The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2359: Who set the fire

Fortunately, she was trapped in the fire and couldn't get out.

Huang Ru gritted his teeth, gnashing his teeth every word, and said: "You are really dizzy in time. You don’t faint early in the morning, and you don’t faint at night, but you have to faint when you get angry! If the master’s body is slightly damaged, I will Your life!"

Xiaoyue frowned, feeling bad.

Sure enough, after the heat outside the coffin subsided, Song Qin hurriedly ordered his servants to open the coffin, Huang Ru screamed sadly: "Master"

When he saw the inside of the coffin, Huang Ruyi's mouth opened wide, and he let out a stern roar: "My lord"

When the coffin was opened, a strong smoke came out, and when Huang Ruye's almost hysterical roar was heard, he had the courage to look inside the coffin.

Where is there any corpse inside, only a pile of black skeletons are burnt!

Huang Ruye saw the corpse inside, and fainted with an ouch: "Oh my god, my lord"

Seeing that she was going into a coma, Song Qin hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and looked at the skeleton in the coffin in shock, shaking involuntarily.

Huang Ru yelled sadly. After calming down his emotions, he pointed at Xiaoyue and cursed, "Master's body burned like this, what are you going to do?"

Upon hearing that the master's body was burnt, Fang Peiya secretly said in her heart that it was broken!

Fang Zhengxing's corpse is gone, how to check, what about Shen Wenjun's murder? It's hardened and sat firmly.

How did Xiaoyue know that the master's body would be burned to a pile of bones, she threw herself on her knees and said: "The slave servant doesn't know, the slave servant fainted at the time, and she doesn't know anything at the time!"

"Don't you know?" Huang Ru pointed at Xiaoyue and cursed: "Okay, okay, a slave and a master are cruel and cruel guys. Your father is dead. You still don't let him enter the soil for safety. Huh? You have to make this fire so that your father will not look down! Unfilial, unfilial!"

After speaking, she pulled Songqin's hand aside: "Quickly, get ready, I'm going to the palace to meet the queen mother. How can she be worthy of such a vicious woman who has a heart like a snake and the capital of her father's corpse? Gong, how do you deserve to be a concubine"

Song Qin wiped a tear and said sadly: "Madam, no, you are now with Dai Xiao, but don't go into the palace and run into the Queen Mother. Then, the Queen Mother will be blamed."

"Yes, yeah, my lord is gone, no ah ooh, now the capital of the corpse is gone, what should I do, what should I do, sir, your death is so wrong, I want to give it to you Revenge, you can’t even catch a murderer. I haven’t taken care of your body yet, sir, I’m useless, I’m useless, wait, I’m shameless and live in this world now. I will make amends for you, and I will accompany you now!"

After Huang Ruye finished speaking, he was about to hit the top of the coffin. Fortunately, Songqin on the side caught her in time. The maids hurriedly stopped Huang Ruye. Songqin hugged her and said in pain, "Madam, you are sorry. Ah, now is not the time to take responsibility, now is the time to question those rampant villains. Only by helping the master find the culprit, can we comfort the master's spirit in heaven!"

Huang Ru was lying on the ground, half of her body leaning on Songqin's body, with a face of unrequited love. After listening, her eyes exuded a dazzling brilliance: "Yes, yes, I want to find the murderer. I want to avenge the master, I can't die yet, can't die!" After finishing speaking, she stood up with Songqin's support, staring at Xiaoyue and Fang Peiya with her eyes like a poisonous snake.

"Talk to yourself, what are you going to do now! Master's corpse has become like this, I want to ask, how do you explain to the master!" Huang Ru's face was cold, his voice almost poisoned. .

Fang Peiya looked at Xiaoyue and saw that she shook her head hurriedly: "The slave servant did not set fire, the servant did not set fire!"

"Really? You didn't set it on fire, but the body of the master was burned while you were on duty. How do you explain this?"

"The maidservant doesn't know, the maidservant really fainted at the time!"

Fang Peiya watched Huang Ru questioning Xiaoyue. She believed Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue would not set fire. According to Xiaoyue's statement, she passed out after eating dinner at that time. At that time, the fire burned. Up.

Did you accidentally knock over the candlestick and ignite the spirit banner?

How could the coffin burn?

The coffin was always covered. It stands to reason that the outer coffin was not damaged, but the body inside was burned, it was as if someone deliberately set a fire and threw it directly into the coffin!

Who would do this?

Huang Ruye, who didn’t want to do an autopsy, was the first person who could destroy the body. Because the body was destroyed, no one would go to examine the body. Fang Zhengxing died because of Shen Wenjun’s assassination, and Shen Wenjun had no more It's possible a comeback!

Good, wonderful, this fire is really good!

Fang Peiya sneered. As soon as she wanted to speak, she heard her rushing in: "Madam, Madam, Master Su is here again, here again!"

When Fang Peiya looked back at Huang, she would have grinned, the smile was extremely sinister, but it exuded a sense of relief.

When she just wanted to take a closer look, she saw that all the emotions on her face had been suppressed, leaving only endless sadness, grief and anger.

"Master Su, you have to call the shots for me!" Huang Ru cried.

When Su Mang brought people in, he saw ruined walls everywhere, and burnt marks everywhere, and the top of the coffin was dark and opened. He bowed slightly to Huang Rushi and Fang Peiya. He walked to the front of the coffin, his eyes were straight when he saw what was inside.

"What the **** is going on?" He looked up and swept towards Huang Ruye.

Huang Rushi almost cried out: "Master Su, you have to call the shots for me. Someone set the master's body on fire!"

Song Qin pointed to Xiaoyue who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "Master Su, she set the fire!"

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