The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2237: Blood-sucking worm

Tan Yushu read it with gusto. After a while, the tea in the cup was ready for several times, but it was not enough. He glanced at Gu Xiaowan and motioned her to continue.

This play is much more beautiful than the troupe's play, babbled and sang, I can’t hear what to sing, but the scene in front of me is really beautiful!

Seeing that she was interested, Gu Xiaowan smiled at her, and then said: "My money, Aunt Liang, you also knew it last time. I said I would give it to you, but now you have an interaction with this group of people. , If that group knows my identity, what should they do if they come to ruin you?"

"No, no, as long as they take the money, they will definitely leave. They will never come to ruin us again. Don't worry, you are a princess. They are just a bunch of rogues. They must not dare to come. Fuck you!" Old lady Liang promised, busy patting her chest.

"How much do you owe them?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

The old lady Liang thought that Gu Xiaowan had been moved, and she hurriedly said the number she had planned: "I owe seven thousand taels. Although it is a bit too much, the money from this casino was originally only a few hundred taels. We have already rolled so much, and we will owe more in the future, so we are desperate!"

Gu Xiaowan was a little embarrassed when she heard it: "So much, my money will be given to you, but I never said that I will pay your son's debt!"

The old lady Liang and Liang Shouyi glanced at each other, and then hurriedly said, "Xiao Wan, you gave us this silver, and we take it to pay off the debt, isn't it the same!"

"That's definitely different!" Gu Xiaowan was sitting in a precarious manner, with a serious face: "The money is given to you, and you still owe me a favor, but if the money is in your hands, it will be given to someone else before it gets hot. Favor, do you remember?"

"Of course, of course, of course I remember! My son is also a member of my family, your great kindness, I will be a cow and a horse in my next life, and I must repay your kindness!" Old lady Liang looked moved.

As long as you give the money, if you take the money, the thing about this favor is not just talking about it, she is an Anping princess, how can she really make them pay back the favor.

"In this case, there is no proof, there must be evidence!" Gu Xiaowan said: "I can give you the money, but you have to give an explanation!"

Gu Fangxi was startled, and hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Wan"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at her and smiled, her eyes full of joy. Although Gu Fangxi didn't know what she was going to do next, but seeing her proud look at her, Gu Fangxi had to put down the doubts and wait to see. What will she do next!

"What is it? You said, you said, we must do it!" Liang Shouyi was about to jump up happily.

"Or else, just write a note. I don't want you to write too much. I voluntarily give you five thousand taels. The extra two thousand. Or you can write a note of two thousand, you see. How's it going?"

Gu Xiaowan agreed to give seven thousand taels.

The Liang family were overjoyed. They didn't even see the calculated smile from the corner of Gu Xiaowan's mouth. They hurriedly agreed with one voice: "Okay!"

Gu Fangxi frowned. When she came just now, Mrs. Liang put one another. Gu Xiaowan told her not to be impulsive. Now Gu Xiaowan wanted to give them seven thousand taels of silver. How could this be possible?

She glared at Gu Xiaowan, and saw Gu Xiaowan also glanced back at her, her beautiful enchanting eyes blinked gently, and Gu Fangxi was overjoyed in her heart and sat down busy.

The Liang family also knew how to write Liang Shouyi. He wrote an IOU and showed it to Gu Xiaowan: "How about you see?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at it and matched her thoughts completely, and then nodded: "It's okay, it's probably what it means!"

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan had accepted the IOU, the Liang family looked at her excitedly with their eyes open, waiting for her to get the silver, oh, no, seven thousand taels, it should be a silver bill.

They can't take seven thousand taels of silver.

When the silver business is finished, let's talk about the shop. Liang Shouyi coughed and just wanted to say something.

I saw Gu Xiaowan kindly ask: "You owe someone 7,000 taels of gambling debt. After you pay it off, how do you live?"

Liang Shouyi's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed. Without saying it myself, Gu Xiaowan proposed it by herself, it was simply touching his heart.

The old lady Liang was also overjoyed. As soon as she wanted to say something, she heard Gu Xiaowan continue to say: "You came to me three days ago, but you said that you would spend a thousand taels of silver in a few days. I want Ask, what do you eat on weekdays? It costs so much money. As you said just now, the old are old, the young are few, and there is no labor. I want to ask you, what do you rely on to make a living in the future?"

Old lady Liang was choked by Gu Xiaowan’s words. She didn’t expect Gu Xiaowan to ask like this. When she was thinking about how to answer, she heard Liang Dabao anxiously open her mouth: Does my shop let me be the shopkeeper? When I become the shopkeeper in the future, naturally I won’t have money!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled in anger, looked at the person sitting next to her, a smile appeared on her face, and raised her eyebrows at Tan Yushu, as if she was saying that she did not see it, the blood-sucking worm is the worm!

Liang Shouyi saw that his grandson had spoken like this, and felt a little wrong, but after all, he had already said it, and it would be futile to ask again. Moreover, Gu Xiaowan himself agreed to this, and said: "Xiaowan, don't blame Dabao for being straightforward. You promised to give us the shop last time. Don't worry, Dabao is an honest child. I will also be there to help him. I will definitely manage your shop well!"

Gu Xiaowan used to think that Sun Xi'e and Gu Xintao from the Gu family's big room were cheeky. He didn't expect to see the Liang family now, and then realized that a mountain is more high than a mountain, and strong middle players are more powerful players.

She looked helplessly at these three people who regarded herself as being wronged, and sighed.

The old lady Liang thought that Gu Xiaowan was worried about their livelihoods, and said hurriedly: "Xiaowan, don't worry, we trouble you this time, we will not trouble you anymore!"

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