The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2242: Don't get cheap and sell well

When Liang Shouyi saw her uttering her own words, his face suddenly turned pale: "Lotus"

These words were indeed told to Lotus at the head of the bed, and he couldn't deny it.

The old lady Liang heard this, and went up hysterically and scrambled Liang Shouyi: "Oh, you are not ashamed, you are so old, you still go to the brothel, and learn to marry a concubine. Are you shameless? Are you shameless! "

When Liang Shouyi was caught by her, there were five nail marks on his face. He was also annoyed, and he pushed away the old lady Liang: "What are you doing? You don't look in the mirror to see yourself, the old man Like a dry bark, what are you making? If it wasn't for the sake of giving birth to a son, you would be right if you didn't stop!"

Lotus stepped forward and added, "Liang Lang, I am still young now, and I can also have sons. I will give you ten or eight sons, okay?"

Liang Shouyi nodded, then looked at Gu Xiaowan and said, "Xiaowan, you know, you give us the silver, we won’t bother you if we take the silver! If you don’t give the silver, don’t blame me for letting you go. Everyone knows what they have done!"

Liang Shouyi scared her.

Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised: "You want to tell everyone what I said? Why don't I know?"

"Xiaowan, don't pretend, Master Min is here too. Last time, you and Gu's big house went to court. As your witnesses, she and I said a lot of good things for you. Have you forgotten them? ?"

Min Xuesi was sitting in a distressed situation, staring forward, as if hearing nothing.

Gu Xiaowan was surprised: "I asked you to say that the Gu family’s big house framed me and wanted to seize my property and land. I would tell you to say that Gu Chuanlu bought the official and exchanged my brother Gu Ning’an's test paper privately, and let him lose his name to Sun Shan, but Gu Ziwen did nothing. High school talents, and you and Gu Chuanlu conspired to take away the Gu family’s old house from Sanfang, and you hired Taoist priests who don’t know where they came from, slandering me as a disaster star and wanting to burn me. ?"

Liang Shouyi nerdy, he suffocated his neck: "I don't care. Anyway, if you let us say good things, we also said, you are all right now, and you want to cross the river and demolish the bridge. It's not that easy!"

Although the old lady Liang was angry, she knew that she was going to stand on the line with Liang Shouyi. She took the money to talk first, and then complained: "Xiaowan, you see, then you have to pity me and Dabao." , I only have Dabao now, and I can’t let these people take Dabao’s hands and feet! If he is disabled, what do you do if you make me a lonely old woman!"

Liang Dabao also cried: "Xiaowan, please, please have mercy on me! Ooo!"

A big man shed tears, and the ruffians who were present saw him and snorted mockingly.

Gu Xiaowan also sneered: "I really can't see where you are pitiful. The gambling debt you want is also your new gambling, and no one puts a knife on your neck, letting you gamble and go shopping. Brothel, it should be Uncle Liang went there voluntarily, right?

Lotus was busy proving his innocence: "He was the one who went to the brothel by himself, and I ordered me by myself, I didn't get him!"

"When you had money, you used gambling and gambling. Now you don’t have any money, and you took me out as a knife and said that I would give you money. I don’t know. You are not my parents. Why should I give you money? Besides, if my parents did this, I would turn my face and deny them, let alone you!"

Su Mang kept sitting there watching his nose, nose, nose and heart. After he helped Gu Fangxi find out about the Liang family, he felt that he was still unsafe, so he went to Master Min Xuesi of the government office. The two of them worked together and brought the two groups together. I was caught, and tortured severely, and then went to the brothel to find the lotus girl.

Where does the lotus girl have any feelings for Liang Shouyi? The woman in the dust is nothing more than money. Besides, the people don't fight against the officials, and the officials want you to do something, who doesn't take it seriously. This good show performed by Lotus was also instructed by him.

However, Liang Shouyi personally told lotus about the content here, otherwise, the lines added temporarily would not come out so naturally.

He wanted to laugh a little, thinking that when Gu Fangxi heard the news from the Liang family, his stunned mouth was slightly open, and his white teeth were like shells, which were still shining in the sun. They were so beautiful.

Her skin is very white. Although it is not as white as Princess Anping, it is much whiter than ordinary people. And because of her pampering and good care, her skin is very white. Now she is in her early thirties, and she is only more and more charming and enchanting as an adult woman. .

Gu Fangxi didn't know that Su Mang had done so many things, or that he was thinking of himself in his heart now, but that these filthy things were contaminating Gu Xiaowan, which was an insult to Gu Xiaowan.

She couldn't help it anymore, stood up, and said sharply: "Don't think that Xiaowan is a bully. You do these dirty things that trouble Xiaowan, either gambling or prostitutes. Xiaowan wiped your buttocks. Who do you think you are? Didn’t you just tell the truth? You really took the pole and thought you were the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who rescued hardships. I tell you, if you were helping Dafang speak, now It’s not just Dafang, but also your family. Xiao Wan will help you, and you will avenge your revenge. Do you want to be shameless!"

Gu Fangxi didn't speak very loudly, but because he had been following Gu Xiaowan for a long time, his whole body became more and more vigorous. At this moment, he was acting like the master of someone's house, who was incompetent. Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but want to applaud.

Su Mang looked at Gu Fangxi, who was not leaking, the words were clear, and he was not shy or timid. This was like the Gu Fangxi he had seen in his daily life.

Gu Fangxi he saw was the woman whose face would turn red when talking to herself. At this moment, she was bold, intelligent, dignified, and generous, as if she had lifted the layers of mist and let him discover After that, I became more obsessed and intoxicated.

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