The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2302: Strange man in white

Today Gu Xiaowan wore a white dress, her hair combed around her temples, and a few pearls inlaid on her head, making her look more and more beautiful.

A pair of beautiful eyes are like a bottomless pool, and like a poppy poisoned into the bone marrow, like, like.

Baiyi Shengxue seems to be back twenty years ago, she is the same as before.

The person on the opposite side wore a white curtain and couldn't see his appearance clearly, but if Gu Xiaowan didn't feel wrong, the person on the opposite side kept his eyes on her, with inquiry and doubt.

Seeing that man stood there like this, he didn't move, his tone was no longer as polite as he was just now: "Excuse me, what do you do?

When the figure on the opposite side moved, suddenly he flew into the air, and he was already flying into the air.

Gu Xiaowan said: "You don't need to chase, just leave!"

The man in white clothes, judging from the tall and brave figure, should be a man. He left without saying a word, as if he had never appeared before.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the direction he was leaving, and when she returned to the carriage, a scene of deja vu suddenly flashed in her mind.

But how could she know such a person!

Tan Yushu was a little confused: "Who is this person? He is dressed in white, and still covers his face and does not speak."

"Perhaps you have found the wrong person!" Gu Xiaowan said lightly, without taking the matter into his mind at all.

No one stopped, the carriage continued to move forward.

After crossing the main street and heading to the main road, there are more and more people. The officers and soldiers kept order by the roadside. Gu Xiaowan’s carriage had a logo of Princess Anping on it. The officers and soldiers let go and went straight to Xiangguo Temple.

Xiangguo Temple is a national temple. It was in the imperial city. When they reached the gate, Gu Xiaowan and others got out of the carriage and walked to Xiangguo Temple.

The people around were all people who came to see Master Huiyuan. They stood respectfully on both sides of the road, welcoming them in the road, and there was no sound. The temple was even quieter, as if they were afraid that their words would disturb the Bodhisattva.

Gu Xiaowan got out of the carriage and walked up the steps. As he went up, the officers and soldiers in the imperial city became denser and denser, each wearing armor and holding spears to guard the safety inside.

Su Mang led a team of officers and soldiers on patrol next to Xiangguo Temple, and when he reached the gate of Xiangguo Temple, he ran into Gu Xiaowan and others.

"Princess Anping, Lord Huguo" Su Mang stepped forward to ask for peace.

"Master Su" everyone replied.

Gu Xiaowan turned her head and looked at it, and she saw all the people in the black pressure. It seemed that all the people sitting in the city were coming: "Many people!"

Su Mang smiled and said: "Master Huiyuan is a high-ranking monk. He has not been back to the capital for many years. Today, when he returned to the capital, half of the people in the capital came to welcome him."

Tan Yushu said, "Sister, you haven't seen the lively scene of him opening the altar to teach the Dharma, let alone the people in the capital, it is the people who believe in Buddhism from all over the world, who came to listen to the Dharma overnight!" Master Huiyuan is indeed a Taoist monk, but Gu Xiaowan always has the fear of being unclear about these Taoist monks. After all, she is not really an ancient person. I saw it through, saying that I was a monster, what happened.

After thinking about it, Gu Xiaowan planned to stay a little longer later, and he must have found out.

Gu Xiaowan thought about this, and followed Tan Yushu and others to Xiangguo Temple.

The emperor is here today too, and he is going to visit him!

Shu Tianci, dressed in a black and gold dragon robe, was kneeling in front of the Bodhisattva majesticly. Grandpa Qi also kneeled behind him. The rest were the monks in Xiangguo Temple. The heavily guarded guard at the door knew Princess Anping and the Lord Huguo and let them in directly.

The rest of the people stayed outside.

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu entered the hall, and when they raised their eyes, they saw a huge bodhisattva sitting in the center of the hall, with a face of kind eyebrows and benevolent eyes, saving all beings. Shu Tianci knelt on the front and center futon, praying religiously with his hands folded.

I am afraid it is to pray that the weather will be smooth and the country will be peaceful.

Father Qi also knelt behind and no one reported, so Shu Tianci didn't know that Gu Xiaowan was here.

The monk from Xiangguo Temple seemed to come over to salute, and Gu Xiaowan waved her hand to tell them not to speak.

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu didn't speak or disturb Shu Tianci, so they knelt on the futon behind them in turn.

Gu Xiaowan knelt behind Shu Tianci. The Buddha's incense seemed to smell his unique ambergris. His body was straight, but extremely religious. Gu Xiaowan put her hands together and began to bow down.

What she wants now is not to be able to return to the modern age. It has been almost ten years. She has no extravagant expectations. She only wants her parents to support her life. For her unfilial daughter, forget it as soon as possible.

There were bursts of dull pain in the heart, like being stabbed twice with something, and his body stiffened involuntarily.

She is an unfilial person!

No one knows that an unremarkable carriage is speeding in the suburbs. The driver raises his whip. At the top of the carriage sits a monk with his legs crossed, his hands folded, a string of Buddhist beads hanging on his wrist, and his mouth is righteous.

White beard crossed his face, immortal wind and bones, although he was getting older, his face was still ruddy, and even more peaceful and peaceful.

The fast-moving carriage was suddenly severely strangled, and due to inertia, the carriage ran straight ahead.

"Yue" the driver saw someone in front of him in the middle of the road, and hurriedly pulled up the reins. The carriage was too fast and ran for a long time. It was only a metre away from the white-clothed man that it could stop.

When the driver saw this man stopped in the middle of the road, he was so scared that he lost his soul, and immediately shouted: "You are not dead"

He wanted to say something, when he saw the white-clothed man suddenly leaped into the car and rushed directly into the car. The driver turned pale in fright. He just wanted to open the curtain to see, Master Huiyuan inside said: " You can drive the carriage so well!"

When the driver heard that Master Huiyuan had said so, he immediately pulled up the reins and drove the carriage.

The white-clothed man took off the drapery on his head, revealing a face that was shocking to heaven, but seeing thin lips and phoenix eyes, it was a painting.

"Long time no see!" Master Huiyuan opened his eyes and saw the snowy man in white sitting opposite him: "After so many years, you have not changed at all!"

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