The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2618: You don't deserve him

Jian Yu came from behind and stopped Shu Min in one hand, shouting: "Wang Hao, you go back, go back, if you annoy the prince, you are the one who is injured!"

Gu Xiaowan was inside, already asleep.

But when she heard Shu Min's hysterical roar outside, she turned around and still didn't want to pay attention to her, but Shu Min said it was too bad, and she couldn't sleep, so she just got up, put on her clothes, and came to the door.

Just staying inside, sneered towards the outside: "Wang Hao, the outside doors are all locked, how do you let me out?"

The crisp sound was like a sound of heaven, Anan looked at the room excitedly, and listened to the fascinating sound from inside, he almost cried with joy.

Awan, Awan

When Shu Min heard Gu Xiaowan’s voice, the anger was like starting a prairie fire. She yelled: "Gu Xiaowan, you must die, you rob my sweetheart, and now the king who has harmed me is alienated from me. You are so cruel. what!"

"What a cruel heart?" Gu Xiaowan sneered inside: "You have sent people to harm me again and again, almost killing me and insulting my innocence, don't you be cruel? Shu Min, do you know? Karma Retribution, the cycle is unhappy, what do you do, God is watching, do you think, what good retribution can you get in this life?"

"Retribution? Is my retribution still low?" Shu Min roared hysterically: "Su Ziyue is not willing to be with me even if he is dead for you. He would rather take your things to bury than Take my jade pendant. I can't get his body if I live, can't I get his body even if I die?"

"So" Gu Xiaowan sneered, "So, is this the reason why you let people dig his grave and made him feel uneasy even if he died?"

"You all know? You know?" Shu Min didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to know that he had sent someone to dig Su Ziyue's grave, and was a little surprised.

"Shu Min, the reincarnation of heaven, have you ever known that if you break him in reincarnation, he may never be reborn in his next life, he can only become a ghost, wandering in this world, and there is no chance to be a man again!"

"I don't care, who makes him not love me!"

"Then there are many people in this world who don't love you, do you have to kill them one by one? If others don't love you, do you have an excuse to kill others? What logic do you have!" Gu Xiaowan was also annoyed at the moment, although she I know that people like Shu Min can't listen, but now, she is also full of anger and wants to question Shu Min.

As long as she thought, when the coffin was smashed in a mess and a good grave was dug up and down, she hadn't thought that maybe Su Ziyue's body was lying in the mud like this, a corpse wilderness!

"I love him so much, I don't deserve him in any way, but he doesn't love me!" Shu Min shouted.

Gu Xiaowan also said without showing any weakness in it, "Shu Min, you don't have anything to go with Su Ziyue. Su Ziyue doesn't love you, it really is right!"

Gu Xiaowan's words completely angered Shu Min!

"Why doesn't he love me, my appearance, my family background, my talents, I am not worthy of him, in the end, he is not still a dog at my feet."

After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan slowly closed her eyes, with a sneer on the corners of her mouth. After a long time, she slowly opened her eyes. At this moment, her eyes were clear, knowing that nothing else would help the crazy woman. , She will not have any guilt for Su Ziyue.

Anyway, she couldn't come in and hurt herself.

Gu Xiaowan stepped forward, facing the outside, saying word by word: "Shu Min, Su Ziyue is okay to die, otherwise, it would be better to die with someone like you for a lifetime!"

Indeed, spending a lifetime with such a cruel woman, Su Ziyue would be dead!

Fortunately, he must be somewhere now, quietly spending the second half of his life, with this sound, he no longer needs to face Shu Min's ugly face.

Use one's own love to imprison a person, without asking if others love her at all!

Love is mutual.

After Gu Xiaowan said this, she smiled backwards and walked back, Shu Min's hysterical roar came from outside, but she couldn't get close to the room at all.

The dazzling sword was horizontally in front of her, Jian Yu held Shu Min firmly, not letting her go forward.

Shu Min Xu didn't understand it yet, but Jian Yu saw it clearly. If Shu Min really dared to touch Gu Xiaowan's hair, Xiao Yuanshan would really destroy her!

Shu Min cursed hysterically. Those people in Buyu Pavilion didn't loosen anything. They only clung to their swords. Standing at the door of the house, with sharp eyes, they stared at Shu Min, not letting Shu Min come closer.

Gu Xiaowan took off her clothes and lay back on the bed, covering the bedding from head to toe.

Shu Min yelled outside for a long time, and saw no movement inside. Until her voice became hoarse, she was dragged away by Jian Yu.

Xiao Yuanshan already knew about her coming to Silent Pavilion. A beautiful concubine was nestled beside him, a little curious: "What on earth does Buyuge have?"

Xiao Yuanshan glared at that side concubine severely. That side concubine used to joke with King Nanling, and King Nanling would not be annoyed. Most of them would say something to himself, but nowadays, he doesn't care about himself, but uses that. He looked at himself with almost penetrating eyes.

The beautiful concubine immediately begged for mercy: "Wang, the concubine is wrong, the concubine shouldn't ask!"

"It's fine if you know that you are wrong, you shouldn't ask, don't ask, if you ask too much, your head can't be kept!" Xiao Yuanshan looked at the beautiful concubine with a cold smile.

Before that side concubine could react, he saw Xiao Yuanshan squeezing her under her body, looking at herself with almost dead eyes during the whole process.

The concubine on the other side dared to see wherever she was, and quickly closed her eyes. Seeing her as timid as a mouse, Xiao Yuanshan sneered in his heart. After a sprint, he immediately retreated and stood up.

It was very cold in winter, and a cold wind swept across the concubine. When she was about to take a bedding to cover her body, her face was cut by something suddenly, and the sharp tingling sensation immediately made her wailing. Yelled and opened his eyes.

I saw Xiao Yuanshan holding a sharp sword, pointing at him, and there was a drop of bright red blood on the tip of the sword.

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