The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2358: Caught fire

After Su Mang left the palace, he did not go directly to the Fang Mansion, but returned to the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si, and he still had to take him there.

Fang Mansion is a bit quiet at the moment, upright at noon, and no one came to express condolences. Huang Ruye was not in the mourning hall, but went back to the house for a rest, kneeling and crying all day, making her annoying. The torch burns the mourning hall, it is best to burn the coffin and corpse!

In this way, no one can know what happened.

As soon as she returned to the house, Songqin ran in in a panic, leaned in front of her and said nervously, "Madam, it's not good, I heard that Lord Su Mang has entered the palace today to see the emperor!"

"What did you say?" Huang Ruyi almost jumped up from his chair when he heard it: "Is the news reliable?"

"It's true, it was revealed from the Five Cities Soldiers, and Su Mang came out of the palace and went directly to Wu Zuo. As soon as the man heard the news, he immediately told the servants. I heard that Lord Su Mang Coming soon!"

If you come again, then the corpse will be examined. Huang Ru is a little anxious: "What should I do? What should I do?"

Mrs. Huang had to come here in the afternoon because of something at home. Su Mang was planning to bring people here. What if he really wants to examine the body?

Songqin was also very nervous, but she still said, "Madam, or else you cried and pretended to be dizzy just like yesterday, and went over foolishly!"

Huang Ru was eager to cry without tears: "Do you think you can hide it for one day or two days? Then Lord Su not only went to war, but also watched prisoners. You think he was deceived by me for a day, and he could still deceive him. The next day, he went to the palace so anxiously, and when he came back, he planned to come to me again. I guess he must have received a verbal from the emperor for an autopsy!"

Songqin opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief: "Is it impossible? This is a matter of the courtier's family, and if the death of an adult is really done by Shen Wenjun, his verbal statement will be criticized by the people of the world! Insulted! The corpse of the courtier, what would the hundred officials think of him?"

Although Huang Rushi knew it, he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

She was a little nervous, and her hand holding Songqin was a little trembling: "Who is on duty in the mourning hall now?"

It was around noon, and the servants in the mourning hall were a little embarrassed. And because there are things everywhere in the mansion, no one is guarding the hall.

At noon today, the little girl next to Fang Peiya was arranged.

As soon as she got up, she went to the mourning hall to be on duty.

I still have some energy and spirit, burned two paper money, and knelt in the mourning hall after worshipping.

The meal was delivered by the servant himself. Xiaoyue was indeed a little hungry. The spirit who had watched last night took a rest this morning. Now that he is eating, Xiaoyue is a bit gobbled up.

After eating, the servant took away the food. Xiaoyue felt that her eyelids were fighting, and she finally fainted because of exhaustion.

Song Qin, who had been waiting outside for a long time, rushed in and rushed in. Seeing that Xiaoyue was in a coma, a fire led to the spirit banners arranged in the mourning hall.

Before the coffin was set, Songqin pushed it away. She didn't dare to look at the dead person in the coffin. She threw the torch in her hand into the coffin, then attached it again, and then sneaked away. gone.

Xiaoyue quickly got up, and when she saw the spirit banners were burned and there was a strong burnt smell, she shouted: "Walking, walking."

There were spirit flags everywhere in this room, and within a short while, the flames were already blazing into the sky, Xiaoyue shouted in this voice, and all the family members came here to fight the fire.

Fang Peiya also heard the sound of walking by the water, and hurriedly ran to look at it, and saw Xiaoyue staggeringly ran out of the fire with smoke and dust on her face.

Seeing that Xiaoyue was fine, Fang Peiya felt relieved, "What's the matter?"

Xiaoyue was still in shock: "The slave and maid didn't know why. The slave didn't know why. She fainted just now. When the slave woke up, the fire was already so big!"

Fang Peiya looked at the blazing mourning hall, and felt entangled in her heart. At this moment, Huang Ruye, supported by Songqin, also walked out, and when she saw this scene, she shouted with her voice: "Master, master, the corpse of the master is still inside."

When she finished roaring, she was about to rush inside regardless. Songqin grabbed her and shouted: "Madam, with such a big fire, you will only have a dead end when you enter. No, no."

Huang Ru didn't believe it, and even rushed inside. His sad look seemed to be incompatible with Fang Zheng's affection.

Her two maids hugged her, Huang Ru kept struggling, watching the fire inside, yelling heartbreakingly: "Master, master"

The fire was quickly extinguished, because it was in broad daylight, the fire was rescued in time, and all the spirit flags were burned. The fire department also quickly discovered the anomaly here, and sent a rescue team soon. We arrived at the fire scene and extinguished the fire quickly.

Everything in the mourning hall was burnt a lot, but the whole thing was pretty good.

Those spirit flags had been burned out, the tables, chairs and stools were all burnt black, and even the coffin in the middle of the mourning hall was burnt black.

There was smoke in it, Huang Ru rushed into it regardless, and shouted as he rushed: "Master, you have died so miserably. Even if you die, you will not be immune from this disaster. Who is it? Who is it that set the knife on fire!"

She finished roaring, then looked back sharply, gritted her teeth and said: "Who is on duty at noon today?"

The next people looked dark one by one, you look at me, I look at you, and finally, they all turned their attention to Xiaoyue.

Someone said: "Madam, this noon is the spirit of the little moon girl next to the nobleman!"

Fang Peiya's pupils suddenly shrank, this is just one game!

Then another servant said: "The slave servants are always good when they deliver the food to Miss Xiaoyue, but when the servants leave, there is a fire. The servants don't know what's going on!"

Huang Ruye's eyes swept towards Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue's face was blank: "I fainted. When I woke up, it was already on fire."

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