The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2559: What the queen is talking about

The Liulizhan that Shu Tianci was playing with suddenly froze. He slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of Queen Leng, but the corners of his mouth had a gentle smile as before. That smile can only be faced with the queen. It only happens sometimes, although smiling, but with a slight alienation, and very formal, he looks like a stranger, tilted his head, and seems to be drunk: "I didn’t hear clearly, what did the queen just say? ?"

Shu Tianci's reaction at the moment made Queen Leng a little startled. The corners of his mouth were smiling, but his eyebrows were as cold as ice. She regretted that she shouldn’t have said it on such an occasion, but she said it all, and her father had deliberated about this matter. Before the banquet, her father had come to her and said that she wanted to let the empress give her a marriage. She promised Princess Anping to her natal brother Leng Jue.

Leng Jue is also a three-ranked Jinshi, brilliant, has been serving as the third-rank Guanglu Temple Qing, but his personal affairs have not been resolved these years, and his family has been urging him tightly, but Leng Jue has never been concerned, saying that he has always been I didn’t meet my favorite, the Leng family was not easy to urge. Besides, the Leng family is now deeply rooted, and it is not guilty to find a family marriage for the Leng family’s power, and they have been waiting for so many years. The matchmaker broke the threshold of Leng's family, but Leng Jue did not let go.

Anyone who looked more than Xishi, or was talented, was rejected by Leng Jue.

How did you know that when Princess Anping's talent and ability resounded throughout the capital, Leng Jue went to find his father.

This Princess Anping is a treasure, he wants it!

Whether it is her identity, her talents, her looks, or her wealth, they are all excellent raw jade. Leng Jue took a fancy to it, and Leng Jia naturally applauded with both hands.

Although Mrs. Leng had some doubts because of Gu Xiaowan’s reputation before, Leng Jue dispelled Leng’s mother’s doubts with a single sentence: “In any case, even if she is notorious, she is a treasure. If she becomes Leng’s family, the emperor will look up to us. Lengjia glanced."

What is love at first sight, but I just saw that person and thought it was unusually suitable!

Identity, status and future, just right!

Queen Leng continued: "If you return to the emperor, the concubine wants to give Princess Anping a marriage. The concubine's elder brother Leng Jue fell in love with Princess Anping at first sight, admires Princess Anping for her talents, and wants to marry Princess Anping forever."

Gu Xiaowan looked above the hall at the moment. What the queen said just now was not serious or serious, but it happened to be able to be heard by her. The queen wanted to ask for a marriage for her.

Moreover, the person who gave the marriage is still Leng Jue?

Gu Xiaowan raised her eyes on Leng Jue. I looked at the opposite table and saw that beside the table of the Leng family, besides a middle-aged couple, there was also a handsome, handsome young man in his twenties. The queen's brother-Leng Jue!

Gu Xiaowan couldn't get along with this person, and she didn't even say a word with this person. Why would the empress be married to this person?

Leng Jue also felt Gu Xiaowan looking at her at this moment. He suddenly raised his head and looked straight at Gu Xiaowan. When the two eyes met in the air, Leng Jue grinned at Gu Xiaowan. The smile was not without tenderness and tenderness. .

Everyone looked at the faces of Leng Jue and Gu Xiaowan, and some of them couldn't help but nod their heads: "It's really a beautiful girl, a pair made in heaven!" "Yes, Lord Leng hasn't been married for so many years. This proposal is our first talented woman in Beijing. It really has a foresight, so gratifying!"

Sitting above Xiao Yuanyao saw Cheng Yaojin who had been killed halfway, the hostility of his whole body also leaked out like ice. Shu Min on the side felt a cold breath all over, but also knew that this was from Xiao Yuanyao's body. It came out because at the moment Gu Xiaowan also looked at Leng Jue.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and no one gave it away, while Leng Jue looked at Gu Xiaowan with a smile on his face. Anyone would know that these two people had already been struggling, so the Leng family let the queen propose marriage.

Everyone smiled and congratulated, the voice in the hall was very noisy, and when they saw the condensed eyes of the emperor, everyone was frightened and quickly silenced, and at this time, a sudden voice made Ali.

"They haven't known each other a long time ago?" Someone said quizzically: "I heard that Princess Anping already has a sweetheart. Could it be that she has seen a good one and intends to abandon her sweetheart?"

The man’s voice was not loud, he was trying to squeeze his throat to say. I wanted to speak through the noisy hall. No one could hear this clearly. But because the hall suddenly became quiet, his voice seemed unusually loud. Up.

After he finished speaking, the whole hall was unusually quiet, a little weird quietly.

"The emperor, the minister wants to marry the Princess Anping. The minister fell in love with the Princess Anping at first sight. Goodbye. The minister wanted to ask the emperor to give the marriage. He also hopes that the emperor will be fulfilled. The minister will surely take care of the Princess Anping in his life. There will only be Princess Anping as a wife. There will never be concubines, and there will be no shared rooms!"

Leng Jue stood up at this time and knelt in the middle of the hall and said.

Just such a wife in a lifetime? That would be one double for a lifetime. Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, he envied a lot of young ladies.

In this age, three wives and four concubines are commonplace for men, but they have never seen a man who has only one wife in his entire life, and besides, he is such an excellent man.

At a young age, he was already at the third rank, and his sister was still the queen of the Qing Dynasty, and his father was a first-rank royal scholar. Leng Jue's future is limitless.

"Master Leng said that she would only marry Princess Anping in this life. I really envy me!" A woman said sourly. It seems that she should be Leng Jue's admirer.

Gu Xiaowan frowned when she saw Leng Jue's move. She was quickly weighing this in her mind. Queen Leng asked him to say this. What was the purpose of Leng Jue in marrying herself?

The queen now has a hatred for herself, did Leng Jue marry herself to help her avenge herself?

Before she finished thinking about it, she heard a voice.


She raised her head in horror, and looked in the direction where the sound came from. She saw the blood on the right hand of Shu Tianci, and the Liulizhan he was playing with was crushed by him abruptly! And his eyes are still in his own hands.

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