The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2301: Go to Xiangguo Temple

Gu Xiaoyi couldn't laugh or cry. She was holding a box. Aunt Shen was still smiling and said that this made Gu Xiaoyi feel too heavy.

"Oh my God, this Shen family, marry a wife. No, I haven't gotten the door yet, I haven't gotten married yet. This handwriting is really big! But it also shows that Uncle Shen likes you very much, otherwise, Their money and family business were not brought by the strong wind, so why not give it to the victim, but give it to you." Tan Yushu laughed.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at her and thought to tease her: "Do you want it?"

Tan Yushu raised his chin: "I don't want it! Brother Ning Ping will not give me anything, I am happy."

Gu Xiaowan touched her shrill chin while shopping, and said sadly: "The female congress is not in the middle, and I don't know when the Shen family will come to propose marriage. If it comes, I am afraid that you will be the first to marry. I planned to stay with you for a few more years!"

After all, she is still a child. If this were in modern times, she was still in junior high school, she was almost eighteen now, and she hadn't thought about what to do when marrying at such a young age, Xiao Yi is four years younger than her!

However, I heard that Shen Wenjun is eighteen.

Gu Xiaoyi blushed and said shyly: "Brother Wen Jun said, he is not in a hurry. He said that when you and the two elder brothers are married, he will come to propose marriage again."

Gu Xiaowan squatted, how could this matter to her head.

Tan Yushu smiled aside: "Sister, you have to take a step forward. You have been kissing for so many years."

Gu Xiaowan asked unceremoniously: "Are you eager to get married?"

Tan Yushu said without shame: "Yes! As long as he comes back, we will get married right away!"

So don't get in the way!

Gu Xiaowan glanced at her, groaning: "Don't be ashamed!"

Tan Yushu, who is not ashamed, continued: "I'm still planning to have five children. The female is like me and the male is like him. Haha, I'm so excited to think of it."

Gu Xiaowan was even more happy when she saw the excited Tan Yushu.

I don't know what happened to Gu Ningping.

Under the Ye Mingzhu, the three women sat together. When talking about life in the future, even their eyes were shining, brighter than the light of that Ye Mingzhu.

As the saying goes, there are three women in one play. The three of them sang the play for half the night last night. It was hard to bear until the latter half of the night, and then they fell asleep.

When I got up the next morning, there was no movement inside. Zuo took the lead to walk in and rolled up the curtains. There were three people lying on top of the wide bed. At this moment, seeing the light outside, they all opened their eyes: "Ah. Left, I haven't woken up yet!"

"Girl, princess, young lady, it's time to get up!" Zuo also smiled.

Tan Yushu's sleepy eyes: "Why are you getting up? Anyway, it's fine. Let's lie in bed and sleep for a while!"

Zuo smiled and said, "Did the princess forget? There is a big event in the capital today!"

"A big deal? What big deal?" Gu Xiaowan didn't think of it either.

"Girl, did you forget? Master Huiyuan is coming back today!"


Gu Xiaowan raised her eyebrows to look at her, and she forgot about it.

Zuo smiled and said: "It has spread outside, and many people have gone to the city gate to greet him. Even the emperor left the palace and went to Xiangguo Temple to meet Master Huiyuan!"

Of course, it is a great joy for Master Huiyuan to return to the capital a few years later.

"Get up, hurry up, I almost forgot, I'm going to ask for a peace sign!" Tan Yushu jumped out of the bed.

Gu Xiaowan looked at her with a smile. Last time she had a nightmare, Tan Yushu was talking about it.

After a few people freshened up quickly, Gu Xiaowan and the others went to Xiangguo Temple in a carriage.

Yihong and Yilu also followed. Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to let these two people stay alone in the Qingyuan. It was better to bring them around.

Tan Yushu said excitedly: "Master Huiyuan knows the past and the present, and also knows the future. How many people talked to Master Huiyuan about the Dharma last time, but so far there are very few people who have this fate. Sister, please go and take a look. , See if Zen Master Huiyuan will tell you about the Dharma!"

Know the past and present, know the future better?

Gu Xiaowan thought of the talk with Master Huiyuan on Buddhism many years ago. He seemed to know her life experience and said that she was born again from Nirvana. What does it mean?

Things that happened many years ago came to mind again, Gu Xiaowan was still a little uncertain, she was an alien species, and she didn't know if Master Huiyuan already knew it.

She smiled and said, "Many years ago, I had a chance meeting and heard Master Huiyuan's Dharma!"

"What?" Tan Yushu was shocked: "When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

Even Yihong and Yilu on the side were surprised.

"For many years, when I was still in Liujiazhen, how many years ago things happened!" Gu Xiaowan said.

At that time, she should be only more than ten years old. In a flash, I am afraid it will be in five or six years.

When I was talking, I saw the carriage bumped and suddenly stopped, and I heard Ahmad ask sharply: "Who are you and why are you blocking my carriage?"

In broad daylight, when the heavens and the earth are in the air, Gu Xiaowan is not afraid, and she lifts the curtain of the car to look out: "Amad, who stopped the carriage?"

She looked at the person who was blocking the carriage in front of her, and saw a man dressed in white with his back facing the carriage, with an outstanding posture. Gu Xiaowan looked a little strange in her stature, and asked: "Who are you and why are you stopping me? carriage?"

The voice was crisp, like a cry from the empty valley.

Hearing the sound in the white robe, he turned around slowly.

He was wearing a drapery hat on his head, and he could not see his appearance. His white snow-like clothes flew up and down in the autumn wind, and the black long hair that was waist-length also flew with the white clothes, like Snow, black like ink.

The people in front did not speak, and the people in the carriage looked out.

There was no one on the street at the moment, the man in white just stood in the middle of the street, silently looking at the carriage in a trance.

Ahmad said: "This Xiongtai, please let me down, our carriage will pass!"

The person on the opposite side did not move. Gu Xiaowan lifted the curtain and walked out, and said: "Dare to ask, what is the point of stopping our carriage?"

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