The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2317: Vicious maid

"How can I repeat the same trick? You think I'm a fool, I did it once and did it again?" Yilu said with disdain, it was her disdain that made Yihong look jealous.

"You and I know that you pretend to be high-minded and feel that you are loved by the prince. When you arrive here, you have to be an inferior maid, but don’t forget, this is an order from the prince himself. The only thing the prince wants is the general. The mansion only has it. Let’s get the woman’s trust as soon as possible and find something soon!" Yihong lowered her voice and said again: "If something falls into the hands of others and disrupts the prince’s plan, you and I will be dead. Up!"

Yilu sneered: "The prince was also too careful. It happened so many years ago that no one had seen it before, and now it is being talked about again. It is not a liar. How can the prince believe such a warlock? If it is, and no one has found it more than ten years ago, how can it be concluded that it is in the general's mansion? The prince's move is tantamount to a horror!"

Yihong saw that Yilu was still dead, and he cursed angrily: "What the prince thinks, that is his business, what he wants us to do, that is our business, if you keep thinking about how to go all day Harm, don't blame me to tell the prince, let the prince arrest you and go back, you know the prince's methods!"

When Yilu heard it, her body trembled involuntarily. She moaned her lips twice, but she didn't say anything, just glared at Yihong, and then left the bush.

Na Yihong saw her leaving, and after staying in the bushes for a while, did she leave her clothes completely, and restored the appearance of the pleasing maid with low eyebrows.

After they left, they followed their hidden guards and walked out from behind a hidden big rock, and they heard clearly what they said.

Are they looking for something?

What is it?

It's still in the General's Mansion, and Lord Ming is very anxious about this thing!

The hidden guard did not dare to delay, and went straight back to the palace.

Tang Pozi poured it over, Gu Xiaowan held it on her stomach, and the warm enthusiasm came, making her a lot more comfortable.

Tan Yushu also climbed onto the bed and warmed her up: "Sister, are you okay? Your face looks a little bad?"

Gu Xiaowan's hands are already very hot in Lady Tang. She squeezed Tan Yushu's hand and said with a smile: "Sister is fine, don't worry."

"Sister, I just heard Aunt Jiang say something, do you want to listen?" Tan Yushu suddenly leaned in front of her and whispered.

Gu Xiaowan was curious: "What?"

"Aunt Jiang told me that when she was young, she would have a stomachache every time she came back to Kuishui, but after she became a child and gave birth to her, she didn't have any more pain. Would it be true?" Tan Yushu was curious. Asked.

Seeing this child look curious and expectant, although Gu Xiaowan hadn't tried it, she had heard many people say in her previous life, so she nodded and said: "It should be, Aunt Jiang won't talk nonsense!"

When Gu Xiaowan said it should be true, Tan Yushu looked forward to it: "That's good!"

"Want to marry?" Gu Xiaowan teased.

Tan Yushu's face blushed and fell into the quilt. Gu Xiaowan knew that she was shy, so she pulled the quilt away, and saw that her face was as red as an apple. "Don't be bored, what should I do if I am really bored?" Gu Xiaowan smiled and pulled her.

Tan Yushu blushed and muttered: "Sister, I miss Ning Ping brother!"

Gu Xiaowan said: "He comes back, I will marry you!"

Tan Yushu panicked: "Sister, you are not married, we"

"It's okay, I said before that I will consider my personal affairs when I have to pull my younger siblings into a family and start a career!" Gu Xiaowan said seriously.

"Brother Qin is so old, can you wait?" Tan Yushu didn't believe it!

Gu Xiaowan scratched her head: "Let's listen to him, but he hasn't said when he will get married, maybe you and Ning Ping will be ahead of me."

Married at the age of eighteen, which made Gu Xiaowan somewhat unacceptable.

But Big Brother Qin is seven years older than her, and he is almost twenty-five years old. For his age peers, I am afraid that the child is almost ten years old!

Tan Yushu curled his lips: "I don't believe it. Maybe after the New Year, he will be a good day! Master Huiyuan is the most powerful one. Do you want me to accompany you to find him? Qin doesn't count, you can count. , After a good day tells him it is the same!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard Zen Master Huiyuan, she was still a little nervous about what he inexplicably said to herself that day: "Forget it, don't go."

Tan Yushu thought she was embarrassed, but didn't insist: "That's true, this thing should be done by a man. If you do it, you feel a bit hated to marry!"

Ahmad took the brown sugar water and went directly to the palace. As soon as the military doctor inspected it, he was shocked: "The tripterygium vine in it!"

After eating Tripterygium wilfordii, it can make people feel unbearable abdominal pain, and eating too much will make people feel painful, and eventually the whole body will swell and die.

Such a small dose is nothing to eat, it will only make people dizzy, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, and if things go on like this, the whole body will be swollen, abdominal cramps, until death.

Ahmad's brows suddenly wrinkled. He wanted to tell the master about this, but he was afraid that the master would kill the two maidservants in his anger. Then their conspiracy and tricks would be ruined. It is difficult to guarantee that the prince will not send other people. come.

Thinking of this, Ahmad decided that this matter should be told to Gu Xiaowan first to see what Miss Gu means!

"Dr. Lei, you're bored with this matter, don't mention it!"

When Dr. Lei saw him specially reminding himself, naturally he would not say nonsense: "Don't worry, I will definitely not mention this to others!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard what was in the brown sugar water, her hands were trembling slightly: "Are you sure?"

"It's true! The dose is not large, but it can make people feel fatigued, nausea and vomiting, just thinking it is a gastrointestinal problem."

"It's great, give the Yushu Dujuan and Jiulixiang, give me tripterygium, this maid is really good!" Gu Xiaowan intuitively felt that there would be no good things for these two people. They are coming to medicine.

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