The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2516: accidental meet up

In this case, Shu Tianci returned to the palace. Fortunately, Xiao Yuanyao's carriage was always behind. Shu Min and Xiao Yuanyao got out of Shu Tianci's carriage and got into Xiao Yuanyao's carriage, and they parted ways.

Shu Tianci returned to the palace at this moment, sitting in the carriage a little bit lost. Father Qi saw that he knew what his master was missing, but he couldn't say anything, so he kept his head down and waited quietly.

Su Tianci suddenly opened the curtain and looked outside. There were people coming and going, pedestrians like weaving, but he could not see the figure he wanted to see.

He always felt that the territory of the Qing Dynasty was too small and the capital was too small. At this moment, he felt that the capital was too big. If he could see the whole capital at a glance, he would definitely be able to see her. How good it should be!

Xu was thinking about what to come. When passing a cloth shop, Shu Tianci suddenly felt as if he heard some familiar voice. He hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

Upon hearing this, Father Qi hurriedly shouted: "Stop, stop!"

When the carriage stopped, Father Qi was a little surprised. He didn't know what was wrong with the emperor, so he hurriedly asked, "The emperor, you are"

"Did you hear any sound?" Shu Tianci asked with a hint of excitement.

Grandpa Qi listened hurriedly, only to hear hawkers yelling and bargaining and the sounds of carts and horses. He didn't hear other sounds, so he hurriedly said, "The slave is dull, I don't hear any special sounds! "

Shu Tianci waved his hand, and father-in-law Qi swallowed back when he had more words. He listened attentively again, there was no sound, no sound!

Shu Tianci asked again: "Did you really hear nothing?"

Father Qi nodded, his old face flushed. He is old, and his ears are not bright. It seems that he has reached the point of returning home!

"The old slave really didn't." Grandpa Qi wanted to say in shame that he didn't hear it. At this moment, a voice that sounded like a natural sound came from his ear, yes, yes, there was a sound, there was a sound, and Grandpa Qi appeared. I'm also excited, so I don't have to tell the old man to return home!

"It's Princess Anping!" Father Qi exclaimed excitedly.

Shu Tianci didn't look at him, and opened the curtain to look out. The carriage just stopped at the gate of Jinxiu Cloth House, and two handsome men and beautiful women came out from inside.

The woman is the one who dreams of him, and that exquisite face is like the face from the painting, and Shu Tianci's heart is excited. But when he saw the person standing next to her clearly, a wave of jealousy was burning.

Standing next to Gu Xiaowan was a man of her age. He was dressed in blue clothes, noble and elegant in his gestures. Gu Xiaowan looked at him with a smile on his face, while the person looked at Gu Xiaowan with a smile on his face. Gu Xiaowan There was a little boy next to him. The little boy seemed to be nine or ten years old. He had been holding Gu Xiaowan's hand, and the two of them had never let go since they came out.

How is this going! Shu Tianci felt that his eyes could almost burn. The child was still young, so he wouldn't mention it for now, but who was the man beside him?

Is she so happily smiling, is she familiar with him?

The temperature inside the carriage dropped suddenly. Father Qi felt strange. What happened? It is clearly Princess Anping, how does it seem that the emperor is very unhappy?

Father Qi risked death and glanced out from the inside of the crack. With just one glance, he immediately understood where the emperor's anger came from!

My dear, my lord, that's Princess Anping's future sister-in-law. You won't even eat your sister-in-law's jealousy. What if

The father-in-law Qi pretended to inadvertently and said: "Surely she is Princess Anping. I didn't expect that she was in the Shen family's cloth house, but it is also. This Shen family is also her future sister-in-law's family. It is not surprising that she appeared here to take care of the Shen family's business. !"

Shen family?

Isn't that right? Isn't Fairview Cloth Village the property of the Shen family?

Isn’t that the one talking to Gu Xiaowan the same as Shen Wenjun?

The raging jealousy that Shu Tianci had been burning all the time slowly dissipated, and the temperature in the carriage rose. Grandpa Qi sighed. It was so dangerous, and the danger was finally turned away.

However, he just let go of a breath, and suddenly raised it again, and saw Shu Tianci condensed his eyebrows and asked: "Who is that child? They are all this old, don't you know the truth about whether men and women give or receive marriage?"

Qi Gong spit out a mouthful of old blood: My ancestor, that child is only nine or ten years old! You won't even eat this kid's jealousy? If the regent announces his identity, and then becomes a pair with Princess Anping, don’t you want to live in the vinegar jar all day and night?

People's regents are not so jealous. Why are you so jealous!

It’s just that Father Qi can only slander him in his stomach. He never dared to say this. When he said it, he was not afraid that the emperor was unhappy, but that he was afraid.

He is sad!

Gonggong Qi hurriedly explained: "That child might be a relative of Princess Anping, so he is so attached to Princess Anping!"

Sure enough, I saw Shen Wenjun suddenly lowered his head and wanted to reach out to touch the child's head. How did you know that the child suddenly hid behind Gu Xiaowan, avoiding Shen Wenjun's hand, and Shen Wenjun's hand froze in midair like this Fortunately, they are all a family, and they are not so particular.

Shen Wenjun smiled and said: "This child is so good to admit it!"

Gu Xiaowan replied: "It's much better. This child is only close to me now. I have not been at home during this period. When I heard that this child has always been at home, the door will not go out. I am afraid that he will be alone. If someone is suffocating at home, take him around and have a look around."

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan took La Aya's hand and said to Shen Wenjun: "Aya, goodbye to brother."

Aya bowed to Shen Wenjun, and then followed Gu Xiaowan away. Shen Wenjun watched them go out without riding in the carriage, so he told them to be careful on the road.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know that the carriage that had been parked at Jinxiu Cloth Village was from Shu Tianci. They passed the carriage and clearly heard Gu Xiaowan ask: "Aya, tell my sister, where else do you want to go to play? My sister is with you!"

Father Qi hurriedly asked: "The emperor, look, you really are the younger brother of Princess Anping."

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