? You are a general. Territory is your duty, and it is your duty to guard your homeland. You enjoy the title of Hussar General, but now you are so confused about the military spirit, what is your intention!"

Tan Yexing smiled sadly: "Returning to the prince, the old minister has no intentions. I am now in the Qing Dynasty when the weather is smooth and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the fortune of the country is prosperous. Such a good time is the time to gather soldiers and raise troops and gather food for the people. , If the war keeps fighting and the people are displaced, what is the point of opening up our territory?"

Yes, the war is for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, but now the Qing Dynasty is good enough, why go to war?

The people who suffer the most from the war are the people. The war is rife and the people are displaced. Then they fight hard outside and see that the people in the city are not living. What are they doing?

"Nonsense!" Shu Hao was anxious and sneered: "General Tan, you won't be bought by the little emperor Xiao Yuanyao who has no hair on his mouth?"

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