The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2244: The doctor is here

If she really died, he and Liang Dabao would really have to go to the street to beg and drink Northwest Wind.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the old lady Liang who had passed out again, and felt that this person was too old to faint easily.

However, the wink she gave to Liang Dabao before she fainted did not escape Zuo's eyes!

Gu Xiaowan was a little tired from watching the play, she put her hands on her cheeks, and asked lazily, "Is the doctor here?"

Liang Shouyi cursed: "Gu Xiaowan, you snake-hearted poisonous woman, if my old lady makes a mistake, I want you to pay for it!"

Gu Xiaowan said in surprise: "Uncle Liang, what you said is strange. Aunt Liang is dizzy. It's my business. It's your grandson who gambles, and you are the prostitute. Aunt Liang is also both of you. Relationship?"

Gu Xiaowan was very aggrieved. Liang Shou stood up loyally and tore his face directly: "Okay, don't do your relationship. Now people are dizzy in your house. I want a room. I want to take care of my old lady. The old lady wants to recover from the illness. If you don’t give it, I’ll go outside and sue you. Princess Anping has a scorpion heart and blasted the seriously ill old man out of the garden. I’ll see how the world poke your backbone!"

Gu Xiaowan had already thought of this.

Someone outside shouted: "Girl, the doctor is here"

Liang Shouyi was in a daze. Looking back, he saw a person wearing the clothes of an official man was walking quickly, followed by a person wearing the same official clothes coming over.

"Doctor Meng" Gu Xiaowan saw that the person who came was actually Doctor Meng, a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

"Oh, I happened to be outside, and I saw your subordinates were going to find the doctor, so I came in!" The doctor Meng stepped forward and said.

What a coincidence?

The doctor Hao Lian was also on the street last time and was accidentally bumped by Kou Hai. This time he was met again. The doctor was fine, so he likes to wander in front of her house outside the palace?

Even though Gu Xiaowan thought about it, she didn’t think about the imperial doctor, so she said, “Since the doctor Meng is here, please check with the old man! I don’t know what's wrong, and she fainted. !"

Liang Dabao hugged the old lady Liang but didn't let go, and said with canthus: "Where is the smelly doctor, I don't want you to touch my grandma!"

The expressions of the people present changed, and Gu Xiaowan sneered: "What a big tone, this is the doctor Meng from the Imperial Hospital, the doctor who specializes in the treatment of the son, the queen mother, and the empress. He turned out to be a smelly doctor in your mouth. Breathe!"

Royal doctor?

The clothes of the old man in the front were embroidered with birds. Although the clothes of the young man in the back were not as luxurious as the old man in front, the upper part was also embroidered with birds. Gu Xiaowan respected this man so much that the Liang family were a little afraid.

Liang Shouyi was afraid that he would provoke people from the government. This was really too much to take away. Anyway, the old woman passed out, and she would definitely not wake up for a while, so she pulled Liang Dabao: "Let him see!"

Madam Meng didn’t say much about Liang Dabao’s insults just now. He stepped forward and began to pulse. After looking at it for a while, he said: “Princess, this old woman is not a serious problem. It’s just a coma caused by an angry attack and a blood flow back. There is no need to prescribe medicine. After the old man puts a few needles on her temples and Tiantu acupoints, and the blood is smooth, he will soon wake up."

Gu Xiaowan: "Thank you, Doctor Meng!"

Liang Dabao had seen a needle stick, and he saw Doctor Meng take out a bag of things from the medical box. After spreading it out, the long, thin needle tip with cold light inside was frightening.

"What is this?" Liang Dabao was a little confused, and took a step back unconsciously: "Where is this going, will it bleed?"

Acupuncture and moxibustion is not very popular nowadays, and only the doctors of the imperial hospitals will be appointed. Therefore, there are very few people who know acupuncture in the private sector.

"This is acupuncture. Don't look at this needle. It's thin and long, but it won't bleed if it's stuck. Moreover, it can pierce the congested veins in it, which is a better medical technique than taking medicine!" Dr. Meng tirelessly introduced Tao.

Liang Shouyi glanced at him, but also a little scared: "Will you pierce people to death?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at him, and saw him approaching Doctor Meng slightly, with cold light and excitement in his eyes that were different from ordinary people.

Grand Doctor Meng picked up a needle and said, "Normally, not, but if the acupuncture point is wrong, then maybe it is!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Liang Shouyi's mouth, and soon disappeared. He came behind the doctor Meng and said nothing.

Gu Xiaowan understood what he meant at once.

If Dr. Meng had a bad needle and killed Mrs. Liang, then he was just right, and he could err on himself for the rest of his life.

Gu Xiaowan sneered. For her own sake, she was able to count against the person next to her who had been together for decades. This Liang Shouyi was indeed a black heart.

Madam Meng didn’t know Liang Shouyi’s plan. He took the needle and said, “As soon as the needle was pierced, it was a little bit sour, some rose, and some numb. After a while, it felt sour and sour. , I only inserted halfway in, there was nothing to be afraid of!"

He pinched the needle with his index finger and thumb, and the slender needle tip was glowing with an eye-catching cold light. His needle was slowly piercing towards the temple of Mrs. Liang. Liang Dabao was shocked when he looked at him, and he blindfolded his eyes: " very scary!"

Liang Shouyi didn't respond at all. If you look closely, you can still see the sneer and triumph at the corners of his mouth. Gu Xiaowan winked at Zuo, and Zuo hurriedly flashed away and walked behind Liang Shouyi.

Seeing that there was only a finger-long distance left to reach the temple of Old Lady Liang, I heard a faint sigh coming from the ground.


Old lady Liang, wake up!

As for Zuo, he grabbed Liang Shouyi's hand that was about to reach out to Doctor Meng: "Liang Shouyi, what are you going to do!"

Liang Dabao opened his eyes and saw Old Lady Liang opened his eyes and said hurriedly: "Grandma, you are awake!"

Liang Shouyi saw the needle and didn't get it down. He stretched out his hand in the air and was caught by someone. He hurriedly tried to break free, his face was as stinky as the stone in the cesspit, black and smelly: "What are you going to do? Quickly let me go!"

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