The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2281: I took the initiative to pursue her

Shu Min saw that everyone looked over, and knew that if Shen Wenjun's words were heard by someone with a heart, it would be a crime of treason. She thought about it now, and then sneered: "Master Shen's mouth can really joke, this But at the feet of the emperor, every inch of earth, every citizen, that belongs to the emperor. The Ming Palace is no exception, and belongs to the emperor."

Shen Wenjun nodded: "It's good that the princess knows that all the world, is it the king's soil, the land of the land, is it the king's minister. Xiaoyi in my family is also a citizen of the emperor, no one can insult her at will, just now yours Family slave, insult my family Xiaoyi, my family Xiaoyi is gentle and kind, and speaks softly. If the princess today does not understand why he wants the family slave to bully my family Xiaoyi, then he will speak to the emperor. They are all the emperor’s citizens, and I believe that the emperor will not favor anyone."

Princess Mingdu's face paled.

Although the Shen family is in business, they do have this ability.

Legend has it that the Emperor Xian once played in a battle. He originally thought that he could make a quick battle. How did he know that the enemy was cunning, but he dragged it off again and again until late autumn.

Soldiers are thousands of miles away from home, without clothes, cold hands and feet all day long, and wherever they have the mind to fight, it’s enough to play around all day. There are still more than half of the thick clothes and quilts sent from the capital that have not been resolved. We were about to freeze to death in the past halfway. How did you know that the Shen family actually sent a large number of clothes and bedding, and all of the first emperor's worries were solved at once.

After I asked, I learned that the clothes and bedding were some merchants of the Shen family. In response to the Shen family’s response, they prepared clothes and bedding from various places, because the Shen family relied on honesty in doing business, and the Shen family was a human being. Modest and kind, some of the merchants I met also listened to the words of the Shen family. In just a few days, they bought a lot of warm clothes and bedding.

When this thing was sent to the battlefield, it saved the lives of the soldiers of the Manchu army. With the clothes to wear, the soldiers stopped playing, and rushed into the battlefield with excitement. After a while, the first emperor returned in a big victory. After this return, it is natural to praise the Shen family, especially when I heard that the Shen family almost emptied the family for those warm clothes and bedding. The emperor was even more grateful and wanted to give gold and silver. Jewelry, to repay the Shen family.

However, the Patriarch of the Shen family did not want it, saying that it was for the court to serve, but it was the duty of every citizen. The Shen family still had the opportunity to make a comeback. The things bestowed by the imperial family were reserved to reward those soldiers who sacrificed on the battlefield.

The emperor Xian said that he would grant officials, and the Shen family also said no. They only said that they were used to being free and loose, only doing business, not being officials.

I heard that the Emperor Xian was greatly moved by hearing that, he bestowed the name of the imperial merchant, and personally gave the Shen family the name Jinxiu Cloth Shop. The Shen family was honest and steadfast. Although the family was almost empty, they later relied on their connections. As well as his ability, he has achieved No. 1 in the world.

Later, there was a situation where "the cloth of the world is beautiful, and no one has it".

What it means is that all the good fabrics in the world come from Jinxiu Cloth Shop. If Jinxiu does not have it, then the whole world is gone. This is also a considerable compliment.

And because of the relationship between the Shen family and the first emperor, although no one in the Shen family was appointed as an official in the court, it was very impressive among the Beijing generation.

The influence of is as effective even as the current head of the Shen family, Shen Jianshen. The status of the Shen family in the capital is no less than that of a third-grade capital official, and even more popular than a third-grade capital official.

Secondly, the money of the Shen family is so much that you can't count it. The Shen family has only one son. It is the age of marriage. How many people squeezed their heads to enter the Shen family and want to marry the Shen family. , Unexpectedly, this Shen Wenjun had already belonged.

It turned out to be Gu Xiaowan's younger sister.

The more Shen Wenjun helped Gu Xiaoyi speak, the more resent Shu Min felt.

What a couple of dogs and dogs! I'm already frowning before I get married!

Shu Min winked, and Huang Ru sneered on the side: "So this is Princess Anping's younger sister. Isn't it true that this is the sister of Princess Anping? If the whole family does not enter the house, Princess Anping will have a private life when she is young. No mother was born, the younger sister was brought up by Princess Anping. The eldest sister is like a mother. She really teaches what the person is like, and what she teaches is also shameless. The young girl and the man dazzled. What style of success."

Gu Xiaowan frowned her eyebrows slightly. This Huang Ruo hadn't seen her for a long time. He didn't expect that as soon as he came out, he would be like a dog, biting people, don't others know what she did?

As soon as she wanted to walk over and teach the Huang Ruye well, she heard Shen Wenjun say: "Ms. Fang was born a famous lady, and her every move is an example of a famous lady, but I don’t know what the lady said. who is it?"

His gaze casually looked at Shu Min, who was in the cloth village who didn’t know, the Princess Mingdu was chasing the eldest son of the Su family in Manjing before he had time, and even threatened the eldest son of the Su family. It was the person she liked, and no woman was allowed to approach.

Everyone knows this, but who doesn't?

I am afraid that even the old man and the old lady who set up a street stall have heard of such a thing. Therefore, Shen Wenjun asked Huang Ruye back, and immediately stopped asking Huang Ruye.

Without even thinking about it, she retorted: "Of course it's her, a shameless woman, who flirts with men in broad daylight, and she doesn't know how to be ashamed."

Shen Wenjun laughed, "It turns out that this is what Mrs. Fang said. I am really embarrassed. Xiao Yi from my family is actively pursuing her. She has a thin skin and has never responded to the next. , Xiao Yi and I are of marriageable age, and the male and unmarried women are unmarried. They are both fair and honest. I have never clearly stipulated in the Qing Dynasty that it is not allowed to pursue before marriage, Madam Fang, what do you think is wrong? Women are justified, dare to ask everyone, what's wrong?"

The buyers in the cloth shop shook their heads, and some of them said, "There is nothing wrong with the unmarried men and the unmarried women, and they are in the right place. It is a marriage of heaven."

The Qing Dynasty did not value the defense of men and women very much, and there was not so much interference in the marriage of men and women. As long as they clean themselves before marriage, and the two are happy, if they can make a couple, then it is a happy event for both men and women.

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