The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2371: Ji Chang testifies again

Ahmad was in the mourning hall at the time. He saw Xiaoyue fainted after eating lunch with his own eyes. As soon as Ahmad was going to see the situation, she saw Songqin coming in. Then, she was burning. The white candle lit the spirit banner, and then directly threw the candle into the coffin. When Ahmad opened the lid of the coffin to look at Fang Zhengxing's body, Fang Zhengxing's body had already been burned.

The fire was so great that Ahmad couldn't be saved at all, so he had to give up.

When Gu Xiaowan heard the news, she knew that Huang Ruyi had learned the news in advance. She was afraid that the matter would be revealed, and then the body was destroyed. In this case, she did nothing but do it, so she made someone stupid, and then invited someone. I made a human skin mask of Fang Zhengxing, and put the grass man in when the people in Fang Mansion were not aware of it. Because the body was covered with bedding, the body was not visible, only a face was visible. That face, made so vividly, naturally deceived everyone.

Huang Ru is guilty of conscience. If she could look at the corpse more then, she would be able to find the difference in this corpse, but there was a ghost in her heart, and she felt that the ghost was coming, and she would have acquiesced in the coffin where she would look more. It was Fang Zhengxing's corpse.

Huang Ru was posed by Gu Xiaowan and gritted his teeth with hatred: "You lie to me!"

Fang Zhengxing's body is mainly gone, she also let Shen Wenjun do! But now it's okay, Shen Wenjun let her go, and even involved her maid Songqin.

Songqin knelt on the ground with a plop: "Princess Anping, you need to pay attention to evidence when you speak. The servants and maids have been waiting in front of the wife. Who saw me enter the mourning hall? Your guard said that I entered the mourning hall. It's yours, how can his words be used as confession!"

He has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, no wonder he is so loved by Huang.

"There is only one person who has seen it, and it is mine. I really can't do anything to you!" Gu Xiaowan said with some regret: "The love of your master and madam, the confession of other people is useless at all!"

Gu Xiaowan knew that Ah Mo's testimony really couldn't explain anything, even if she saw it with her own eyes, it couldn't explain anything.

Those servants also testified: "My master and wife love each other and live in harmony. This is what everyone sees. My wife has lost her baby. The master stays in front of my wife and takes care of my wife. It’s impossible, no. possible!"

Fang Peiya stood up at this time: "You will naturally think so, but I also have evidence that the relationship between Madam Fang and Master Fang is not so harmonious. Even Madam Fang has a reason to kill Master Fang. !"

Huang Ru is looking at Fang Peiya, his eyes are like poisoned ice: "Ya nobleman, this is Fang Mansion, this is your family, are you going to kill them like this?"

She seemed to have guessed who Fang Peiya was going to bring up. Sure enough, Fang Peiya said: "The emperor, Madam Fang lost her virginity before marriage and had a secret knot with an unknown man. Later, she deceived my father and caused the child to have a difficult delivery and give birth. I had a formed stillborn child, still a male child. My father knew that Madam Fang had an affair with others, and then used a wild seed to frame his own flesh and blood. He wanted to kill her, but he thought she was a member of the Huang family. She didn't even touch her. Everyone in the mansion who knew about this had already been killed or had a magic vein far away, so not many people knew about this!"

Those Fang family servants who were present were suddenly stunned when they heard Fang Peiya's words.

That's right, once, Fang Mansion was sold and many of its subordinates were killed, but at that time it was said that they were not loyal enough, so it was sold. What happened? Why did she sell her and kill her after she knew her adultery?

Huang Ru sneered: "Nonsense, are there any witnesses? Are there any witnesses? Where are the witnesses? Who is my adulterer?"

Fang Peiya frowned and said, "I didn't find the adulterer, but, the witness, Doctor Ji Changji, do you remember?" Huang Ruye's face suddenly resembled the blackened bottom of the pot.

At this time, someone came up: "Caomin see the emperor, long live the emperor!"

Huang Ru's back stiffened when he heard the sound of the incoming people.

The visitor was Ji Chang, Huang Ruye's eyes flashed with a trace of horror, but he was determined that he would not recognize it.

"Mrs. Fang, don't be unharmed!" After Ji Chang asked Ann, he stood by and grinned when he saw Huang Ruye.

"I don't know you!" Huang Ruyi gritted his teeth and asked word by word, like a sharp blade of blood.

Ji Chang also laughed: "How could Mrs. Fang not recognize me? Mrs. Fang, your memory is really not very good! You forgot, your maid was there at the time, you didn’t know, I knew you, I still know your maid!"

Ji Chang smiled coldly, and then faced Shu Tianci again and mentioned Huang Rushi's abortion before marriage, and everyone who was there was shocked.

This lady really had an abortion before she got married!

Some maids didn’t believe it anymore: "I clearly saw the night in the bridal chamber, the madam was red!"

Many maids had seen it at the time and nodded: "Don't wrong my wife, my wife is innocent!"

On the second day of the bridal banquet, Songqin deliberately did not clean up the bed, but let the other maids to clean up. On the white veil, drips of bright red blood, isn't it a symbol of innocence?

At that time, those maids blushed when they saw that Luohong!

Ji Chang sneered and said: "Luohong? What's the difficulty? Go to the market to buy a fish, kill a chicken, marry a fish and pour a chicken, and you can act as Luohong!"

Those maids were all little girls, and their eyes widened as soon as Ji Chang said that Luo Hong could replace them.

Ji Chang hates Huang for this now, and can't wait to let her be broken.

At that time, because of his conscience, he still identified Huang Ruye, but he did not expect that he offended Huang Ruye.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, Huang Ru sent someone to assassinate Ji Chang. Fortunately, Ji Chang was agile and flexible, and escaped another catastrophe. When Fang Peiya’s people came to look for him, he followed them to the capital. Up.

After Shu Tianci listened, his eyes were full of disgust and disgust.

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