The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2236: The name of the palace cannot be screamed

Liang Shouyi also yelled at the side: "The evil animal, the evil animal, the family is unfortunate, the family is unfortunate, how can I have such a pig and dog!"

Gu Xiaowan never met Liang Shouyi’s son and daughter-in-law. He only heard that they went to other places to do business after giving birth to Liang Dabao. They rarely come back several times throughout the year. Although they don’t go home, they work diligently outside. , It can be considered to have accumulated a lot of family business.

There is always only one son, and he didn't bring him with him. He always felt guilty. Every time he came back, he would give Liang Dabao and Liang Shouyi a lot of money.

This is why, although Liang Shouyi is a village chief, but after all, Wuxi Village does not **** birds, and there is not much oil and water to fish. At most, he eats a few eggs of ordinary people and a few catties of new rice planted by the villagers. Silver, that is absolutely impossible!

But Liang Shouyi's family had a good life. It was his son who made money outside and came back to honor them.

As the saying goes, most of the children brought up from generation to generation are spoiled, and this Liang Dabao is an old man.

The food is delicious at home, but he first, he wants to eat meat buns, Mrs. Liang absolutely dare not give the steamed buns, he wants to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, Mrs. Liang never dare to give mung bean cakes.

Without his biological parents, he was spoiled by his grandparents and grew up again, and it is understandable that he has developed his current temperament!

Gu Xiaowan knew that the three grandparents were slandering their relatives, and did not say anything, but said: "Uncle Liang, Aunt Liang, people are already dead, so don't talk about people behind their backs, lest they are under Jiuquan. I can't be at peace either!"

When Old Lady Liang saw this, she hurriedly said: "I know, that is also the meat that fell from my body. I shouldn't say that to him. I just pity our three grandparents, the old and the young. Strength, where to make money! Those people said that if you don't pay for three days, you will kill my big treasure! Oh my poor big treasure, why do you have such a father! Woo"

Gu Xiaowan sneered, this Liang family is really shameless, and they still talk bad about the dead, just want Gu Xiaowan to sympathize with them. Is this Liang Dabao worthy of sympathy?

She doesn't think so!

"At the feet of the emperor, there is a bright universe. These people are guilty of the bear heart and the leopard, and they dare to make money and kill! Don't be afraid, I will take you to report to the officials. Master Min of the government office has some friendship with me. This gambling is illegal. Besides, the person involved is dead. There is always no reason for later generations to repay their gambling debts. Don’t be afraid. Those people, who acted in such abusive ways, even dared to be so presumptuous at the feet of the emperor. Don’t worry, I will not let them hurt Dabao. of!"

Gu Xiaowan said righteously.

She only said that she was going to the newspaper official to arrest the group of people, but she didn't even say that she would give them money to pay off their gambling debts.

This is completely different from what they thought when they came! The old lady Liang was a little anxious. She took a quick look at Liang Shouyi, and then said: "Xiaowan, you must not provoke these people. These people are all rascals invited from the casino. They won't care about you. What kind of status is it? If it irritates them and is not good for you, it is not good. Anyway, they just ask for money, and if they give enough money, they will naturally leave obediently!" Old lady Liang looks like I'm thinking about you, and you shouldn't mess around. Gu Xiaowan, who is watching, wants to laugh.

She simply followed their words and opened her mouth: "If this is the case, then you should pay them back!"

"This" Aunt Liang couldn't say a word that was choked by Gu Xiaowan's words, so she was stuck in her neck, and she couldn't vomit, swallow and swallow. Come back, obviously that's not what I said!

Aunt Liang was still restrained, but Liang Dabao beside him was not so good. He was anxious at the moment and opened his mouth: "Gu Xiaowan, didn't you say you gave us the money?"

A left step on the side, looking directly at Liang Dabao, coldly snorted: "Presumptuous! Be bold and confess your guilt without kneeling down. Is my princess's name taboo? Did you scream casually? How many heads did you grow? "

When did Liang Dabao have seen such a majestic person, his face paled in shock at the moment, he went to hide behind Aunt Liang, sobbed and cried: "Grandma, she scolds me, grandma"

The old lady Liang patted her grandson on the back and stared at Zuo displeasedly and said, "Xiaowan, that's your maidservant. Masters speak, how can maidservant intervene casually and frighten my precious grandson, like that? Maid, you have to punish her!"

Although she was a little angry that Liang Dabao was so straightforward to tell the purpose of their trip, but a humble maid dared to scare her grandson so much, she didn't follow it!

Gu Xiaowan looked at the domineering Zuo, and said with a smile: "Aunt Liang, I'm afraid you don't know anything. What my maid said is really not to scare you! According to the Qing law, but in the royal family People, except the few nobles in the palace who can directly call me by name, no one can even call me by first name and last name, not even the emperor’s ordinary concubines. Otherwise, call me by the name of the palace directly, but it is punishable. The great sin of the Nine Races!"

Gu Xiaowan deliberately stayed behind, no longer talking about me, but about her own palace. The bluffing old lady Liang also paled, and she was speechless for a while, and she didn't know to say anything.

And Gu Xiaowan’s next words made her even more scared: “It’s impossible for you to call this palace directly. After all, this palace is a princess, and you are just ordinary people now. However, this palace remembers that many years ago, For the sake of neighbors, this palace will not hold you accountable for your faults, but if there is a call to the palace with your name and surname next time, this palace will not mind sending you to the palace!"

Liang Shouyi twisted his eyebrows: "Are you scaring us?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "Uncle Liang, how could I scare you? Let's talk kindly, how nice, why should we turn our faces!"

She hasn't finished watching her play yet, and she doesn't want to turn her face so quickly.

Tan Yushu, who was sitting on her right hand, followed her at the beginning and watched with interest.

When they first came, Gu Xiaowan told them not to talk anymore, just drink tea and watch the show at ease.

After all, among the boudoirs, this kind of rascal is rare!

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