The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2282: Unclimbable lintel

After all, everyone wants their children to be good. If you can find a sweetheart who is both in love and right, whoever is not happy to see it happen.

After all, such a marriage is much happier than an arranged one.

There was another customer who didn't know where he came from. He wiped the sweat on his face and smiled: "It is only natural for a man to chase a girl, and it is not a shocking woman to chase a man. That is shameless! "

Gu Xiaowan turned her head to look and saw an ordinary-looking man. He was supposed to be a delivery merchant from outside. He was big and thick and dark-skinned, and he was supposed to be a trader who ran out of town all year round.

The voice of the person fell, and the room was silently heard almost by a needle. The visitor wanted to come from outside, and he didn't even know who he was talking about, but he was standing in front of him.

When the trader saw that he had finished speaking, everyone looked at him like a ghost, especially one of the luxuriously-dressed women, whose angry eyes seemed to eat herself. The trader was also from all over the place. What? Such a person has never seen him before, knowing he has made a mistake, and ran away hurriedly.

Respect you are a man, Gu Xiaowan smiled with joy.

This Shen Wenjun looked like a weak scholar, but when he talked about it, the needles were really needles, and the points were sharp, hitting a snake and hitting three inches, and this time, Shu Min's old bottom was exposed.

"I'm a man, why can't I pursue a girl with an admiration?" Shen Wenjun said, looking at Gu Xiaoyi again, his eyes were full of bright galaxies, as bright as the stars on the horizon.

Zuo whispered from the side: "This son of the Shen family is a good one, protect his shortcomings!"

Gu Xiaowan is also very satisfied, but that's not the case, her own woman doesn't hurt herself, who hurts? As long as it is what you like, no matter who you are, you still criticize it!

Shu Min stared at Huang Rue bitterly. Huang Ruye was startled, and he lowered his head hurriedly with a sad expression on his face.

"Master Shen is very eloquent, and that's the case, we say we can't beat you." After Shu Min finished speaking, she turned around complainingly and wanted to leave.

Gu Xiaowan sneered, this Shu Min's poisonous heart.

Seeing that she was uncovered by Shen Wenjun, now that she said she couldn't beat him, she said that the young boss of Jinxiu Cloth Village bullied a weak woman. If this word were passed out, Shen Wenjun was afraid that he would not be able to clean up if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Sure enough, she saw Shen Wenjun condensing her eyebrows, and Gu Xiaoyi on the side was very worried, but Shen Wenjun lightly patted her on the head and signaled her not to worry.

It's just fame. As long as Xiao Yi is not injured, he is a manly man, it doesn't matter.

But Gu Xiaoyi didn't think so. Think about the reputation of the Shen family in the capital, honesty in business, and a childish man. Even the only young owner of the Shen family is young, promising and polite.

Gu Xiaoyi shouldn't let Shen Wenjun have any stains because of her, even a small black spot.

Gu Xiaoyi pushed Shen Wenjun away. Soon Shen Wenjun caught her sleeves, but couldn't hold her: "Xiao Yi" Gu Xiaoyi came to Shu Min.

Shu Min is very tall, especially her neck. Because she has been lifting it all the year round, she looks more and more noble. Gu Xiaoyi looks weak because of her young age.

As Zuo was about to step forward to help, Gu Xiaowan pulled her and motioned her not to move: "Let them handle it by themselves."

Gu Xiaoyi stood in front of Shu Min with his head high, and the high-spirited posture and the smile raised at the corners of his lips, the temperament did not lose to Shu Min.

Huang Rushi was glared at by Shu Min just now, knowing that it is a good time to fight back, and snorted coldly: "Why, do you want to come to me Xingshi to inquire? Sure enough, the family style of the Shen family is good, a man upright and upright. How about arguing with a woman, and winning it? Since ancient times, good men have not quarreled with women, son Shen, hasn't your father taught you?"

Gu Xiaoyi was generous, without seeing any weaknesses: "Have the two ladies never heard of the three words "Huyouzi?"

"What?" Huang Ruyi didn't understand for a while, with a look of impatientness: "What's so bad!"

Gu Xiaowan laughed silently when she heard it. Zuo on the side didn't understand, and was a little curious: "What is Huozi?"

"When there is someone by your side, everything you do is right, and when it is wrong for others, then it is protecting the calf." Gu Xiaowan chuckled lightly.

Sure enough, the face of Shu Min who understood the meaning became more ugly.

Gu Xiaoyi immediately said: "No wonder this lady thinks that my brother Wen Jun quarreled with you. My brother Wen Jun is a guardian. He wants to protect the person, let alone you, it is the Jade Emperor. He also has to argue. Does this lady, think she can be compared to the Jade Emperor? Or is this lady never protected you?"

Gu Xiaowan has always felt that her sister's mouth is clumsy. Now that she heard this, let's see who else said her mouth was clumsy. What's so clumsy? This is obviously killing people without seeing blood.

How could Huang Ru have someone who protects a calf, and she has never experienced the feeling of being cared for in the palm of her hand.

Fang Zhengxing was only for his own official destiny to indulge her, so he was kind to her, but now after that incident, due to family ugliness, due to the connection with the Huang family, Fang Zhengxing has not been to her for a long time. Have been to the yard.

Huang Ruzhi's face was particularly ugly, looking at the happy woman in front of him, he wanted to slap it.

And Shu Min, too, looked at Gu Xiaoyi grimly.

These one or two are happier than her.

How about she is the princess, these people get the happiness they want, and someone holds them in their palms and protects them with headaches. What about her? She wanted this too. There was a man who could pamper her and protect her, but she couldn't tell.

No one, it can be said that Su Ziyue, has never protected her!

Shu Min's complexion was very bad, it was almost as bad as the mud on the ground.

She looked at Gu Xiaoyi, who was so energetic in front of her, and said coldly, "Huh, what about someone protecting you? A humble peasant girl is a humble peasant girl. Your sister flew on a branch and turned into a phoenix. Do you think you can do that too? Two good clothes boast that they can climb the Shen family. The Shen family has a big family. How many famous ladies in the capital are waiting for marriage, it depends on you? Hehe"

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