The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2616: She is a treasure

Shu Lin was frightened. Just about to ask what it was, she saw Shu Hao replied with great joy, "It's her blood! Her blood has the effect of resurrecting the dead. All sicknesses, even if people die, just drink Her blood can come back to life!" Shu Lin said this almost religiously, and Shu Lin looked at his father's pious appearance in shock.

Hearing what he said, he felt very surprised: "Father, how is this possible! How can a person be brought back to life after death!"

"You don't believe me, I can understand, but do you know? More than ten years ago, a frightening plague broke out in Daqing, Nanling and the surrounding small countries. In that plague, countless people died. Many people were burned to death after catching the plague, but they were not dead yet. After taking the medicine, the body was miraculously healed. At that time, everyone thought it was Master Huiyuan’s medicine that had an effect. Do you know what it is?"

Shu Lin replied in shock: "Could it be that the saint's blood?"

"Yes, it's the blood of the saint. She saw the creatures burnt, mixed with Master Huiyuan's medicine with her own blood, and saved countless Li people. Later, she didn't know who revealed this matter, Sheng The blood of a woman can cure all diseases, and the matter of reviving from the dead is spread, and she has also become the object of the world's chasing. In addition to blood, there is the treasure. It is said that if you get the treasure, you can gain the power of the world. You say so Something tempting, who is willing to die!"

Shu Lin still couldn't understand: "More than ten years ago, that saint was already in her twenties, and Gu Xiaowan was only seventeen years old. How is this possible?"

Shu Hao sneered: "All of this, when you see Master Huiyuan next time, you can ask him and you will know!"

Seeing that his father was absolutely sure that he did not admit the wrong person, Shu Lin believed it. Whether or not Gu Xiaowan is a real saint, such a temptation is personally unstoppable.

"Erchen understands, he will go to inform Min'er now so that she will not act rashly." Shu Lin said hurriedly. There was tremendous excitement in his tone. The saint has countless wealth and the ability to bring back to life. If such a person is in his hands, wouldn't this world belong to him for generations?

Thinking of this, Shu Lin wished to hurry up to Fei Ge to pass the book to Shu Min, to tell her not to act rashly, and to take good care of Gu Xiaowan, and there must be no mistakes!

Nanling Palace, when Shu Min received the news from the Qing Dynasty, she was a little bit astonished, thinking that she had read it wrong, and said to Jian Yu, who was on the side: "Jian Yu, you can help this palace to see, is this palace wrong? Father? Wang actually wants me to let Gu Xiaowan go and send her back to Daqing safely?"

Jian Yu looked at the letterhead: "Wang Hao, it really means this!"

Shu Min tore the letter to pieces angrily: "How is it possible? What happened to his father's mind? He even asked me to send Gu Xiaowan back to Nanling safely. Doesn't he know that I wish I could eat her meat? , Drink her blood?"

Jian Yu saw the crazy Shu Min, frowning and said: "Wang Hao, this is the order of the prince, please take the overall situation seriously!"

"Father, what does he mean? Okay, Gu Xiaowan went to Nanling and let me go through a thousand swords. Why does he disagree now? This letterhead must be wrong, it must be wrong!"

Shu Min cried frantically.

At this time, another copy of the Flying Pigeon book came. Shu Min opened it and saw the words inside, shocked to add: "Brother let me let her go too? What happened to them? Why let me let them go. Past her?"

Shu Min went mad, and as soon as he raised his hand, he overturned the cabinet next to him to the ground. The exquisite porcelain on top of Duobao Pavilion fell to the ground, making a sound of hard objects crashing and clearing.

"Princess, please calm down your anger first. The prince and the son of the prince sent two letters in succession. This Gu Xiaowan must have a big effect, and he also asked the princess to put the overall situation first and listen to the words of the prince and the son of the son!" Jian Yu persuaded.

Shu Min hugged herself and looked at the letter paper in her hand. How could she bear it? My brother threatened herself in the letter, saying that she must protect Gu Xiaowan from being hurt. If she suffers a little If it hurts a little bit, he would deny her sister!

For the sake of Gu Xiaowan, does my brother want her too?

Shu Min went mad. All the things that could be smashed in the palace were smashed. That's not the case. It broke all the things that could be torn and reduced. The mess in the palace, the maids and servants outside. , Shivering outside, afraid to come in.

When Shu Min finished venting, she stared at all the mess in a daze. Looking at the letter paper in her hand, her heart was like a drop of blood.

What is going on with Gu Xiaowan? How come even father and brother started to show her a favor? What about her? She was so ruthless about Xiaowan, and the father said that he could deal with her at will, so how could she not speak anything?

Shu Min was stunned as he thought, and found out that Xiao Yuanshan had already walked in.

He accompanied the ruthless landlord for a walk, just passing by Shu Min's palace. From inside, there were heavy objects falling and hysterical sounds, and Xiao Yuanshan's scalp was numb.

"Lord Nan, you are strolling around, this king went in to see the king's princess, Xu is too far away from home, these few days, this king has not been with her, this king has a look!"

Anan arched his hands, his face was light and breezy: "King Nanling is free!"

Xiao Yuanshan walked in, and Anan looked around, carefully smelling the surrounding smell, there was still nothing here, not even a trace of smell.

He simply stood on the spot and thought about it in his mind. In the past few days, Xiao Yuanshan took the route he took, and Xiao Yuanshan took him. Basically, they were all walking halls. Because of the special terrain of Nanling, the Nanling Palace was still built. On a mountain, in addition to the many palaces built on the flat ground, there are also many mountain forests, and there should also be many small palaces built in the mountain forests. There, Xiao Yuanshan has never taken himself there.

If there is not under this mountain, will there be on the mountain?

Anan was lost in thought. This winter day was very cold, even colder than Daqing.

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