The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2603: Old friend

"Junsheng, this matter is no trivial matter. You are an imperial doctor. Since Xiao Yuanshan doesn't evade you, naturally you are sure that you can't see it. Now you just assume that nothing happened, and you don't know whether this person is true or false, just that you don't know. Xiao Yuanshan was cruel, and he didn't know how many damaging things he had done when he was competing with the king for Nanling. Now you have to take care of Yuemei, and you should protect yourself well!" Xu Chengze said.

Chen Junsheng smiled: "Don't worry, I know. But, there is one thing, I still want to talk about it. I have been in the harem for the concubines in the past few days, and I have heard someone mention one thing. .It is said that when Xiao Yuanshan entered the palace, he once brought a big box, how tall a person is, I don’t know what kind of treasures are in it! They also said that they were going to the king to ask for it! What a good baby brought from the Qing Dynasty!"

"Nanling went to Daqing to offer tribute, and there is no possibility that there will be treasures returned!" Xu Chengze frowned and said, "If there is a person as tall as Daqing, it will only be delivered in a large box. How could it be packed in a tall box!"

"Yeah, I think so too. With such a big box, it is inconvenient to hold anything except people!" Chen Junsheng said with a smile.

When the two heard these words, they both froze, then looked at each other, and suddenly had a bold idea.

As soon as Xiao Yuanshan arrived in Nanling, he had to garrison troops before the Mingdu princess was named. Nanling was a small country. Although he was not very afraid of the Qing Dynasty, it had been restricted by the Qing Dynasty because of the small number of people.

But there is one thing that the Qing Dynasty is inferior to Nanling, and that is the weapon forged by smelting iron, which is much better than the Qing Dynasty! Therefore, for so many years, although the two countries have fought, but you can't eat me, I can't eat you, and the two sides have always been working independently.

This time Xiao Yuanyao went to the Qing Dynasty to recuperate and grow Nanling's population. However, Xiao Yuanshan still insisted on garrisoning troops. Is it possible that he thought of a way to restrict the Qing Dynasty?

The princess of Mingdu was sent by the Qing emperor. Xu Chengze knew that now the princess of the Qing Dynasty is Princess Lihua, and there is only one such princess.

It is impossible for the Qing emperor to let her come and kiss him, this Princess Mingdu is Shu Hao's daughter! For the Qing emperor, the constraints were not great enough. If Nanling really wants to fight Daqing again, although Nanling will not suffer, it will definitely not take advantage!

After all, Nan Ling didn't hold the seven inches of Da Qing!

It's just that the movement of Xiao Yuanshan now makes Xu Chengze a little confused! Is it possible that Xiao Yuanshan really grasped the seven inches of Da Qing?

What will these seven inches be?

Is it possible that the one in that box is really a person?

With this bold idea, Xu Chengze said to Chen Junsheng: "You and I are both from the Qing Dynasty, let alone the others. For the sake of the Qing Dynasty and the thousands of people in Nanling, Xiao Yuanshan's plan must also be blocked. You can go back and wait in peace. My message, if something happens, I will notify you again!"

Chen Junsheng nodded: "Okay!" After speaking, he turned and left.

Xu Chengze thought for a while, then said: "Wait a minute, there is something to tell you. I once heard that the old man had appeared in the Qing Dynasty. Maybe I can find him and save Yuemei!"

Chen Junsheng glanced at Xu Chengze gratefully, nodded heavily, turned and left!

When the people walked away, Xu Chengze knocked down on the table. With a flash of effort, two masked men in black appeared in front of him.


Xu Chengze looked at the two of them and said his plan.

The two disappeared quickly, and Xu Chengze just wanted to relax his breath when he saw a loving voice from outside: "Chengze is back?"

The gloom on Xu Chengze's face quickly disappeared, replaced by a gentle face: "Mother"

I saw a graceful but amiable woman walked in, surrounded by a supporting maid. Seeing Xu Chengze, she hurriedly asked for peace: "My son!"

Xu Chengze waved her hand, and the maid beside the woman took two steps back. Xu Chengze hurried to the mountain to support the woman, and said with a smile: "Mother, why are you here?"

"Why, mother can't come and see? If you don't go to see mother, mother can't see you?" Xu woman smiled angrily, looking at her son with joy in her eyes. It was the only thing that worried her.

"Of course I can come, what are you talking about?" Xu Chengze helped Madam Xu to sit down in the top position. He also sat on Madam Xu's right hand, and soon someone brought tea and snacks. , And went down.

Mrs. Xu looked at Xu Chengze with satisfaction. After taking a sip of tea, Mrs. Xu asked: "Wang and the one who came back from the pros, is the Mingdu Princess of Qing Dynasty?"

Now that Nanling’s people both above and below know about this, Mrs. Xu will know. He didn’t feel surprised, so he also drank a sip of tea, nodded and said, “Well. It turned out to be the Princess of Mingdu. So she was named Princess Mingdu!"

Mrs. Xu was a little pleased: "I wonder if she and Xiao Wan are very familiar? I don't know if the child has had a good life in recent years."

Speaking of the name that has been deeply buried in his heart, but has not been mentioned for many years, Xu Chengze's body froze.

At this moment, his indifferent expression appeared unusual. He didn't speak, but rubbed the tea cup in his hand. When Madam Xu thought he could not speak, Xu Chengze said quietly: "It should be good! "

Mrs. Xu saw the loneliness in his eyes and sighed and said, "It's been so many years, the child is almost eighteen, and he should have already married. Besides, she had a good relationship with that Xiao Qin at that time. The two were childhood sweethearts, and they are also a couple of gods!"

Xu Chengze gave a hum.

Mrs. Xu looked at her son, sighed and said, "Since she has found her own happiness, after so many years, you should also consider your own affairs!"

Xu Chengze knew that Mrs. Xu came, there must be something to do. After mentioning something that his mother hadn't mentioned for many years, Xu Chengze felt that his throat was a little tight, but knew that he could only answer: "My mother said, It's just that I haven't found that person for so many years. I don't know if I can find it!"

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