The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2352: Almost vomiting blood

Fang Peiya smiled faintly when he heard Huang Ru's scolding, "I don't know if my mother forgot, but I entered the palace from the Huang family, not from the Fang family! If I enter the palace from the Fang family, I'm afraid they will be the same as my two younger sisters. Let alone enter the palace, it will be difficult to marry a good person!"

After finishing speaking, he took a meaningful look at Huang Ruye, and the mockery in his eyes, Huang Ru slapped the table and started: "Are you to blame me for letting your two sisters not enter the palace?"

Fang Peiya pretended to be very scared: "Mother, my daughter has never said anything like this."

"That's their profligacy, they take the blame, they can't hold themselves, ruined their bodies, how can they enter the palace and use their broken bodies to serve the emperor? That is the life of the Fang family!" Huang Ru was angrily roared Tao.

Fang Peiya nodded earnestly: "Yes, this body is broken, and she must not be able to serve the emperor. It seems that her mother has found a good family for her two younger sisters. After all, her mother's body is also very well married. ,is not it?"

Every word of Fang Peiya was light and light, but every word hit Huang Ruye's heart, and she always grabbed her weak underbelly, and she almost vomited a mouthful of old blood when she was angry.

She gritted her teeth and started to scold again. Songqin on the side saw him, knowing that the lady would only suffer a loss if she said it on. This elegant man was obviously the lady who came to anger, so she hurriedly stopped her: "Madam, let’s eat. After eating, I’m going to burn incense for the lord!"

This Fang Peiya, who is now obscure, and agreed to inspect the body of the master yesterday, this person must not be taken lightly, and absolutely must not have any conflict with her.

Huang Ru was pressed by Songqin, so she had to concentrate on eating, but when she glanced at Fang Peiya from the corner of her eyes, she saw her eating breakfast gracefully with a relaxed and calm smile on her face. No, she occasionally raised her head and met Huang Ruye's gaze. Her eyes were sneered, even mocking, as if she was laughing at Huang Ruye.

With this recognition, Huang Ru was in a terrible mood.

Where else can I eat anything, just shake the chopsticks, make a slap, and the urn said angrily: "Go, let's burn incense for the lord!"

Song Qin just wanted to remind her to eat more, but she had already got up and left. Song Qin had no choice but to follow along. Without the yellow, Fang Peiya calmly drank another bowl of pearl jade and white fungus soup, ate several crystal shrimp dumplings and tofu skin buns, and drank a half bowl of chicken soup along the way. After feeling full, this The whole body is extremely comfortable.

Not counting, she said to Xiao Shuang: "Sit down and eat together. If you don't eat so many things, they will all be wasted. Besides, if you have to burn incense and worship later, you will definitely It consumes a lot of physical strength and so many delicious foods. If you don't eat nothing, it's not your master's!"

Xiao Shuang also sat down, ate a lot, and had a full stomach. Fang Peiya smiled: "There are so many delicious foods, we can't waste them. Take all these dumplings, and Xiaoyue and the others didn't eat them either. , Just a full meal!"

Xiao Shuang hurriedly responded, and in the resentful eyes of the people in the room, filled all the buns and dumplings, as well as pastries and some side dishes in a big basin, and then helped Fang Peiya, who was already satisfied, to the mourning hall. Up.

Huang Ru is kneeling at the front of the mourning hall, entertaining some ministers who came to worship. On weekdays, Fang Zhengxing’s friends, dressed in white, filial attire, although coarse cloth and linen, still can’t conceal her appearance, so pitiful, so many men I was amazed when I saw it.

Some courageous people started to talk even behind their backs.

"You said Brother Fang, leaving behind such a beautiful wife, it's really not worth it. With such a beautiful wife, how can we spend the long night in the future!" Someone said regretfully.

The person on the side beat him, and then smiled: "What? Are you sorry? What you said is really right, so pitiful, but what if you feel sorry for it, they are Master Fang’s wife, you are a commoner, How can I be pitiful, even if it is regretful, it is not your turn to regret it!"

The other person sneered.

The man was anxious and said hurriedly: "That's not what I said, this lady is so young, and she is a second-grade madam, you said that if she remarries again, the identity of the second-grade madam must be No, but it’s impossible for the imperial court to marry a widow. The only two possibilities are that she doesn’t want the status of the second-class imperial wife and marry those officials to fill the house. Another possibility is that she continues to arrest. With the identity of the second-grade imperial wife, look for a friend secretly!"

The other person listened and laughed.

The person talking next to him was anxious: "Don't believe it, believe it or not, I must have a way to get this woman, do you believe it?"

"Cut, the toad wants to eat swan meat, you don't want to pee and look in the mirror!" The man sneered, leaving the face of the toad blushing and white, watching the figure of his companion leave the Fang Mansion, he still conceited Said: "Don't believe me. If you don't believe me, I will show you how many days can such a young widow endure? Humph, this little lady is such a stunner. I didn't expect that brother is so big. I can marry such a beautiful wife at an age, I really envy me!"

Then he reluctantly left after two bites.

Huang Ru was still in the mourning hall to entertain guests. He didn't know at all. He had been sexually immoral for several times by two abusers. Fang Peiya walked out from the corner, looked at the back of the person who had left, and thought about it. , And then turned to look at Huang Ruye in the mourning hall, and a smug smile suddenly surged.

She knows who is looking for!

She was about to forget that person, that person, but she knew a lot of love affairs about this lady!

When Gu Xiaowan found the cat, she naturally understood the walking route of Gu Xiaoyi and Shen Wenjun that day.

The next thing is to understand that that day, after Gu Xiaoyi and Shen Wenjun were around Fang Mansion, they would go to Fang Mansion. With this idea, Gu Xiaowan aimed all the spearheads at Fang Mansion.

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