The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2243: You still owe me two thousand taels

After Gu Fangxi finished speaking, he seemed to feel someone staring at him intently, and looking there hurriedly, he saw Su Mang looking at him in shock, his eyes full of approval and surprise.

Her face flushed suddenly.

The interaction between the two fell into Gu Xiaowan's eyes.

If she didn't understand these two people very well before, she understood everything now. This Master Su's eyes were praised and amazing, and even with some admiration, she would not be wrong!

But Gu Fangxi did not see that there was love in it, because no one had looked at her like this, even if she was married, but the previous husband was a scumbag, and he only regarded Gu Fangxi as a beast. Looking at her lovingly like a woman, naturally, she could not understand the obsession and love in Su Mang's eyes.

The Liang family didn't speak, and groaned, how could they understand Gu Fangxi's words.

Min Xuesi stood up at this moment: "Princess, these rascals came to ask for debts, originally because they mentioned you. Now that it seems that this matter has nothing to do with the princess at all, these people will still be taken away from the government. Up!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well, but Master Min, don't embarrass people. After all, people also rely on this business for food. It is only natural to owe debts and pay back!"

Liang Laozi's face paled for a while: "Xiao Wan"

The group of ruffians were caught, and they thought they were going to be closed for several days. Unexpectedly, the Anping princess would even speak for them. She immediately thumped gratefully and knelt on the ground.

They were originally strong men, but this head knocked loudly on the bluestone slab: "Xie Princess, Xie Princess!"

Liang Dabao's scared expression changed: "Grandma, what should I do? What should I do?"

Liang Shouyi looked at Liang Dabao, the old lady Liang, and the lotus again, a little annoying.

This matter, as long as Gu Xiaowan pays the silver is not enough, seven thousand taels, two thousand taels are paid back, and there is still money to buy a house, and money to redeem the lotus, which is a matter of silver!

As soon as he was about to speak, he saw Gu Xiaowan taking a sip of tea slowly: "Why, aren't the three going back?

go back?

Didn't you come to get the silver?

How can I go back if I don't get the money!

Seeing what Gu Xiaowan had forgotten, Aunt Liang reminded her hurriedly: "Xiaowan, did you forget something? What about the seven thousand taels of silver that you said! You see they are all here, just give them directly, otherwise Dabao Hands and feet"

Gu Xiaowan was "surprised", raising her eyes and asking: "What is seven thousand taels?"

It seemed that he had forgotten the seven thousand taels promised to them just now.

"Xiaowan, didn't you just say it well, seven thousand taels of silver, those people want big treasures! Where do we have so much silver!" The old lady Liang regretted what Gu Xiaowan had said, and said hurriedly. . Liang Shouyi and Liang Dabao looked at Gu Xiaowan like monsters.

This woman is not stupid, why can't I remember what I said just now!

Gu Xiaowan was stunned, and looked at Zuo behind her: "I just said this? Why don't I have any impression?"

Zuo quickly replied: "Girl, you haven't said it, I haven't heard it."

Gu Fangxi also understood Gu Xiaowan's plan at this moment. She smiled openly in her heart, but she showed a surprised look on her face, and asked: "Xiaowan said that before? I have been here, why didn't I hear it! "

Tan Yushu also nodded, solemnly: "This princess has never heard of it! My sister has been comforting you all the time and asked you to go to the government to report to the government, but I never said about lending you money!"

This is a denial!

Liang Dabao was anxious and pointed at Gu Xiaowan and cursed: "You said just now that you gave us seven thousand taels of silver, and also said that we were only allowed to write an IOU for two thousand taels of silver. You want to give us five thousand taels of silver. you forgot?"

Gu Xiaowan "suddenly realized" at this time, and took out the debit from her cuff: "Oh, I understand, don't you say I forgot, you still owe me two thousand taels!"

Gu Xiaowan shook the IOU in her hand. It was written in black and white with the names of Liang Shouyi and Liang Dabao written on it. No one could escape.

At that time, I gave the Liang family one thousand taels of silver, and spent one thousand taels to buy a house for them, and they happened to be here.

Only then did Liang Shouyi understand that Gu Xiaowan was deliberately making fun of them!

Lotus’s face changed all of a sudden, and she took a sip: “I’m pooh, didn’t you say that you are rich? Feelings. You also borrowed money from a princess. Pooh, I can see it clearly now. What kind of relatives are not the princesses of the other people, a shameless resident, who has gone to the pole and ruined them, why are you so embarrassed!"

Seeing Lotus and seeing that he had no money, Liang Shouyi turned his face and refused to recognize people in the blink of an eye. He was also anxious: "I have spent four or five hundred taels on you in the past few days. What else do you want!"

"Hmph, I thought you were capable. My old lady thought my good days were coming, and if you can drink spicy food with you, it's just a shameless settlement!" Lotus relentlessly accused.

Hearing that Liang Shouyi spent only a few days of work on the woman in the brothel, he spent all his savings on this brothel girl, and angrily pointed at Liang Shouyi and cursed: "You are shameless, you have to be shameless! A lot of age, I am"

The hooligans also yelled: "Repay the money, pay the money!"

Seeing that she hadn't got seven thousand taels of silver, Old Lady Liang was wronged by Gu Xiaowan and wrote an IOU of two thousand taels. These two thousand taels were killing them!

Gu Xiaowan graciously handed the two thousand taels of silver in her hand to Zuo, who was on the side: "You can collect this loan for me. Anyway, I am not in a hurry. Let them pay back the money from these people first. Two thousand taels, after paying it back, come back to me again!"

Old lady Liang was anxiously angry, unable to catch her breath, her face turned red and purple, and she fainted.

Liang Dabao screamed: "Grandma, grandma"

Liang Shouyi didn't care about lotus at this moment, lotus had already abandoned him, and pretended to come forward to help old lady Liang.

A few drops of crocodile tears were squeezed out of the corner of her eyes: "Old lady, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare to do it again, you must not die"

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