The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2351: Nightmares

Huang Ru felt that his body was sticky, and there was a sickening smell of blood everywhere.

That's not a big deal. She watched Fang Zhengxing like a puddle of mud, lying on her body, swallowing one last breath, not even saying a word, just opened her eyes wide and cruel. Staring at her fiercely, like a ghost.

Huang Rushi thought of this scene as soon as he closed his eyes, and seemed to hear Fang Zhengxing's broken voice, cursing her viciously.

Huang Ruye, you are so cruel, you dare to drug me, I will not let you go as a ghost.

Huang Ru was frightened and bounced off the bed and let out a frightened roar.

Song Qin slept in the outer compartment, and got up hurriedly when he heard the movement, holding the candlestick in his hand, Huang Ru saw the light, it was as if he had found the backbone, and his panic expression slowly recovered. It's a bit human.

"Madam, what's the matter with you? Did you have a nightmare?" Song Qin put down the candle holder hurriedly and came to comfort him.

Huang Ruye was still wearing thin clothes, Songqin hurriedly took a cloak and put it on her, and kept stroking her back. Her thin clothes had been soaked in sweat. As you can imagine, she What scary scene did I dream of in my dream?

"Madam, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the maidservant is here, and the maidservant is here to accompany you!" Song Qin said while comforting her.

"Songqin, I dreamed of him, I dreamed of him," Huang Ruyi said in a flustered voice: "I dreamed that he was walking towards me covered in blood, saying that he would never let me go as a ghost, really, really. of"

Of course Songqin knew who he was, and said hurriedly, "Madam, don't be afraid, it is a dream, don't be afraid that it is a dream! People are already dead, where will there be ghosts, if you don't worry, tomorrow I will Go and invite some Taoist priests to do it!"

Huang Ru is holding Songqin's hand tightly: "Okay, please Daoist priest, please Daoist priest, be sure to invite more, please come!"

"Yes, madam, you can sleep in peace, the slave and maid will stay with you here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, after these few days, everything will be over!" Song Qin's voice is low and gentle, Huang Ru is pulling her His hands were red with tears in his eyes, and he fell asleep dimly.

Song Qin had been guarding her all the time, her hand was still held in the palm of Huang Rushi, she did not move, comforting softly.

Huang Rushi was already asleep, and Xu was holding Songqin's hand. She slept very sweetly. But Songqin could only sit by the bed, and when he fell asleep, his head was like a chicken pecking at rice.

She is also so sleepy, and I have been busy for a day today. She was worried because she couldn't sleep well even at night. She wanted to pull her hand out. How did she know that Huang Ruye just held it and Songqin didn't dare It was too hard, and for a while, she didn't know what to do!

Where did I know that Huang Ruyi suddenly turned over and said a sleepy dream, which made Songqin feel cold all over.

The **** people are dead, no one knows about me!

What is a **** person?

Songqin knew a lot about her, and suddenly felt that the lady believed in herself so much and let herself intervene in everything. Then, would she be the next **** thing?

Song Qin was a bit cold, but soon adjusted his mentality. Xu is that she really thinks too much. She has been following the young lady for so many years, and the young lady has always believed in herself that she would have such thoughts, which really shouldn't be.

The crying from the mourning hall came from time to time. It was the maids and minions in the mansion who were crying. Song Qin could not help frowning when he smelled the smell of the fragrance brought by the wind.

On the roof, a tile was gently closed, and a black and vigorous figure quickly passed by, disappearing into the dark night.

This night was quite difficult. Not only at night, but also during the day.

Huang Ru got up early, she really couldn't sleep. At dawn, she got up, put on her filial obedience, and was eating breakfast. Fang Peiya came here in a gracious manner.

She slept very well last night, and it couldn't be better. Although her complexion was a little sad, but the whole thing was much better than Huang Ru who had been worried and couldn't sleep.

Just like last night, there are dozens of varieties for breakfast, such as Yunpian ham, jade bamboo shoots bracken, silver sprouts chicken shreds, crystal steamed shrimp dumplings, tofu skin buns, meat stuffing, shrimp stuffing, but also There were vegetable fillings, golden ginseng pheasant soup, noodles boiled in chicken soup, shrimp porridge, pearl jade and white fungus soup, and several side dishes. Fang Peiya looked at the table and couldn't help but sigh.

After Fang Zhengxing's death, he didn't know how long this huge Fang Mansion, which was already empty, could be supported in such a luxurious way.

Last night Huang Ru said to entertain Mrs. Huang, but Mrs. Huang was not here this morning. Huang Ru’s food is still such extravagance. I want to come. This is Huang Ruye’s normal state. A breakfast will cost almost three or forty taels of silver. , Luxury!

Fang Peiyashi sat down Shiran, completely disregarding Huang Ru's disgusting face, came over this morning, Xiaoyue did not follow her, fearing that he would go back to rest, and the spirit who had watched the night last night was gone.

Behind her was the little palace lady who came out of the palace with an eye on her head, who stopped them from entering and arresting people last night. It was said that she was called Xiaoshuang.

I saw that she had brought her own set of tableware and put it in front of Fang Peiya, and then took out another set of tableware and gave Fang Peiya a meal.

Lovers came to eat and brought their own tableware.

Is this dismissing her for being unclean, or disgusting that she will poison her food?

Huang Ruyi put down the chopsticks in his hand and sneered: "Oh, this ya nobleman is not the same as the nobleman in the palace. You have to bring your own bowls and chopsticks when you come to have a meal. Why, I dislike my family's cleanliness and don't deserve you. Identity?"

Fang Peiya took a sip of chicken soup and wiped her mouth gently with her veil. She was so graceful and dignified that Huang Ru was a cold snort: "It's not the same when you enter the palace. When you return home, you will leave the palace in the palace. It’s 10% of the total, don’t forget, this is your family! You can enter the palace, thanks to us!"

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