The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2372: Where did the corpse come from

Huang Rushi didn't see the disgust in Shu Tianci's eyes. She was exposed to pleasure. She was angry and jealous. She crawled two steps forward and came to Shu Tianci's side. She grabbed his clothes and smiled bitterly: " The emperor, have you seen it? The courtier is a weak woman. Now, she has been slandered for doing so many filthy things, and she is afraid that she will be swept out by the Fang family. The Lord’s body is not cold, these people will slander me like this , The emperor, please call the shots for me and the ministers' wives!"

Shu Tianci didn't hesitate at all. Seeing her clutching her clothes, he was even more disgusted. He flicked his robe and hurriedly took two steps back. Huang Ruye lost his support and fell to the ground, with tears in his eyes. The earth yelled with great aggrieved: "The emperor"

When Gu Xiaowan heard the shout, she only felt that her goose bumps were about to fall to the ground.

Shu Tianci also noticed that full and affectionate call, as if looking at a lover, he said displeasedly: "If Mrs. Fang is of good character, why do so many people come to slander you alone?"

Huang Ruye's complexion became stiff, and she was about to call her injustice now. Where would Fang Peiya give her this opportunity, winking at Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, and the two of them immediately wailed: "Your Majesty, you have to be our master. Ah. Our innocence has also been destroyed in the hands of this poisonous woman!"

"Nonsense, nonsense, it's obviously your own misbehavior, and you were coaxed out of innocence by a few words from a man. It's my business!" Huang Ru hurriedly denied it!

Fang Lanxin said: "The emperor, the father of the people's daughter originally wanted to send our two sisters into the palace. For some reason, she angered her mother. She pretended to have guards patrolling the house and recruited two from outside. Elephant Aunt"

"Aunt Xiang?" Shu Tianci was shocked for a while: "What is Aunt Xiang?"

When Father Qi heard this, he hurriedly reached Shu Tianci’s ear to explain. After Shu Tianci heard it, his face suddenly became hard to look at. He hurriedly glanced at Gu Xiaowan for fear that these filthy words would make her unhappy, but see She looked calm and didn't seem to care at all. Then she said, "Go on."

"The two elephant aunts coaxed me and my sister and I secretly promised our innocence, and then they lied to our innocence. She and my father ran into him!"

"Huh, it's really a dog that can't change eating **** and squirting people indiscriminately!" Song Qin sneered, "Two young ladies, how did my wife treat you when you were in the mansion, but anything that is delicious, drinkable and well-dressed? I should use the two young ladies first. If the grandfather is not enough, my wife will still pay for her dowry. How about the two young ladies in the mansion? How is my wife treating you? In order to protect the safety of the Fang mansion, I said that we must recruit A few guards came. This was also agreed by the master before his death. Now that you are pushing these things to my wife, don’t you think it is biased? You have to blame, shouldn’t you blame the master together?”

Songqin knew about it. Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun didn’t know about Xianggu, because when the master was alive, he kept secrets about this matter, and no one was allowed to mention it. At the time, the two young ladies were confused. The less no one tells them that they know this, for fear that others will tell them.

Who can tell them?

Huang Rushi is like Songqin. Thinking of this, she looked at Fang Peiya, and then at Songqin, who was kneeling on the ground. She had doubts in her eyes. Could it be that she had informed her?

Gu Xiaowan was thoughtful and thoughtful, and when she rolled her eyes on Huang Rushi and Songqin, she almost understood something!

Huang Ru didn’t expect that the two of them knew the inside story, so he paled in fright at the moment and called out: “I’m wronged, wronged, my lord, they are here to drive me out. I don’t have the lord’s heirs, so I let them bully the ministers. Woman, the emperor, the minister’s wife was wronged, the minister’s wife was wronged" "Innocent is not wronged, my **** is watching, Huang Ruye, you are not worthy of being our mother, so that we have become the way we are now, no innocence, and sent by our father Go, so that we can never return to the capital or go home forever. You are so cruel!" Fang Lanxin almost said something like this with blood. She is no longer innocent, and now there is nothing.

Only the ancient Buddha of the blue lantern, after this remnant life, all this is done by Huang!

Huang Ru was attacked by everyone, almost vomiting a mouthful of blood. Song Qin was busy supporting her with a look of panic. Madam can't fall down. If she falls down, she will be unlucky too!

And that's not even counted. When everyone was attacking Huang Rushe, the servants of Fang's Mansion hurriedly reported: "Madam, ma'am, someone outside sent the master's body!"

Everyone looked outside, and saw two people coming over carrying a stretcher. When Huang Ruyi was about to yell at him, the white cloth was uncovered. Isn't it true that there is Fang Zhengxing inside?

How is this going?

Is it really hell?

Gu Xiaowan was also a little curious, and then looked at Fang Peiya, she also frowned with doubts on her face.

This is strange. How could a good-looking corpse come back? Didn’t Ahmad say that the fire was too big and that the corpse could not be taken out?

But how could this corpse still appear here intact?

Huang Ruye was almost in a nervous state, and the successive changes made her feel exhausted.

She couldn't believe it and didn't dare to step forward, her fingers trembling and said: "Show me a good look, is this the master's body?"

The man looked at it, squeezed it, and even untied his clothes and looked at the flesh inside. Then he said confidently: "This is indeed the corpse of the master!"

Huang Ruyi's eyes were black and he almost fainted.

She stared at the corpse. Suddenly, she tilted her head to look at Songqin who was aside. There was a deep question in her eyes, and Songqin was also full of doubts. She had already lost a fire and went in. How could this be? How about this?

Moreover, Gu Xiaowan's people also said that they saw the corpse on fire at the time and couldn't save it!

Songqin was flustered and saw Huang Ru gritted his teeth and looked at herself, as if asking if she had betrayed her! Song Qin couldn't say anything, she really set fire!

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