The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2517: Take him to play

"Why haven't I heard that she has other younger brothers?" Shu Tianci still frowned. The child's face was pure and juicy, and it seemed that there was a shadow of Gu Xiaowan.

Gonggong Qi hurriedly said: "I heard that Gu's family has three sons and one daughter. This may be the child of an uncle of Princess Anping. Otherwise, it won't look like Princess Anping!"

Only then did Shu Tianci nod his head and watched that Gu Xiaowan was about to leave. Shu Tianci said excitedly: "It just happens to be nothing in the palace, let's not enter the palace!"

Father Qi nodded: "Yes!"

Gu Xiaowan came out of the palace today, and her aunt told Gu Xiaowan about all the things at home during this period. It was just some usual things. Gu Xiaowan later focused on asking about Aya.

My aunt has a headache: "The kid has kept himself in the room since you left, except for eating and washing, and he will answer whatever he asks. If he doesn't ask, he won’t say a word, quietly. People don’t exist!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "He doesn't like to talk, so he will say a few more words after me!"

Gu Fang sighed: "Then this kid can't follow you forever, he will always go out!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded and said, a trace of pity flashed in her heart: "He is still young, and he will stay with me for a few years anyway. I will cultivate him in the past few years and see if his temper can get better!"

Gu Fangxi thought that it could only be like this: "However, don't be too close to that child. After all, you are not a real brother, and he is not too young. When the time comes, he will be too intimate. According to the rumors, my aunt is afraid that it will hurt you!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't think so much about what these are, Aya was just a child in her eyes, so she didn't take it to heart: "Aunt, don't worry, I will be measured!"

Gu Fangxi nodded, knowing that this niece was a proper person.

Gu Xiaowan changed her clothes and went to look for Aya. Sure enough, she saw him sitting quietly at the desk watching something. A small person wearing white clothes, although immature but faintly visible in the future handsome appearance, Gu Xiaowan asked, "What book are you reading? So serious."

Hearing this sound, Aya suddenly put down the book, suddenly jumped down, trot all the way, and plunged directly into Gu Xiaowan's arms. Because of the speed, Gu Xiaowan was hit by him and stepped back a few steps before finally stopping.

Gu Xiaowan hugged Aya and asked cozily, "What are you doing?"

Aya nestled in Gu Xiaowan's arms, his face flushed.

You know, he didn't know why just now, and suddenly rushed in the direction of the sound. He hadn't seen Gu Xiaowan for a long time. When he heard her voice, it was like a long drought and rain. Without thinking, he rushed to where he wanted.

Now that I think about it, Aya is a little embarrassed: "I am reading!"

"What book? I'm so fascinated, I don't know when I come in!" Gu Xiaowan smiled and touched his head, and then led him to the desk.

The book had fallen under the table. Gu Xiaowan bent over to pick it up, patted it and put it on the desk. Next to it was a large stack of copybooks, all of which she had told Aya to write before entering the palace. It was already thick. It's over.

Gu Xiaowan smiled, and took out a few at random, and saw that the words above were neat and tidy, and the handwriting was generous and powerful. It didn't look like a child wrote it. It seemed like it had been learned for many years before he was so accomplished!

"Have you been practicing calligraphy for a long time?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

Aya nodded: "When I know how to hold a pen, grandpa teaches me to practice calligraphy!"

"Grandpa's writing is very good?" Gu Xiaowan recalled the last time in the ruined temple and saw the prescriptions that the old man had prescribed. The characters were also very ordinary! Unlike the word Aya, it clearly comes from a famous artist.

However, thinking that the words written by this doctor have been invisible to others who are scribbled throughout the ages, I had to give up. Others who prescribe medicines can't see the scribbled handwriting, maybe other words are good!

Where did I know that Aya said, "Grandpa's words are not good at all!"

"Not good? Isn't it possible to teach you to write so well?" Gu Xiaowan didn't believe it.

Aya said, "Grandpa took the copybook and asked me to copy it!"

"Whose handwriting is so good?" Gu Xiaowan smiled, and then looked at it seriously: "This character looks like my handwriting!"

Gu Xiaowan hadn’t noticed it just now, but now she can see that Aya’s character is like a copy of Yan body, but she knows that Yan Zhenqing has not come out yet in this dynasty, so this font

Aya glanced at Gu Xiaowan, then said something that made Gu Xiaowan a little puzzled: "I copied my sister's words!"

Gu Xiaowan only felt that there was a bang in his head like something exploded.

Yan Zhenqing did not appear in this dynasty, and his font was only available later. How could the words written by Na Aya's sister look like Yan body?

Gu Xiaowan couldn't believe it: "Your sister's? Who else did your sister copy? Do you know? Did Grandpa tell you?"

Aya shook his head: "No, my grandfather said, this has always been my sister's handwriting, he has never taught my sister to write!"

I rely on!

Gu Xiaowan suddenly had a bold idea in her mind, Aya's sister, didn't she also traveled here? Otherwise, how could Yan Zhenqing's font be so easy to write?

Gu Xiaowan knew what she was talking about, and Aya would not understand it. Besides, his sister had already passed away, and if she went to ask, she couldn't find a ugly man, she might still reveal her identity, so she had to shut up. Up!

Gu Xiaowan put back the rice paper with familiar handwriting, without looking at it, and asked Aya: "My sister will take you out for a walk, OK?"

Aya is a little yearning, after all, the child still loves to play, especially she takes herself to go.

"it is good!"

After changing his clothes, he came out, and just happened to meet Shu Tianci.

It should be that Shu Tianci met her "on purpose".

Gu Xiaowan was leading Aya in front of an old man selling candied haws. Aya looked at the candied haws with some curiosity: "Sister, what is that?"

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