The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2316: Medicine in brown sugar

Gu Xiaowan knew that Li Fan had sent the things out, and then she let out a sigh of relief. She bought those nourishing things, so she asked Li Fan to put the one thousand taels of cash in it. If Su Ziyue saw it , I must understand everything.

Li Fan wanted to talk about Su Ziyue's current situation. Thinking of his half-dead appearance, he didn't say anything. After all, that is Junma Ye, this is a princess, no matter how much, what's the point!

In the end, Jiulixiang was stunned. Gu Xiaowan found the dry pile of Jiulixiang in the garbage pile in the yard, thoughtfully.

Yilu was walking out with some things, and saw Gu Xiaowan standing beside the pile of rubbish, hurriedly kneeling: "Princess beg your life, I will clean up this thing right away. I originally went in to pack some unwanted things, this Sweep all these out!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Yilu who was kneeling on the ground. When she spoke, Wu Nong said softly, as if she was going to get people drunk. She took a deep look at the top of Yilu's blue head and said, "You Send these dead branches and leaves to the kitchen, they can just be used for cooking over the fire!"

Yilu never had a chance to go to the kitchen, and immediately said, "Yes, the slave and maid will send it away!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't think it was dirty, he took the dead branches and fallen leaves in his arms and went to the kitchen. Gu Xiaowan had been watching her all the time, and Yilu could also feel the warm gaze behind her.

If she didn't care, she went to the kitchen generously.

Yilu went in, said hello to Xiaoqing and Aunt Jiang, and then saw Aunt Jiang carefully cutting something, she leaned forward to take a look and asked: "Aunt Jiang, what are you cooking in this pot? How sweet?"

"It is brown sugar water. The owner is coming to sunflower water. I am afraid of the cold. I will cook some **** and brown sugar water for the owner to drive away the cold!"

Aunt Jiang is now taking care of Gu Xiaowan in Qingyuan. At breakfast today, seeing Gu Xiaowan's expression a little pale, she asked one more question. Knowing that her sunflower water is coming, she thought that the brown sugar and **** water could get rid of the cold, so she cooked it. bowl.

Yilu pretended to be curious, opened the lid and glanced inside. Sure enough, the rich brown sugar scent came to her nose. She pretended to smell it well, fanned the air with her hand, and between her fingers, there was a touch of white powder invisible to the naked eye. It fell into the jar.

Then he closed the lid and said: "Then you cook slowly, I'll go back and wait!"

Aunt Jiang didn't know what Yilu had done, so she threw the chopped **** into the jar. After a while, a strong smell of **** struck.

Seeing that the soup was boiling, Jiang Auntie poured it into a bowl and took it to Gu Xiaowan's yard.

When Yilu left, Ahmad also left. Others couldn't see what Yilu did, but he could.

This Yilu was so courageous that he had already dared to put something in her stuff. Could it be that it is the same as Yushu's, let yourself be bloodied?

Yilu is smart, and others are not that stupid. If you don't want to be suspicious, then the next thing is definitely different from the others!

Aunt Jiang brought something and came over quickly: "My boss, I will cook you a bowl of **** silk red soup. You can drink it while it's hot to drive away the cold!" The soup is a good soup, it is Jiang Auntie's heart, but how could Gu Xiaowan drink it?

In order not to make Aunt Jiang sad or doubt other people in the room, she hummed, then pointed to the side and said, "Auntie Jiang, I will drink it immediately!"

After Aunt Jiang went down, Tan Yushu came over, knowing that Gu Xiaowan had come to Kuishui, took her cold hand, and said distressedly: "Last time you took care of me, this time I will take care of you, you see. Look at your hands, how ice it is, drink this soup quickly, and drive away the cold!"

After that, she brought the brown sugar soup and was going to feed Gu Xiaowan spoonfuls.

Gu Xiaowan frowned, glanced at Yilu from the corner of her eyes, and saw that she didn't look at her at all, she just wiped the dust off the cabinet for a while.

Zuo was very nervous, staring at the spoon like a straight line, afraid that Tan Yushu would feed Gu Xiaowan.

Tan Yushu didn't doubt him, but only knew that her sister was uncomfortable, so it was normal to feed her brown sugar water, but before her spoon was fed down, she heard a "clam" from outside. Finally came in with a look of guilt: "Girl, the water tank is broken"

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she stood up hurriedly: "Let's go and see."

So he left Tan Yushu in place. Tan Yushu looked at the brown sugar water in his hand and shouted, "Sister, drink the brown sugar water before leaving!"

"No, put it there first, it's too hot!" Gu Xiaowan said without looking back. Tan Yushu put it down, planning to wait until she comes back to drink.

Yilu looked at Gu Xiaowan's leaving back, her eyes flashing fiercely.

When Gu Xiaowan came back, the brown sugar water was cold, and Gu Xiaowan didn't plan to drink it: "Pour it, don't let Aunt Jiang find out, pour it somewhere else, she will be worried when she sees that I didn't drink it! Go and help me with a soup lady, I'll take a break!"

Ah Zuo took the cold brown sugar water and went down, but it didn't pour it. Ahmad took the soup and went out the back door.

As he went out, Yihong found Yilu and took her to hide in the hidden bushes.

Hidden Wei followed carefully and heard their low-voice dialogue.

"What are you doing? How come you come back from the General's Mansion and you have changed yourself. You don't really think that we are here to be a maid? Don't forget the purpose of the prince sending us!"

Na Yilu's face was full of disdain: "A person who has put each foot into the coffin board, the prince is unnecessary!"

"You went to the General's Mansion and found out what Tan Yexing was doing? Is he dead or not?" Yihong asked impatiently.

Yilu glanced at her, angrily: "In just a while, how can I find it!"

"Then what are you going to do? You also inexplicably folded Jiulixiang? Gu Xiaowan is afraid that he discovered your movements, and people won't even let you in the door!" Yihong said worriedly.

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