The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2560: Do I know you

Gu Xiaowan was so frightened that she wanted to stand up and take a look, but when she thought of her identity, she could only sit in her place. The corner of Shu Tianci's eyes saw the distress and unbearable on Gu Xiaowan's face, even though she would not come. , But such a thought made him feel like he had eaten honey.

Although her hand hurts, but her heart is sweet, she still cares about herself!

Shu Tianci thought this way, the smile on the corner of his mouth was revealed, and everyone saw such a weird scene. The emperor's hands were bloody, and he looked at his **** smile.

The sharp glazed dregs cut out Shu Tianci's hand full of blood, and everyone took a breath. Father Qi couldn't stand his frightened legs anymore, and hurriedly shouted: "Go and pass the doctor, pass the doctor."

Shu Tianci's hand was cut by the colored glaze slag, and everyone took a breath, and the hall suddenly quieted curiously. Queen Leng was also shocked when she saw Shu Tianci's blood on one hand: "The Emperor"

She puffed up her belly, and under the support of the two aunts Tingyin and Tingyan, she wanted to look at his hand. Where did she know that Shu Tianci turned her hand behind her back and asked reluctantly: "What did the queen just say? You say it again, I didn't hear clearly just now."

Shu Tianci smiled, his smile was very strong, but the corners of his mouth were just a radian, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes at all, his eyes swept across the crowd under the hall, and he saw the crowd sitting upright. Leng Jue among them.

His words were inserted into the queen's heart like a sharp knife. The queen squatted halfway in front of Shu Tianci, neither entering nor retreating. The huge bulging abdomen looked very abrupt.

She acted awkwardly, just looking at Shu Tianci and smiling at her. The smile was cold and stiff. When she looked at herself, she was like looking at the prey again. There is no respect for her.

Leng Jue had already said so clearly just now. The emperor did not ask Leng Jue, but came to ask herself. The queen had to bite the bullet and said: "Leng Jue loves Princess Anping and wants to ask the emperor to give her a marriage."

Shu Tianci nodded at this moment: "Listen clearly!"

Seeing a different emperor from the past, Empress Leng’s heart was almost mentioned in her throat. When mentioning Gu Xiaowan, the emperor’s attitude was really different from usual!

And some people who don't understand are a little surprised at this scene, and they speculate that what happened to the emperor?

Leng Jue just knelt in the middle of the hall, and the emperor looked at him like a knife. Leng Jue felt quite pressured. He really admired Gu Xiaowan. Originally, his eyes were so high that he looked down on Gu Xiaowan, but again and again. , He was full of curiosity about this woman.

First her talent, then her magic tea, and then smelting iron forging, Leng Jue felt very strange, what exactly is in the mind of such a woman, every time he can give him great joy and expectation. He has a distinguished background, and he was arrogant and arrogant. It is rare for a woman to be in his sight. Now that he saw Princess Anping, there is no reason for Leng's father and Leng's mother to disagree. Moreover, Anping Princess is indeed a good choice.

The Leng family all agreed, so that's why Leng's father asked Queen Leng to ask for marriage.

Shu Tianci looked at Leng Jue directly.

Suddenly smiled, that smile was very sad, very sad, and the queen on the side was like a man on his back.

Leng Jue didn't want to let go of this opportunity, and continued: "The emperor, the minister admires Princess Anping, please give me marriage from the emperor!" Gu Xiaowan sat there, motionless, she didn’t know Leng Jue at all, and without consulting her in advance, she wanted to have an overlord hard bow, but it’s a pity, she Gu Xiaowan just did it. Not a vegetarian!

At this moment, Shu Tianci's hand was bandaged by the doctor Hao Lian, and he told Father Qi a few words, saying that it would not be a big problem, and then went down. Empress Leng let out a long sigh of relief, and finally put his mind on the elder brother. Talking with Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan smiled at this moment: "Master Leng, do we know each other?"

Leng Jue didn’t expect that Gu Xiaowan’s first sentence to him was exactly this. She was stimulated by the smile on her mouth and the mockery on her face. He was aloof, his status was outstanding, he was the queen’s elder brother, and now he is from the third rank. The Beijing official, Princess Anping, she has no right to object!

"I have seen Princess Anping many times in Xia, but Princess Anping has never seen her!" Leng Jue said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Oh, in that case, I don't even know you, why did you come to ask for a marriage? What if I don't agree to marry you?"

Leng Jue's face froze instantly, disagree?

How could it be that she is just a princess canonized by the emperor, her status is so low, how could she disagree with her request, she has promised to give her a double for her life, why is she not satisfied?

Is it possible that she has to go back to marry that beggar?

Leng Jue said: "If the princess promises to marry me, she will treat the princess as a baby, love and care, and be a couple for life! Don't dare to break her promise."

Shu Tianci looked at his strapped hands in amazement, his hand was injured, and he would be able to strap it up and be able to feed it, but what if his heart is battered?

Is there any doctor who can have such good medical skills and heal his heart.

Shu Tianci looked above the hall from his hand, and when he saw Gu Xiaowan talking to Leng Jue, he felt like he wanted to laugh.

Leng Jue thinks Princess Anping will agree to marry him?

He is the dignified ninety-five, the lord of a country, she will not change her heart, let alone he is a third-grade capital official!

He simply doesn't care, he doesn't care how Leng Jue is hit anyway, as long as he protects her at the end!

He filled the glass cup with wine again, so he watched this scene in his spare time.

Empress Leng was stunned. The emperor looked like a okay person, and it seemed as if it hadn’t happened to crush the cup just now. If it weren’t for the snow-white bandage tied to his hand, she would really think that the emperor had crushed a cup just now. , Is my own illusion.

The queen returned to her position. After listening carefully to the dialogue between Leng Jue and Gu Xiaowan this time, Queen Leng felt angry from her heart. Gu Xiaowan clearly disagrees!

Thinking of his father repeatedly telling himself before, it must be this thing. After learning the lesson just now, Queen Leng planned to change his strategy this time.

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