The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2620: Don't frown

All the doors and windows were nailed to death, Gu Xiaowan couldn't get out, and the Buyu Pavilion outside was surrounded by groups, and no one came in.

She seems to be forgotten by the world. Is it possible that she will definitely die here?

If he is really dead, Brother Huizhi will be very sad!

Gu Xiaowan couldn't stand anymore, leaning against the wall, and slid down feebly, her eyes were hollow, and she didn't know where she was looking at it without focus.

She closed her eyes slowly. She didn't know how long it took. A chill came. She slowly opened her eyes. She seemed to hear the sound of soldiers intersecting outside. Her mind was very confused. She wanted to stand up and shake. After shaking several times, he finally lay back on the ground.

Gu Xiaowan only felt that she was weak, but her eyes were always looking at the door.

There was movement outside, did someone come to rescue her? Even if Shu Min came to kill her, she would have no backhanding power, right?

Gu Xiaowan opened her eyes and saw that the locked door was shaking violently. With a "boom", the door was kicked open, and a cool breeze swept in, engulfing the whole room, and Gu Xiaowan lay on the ground, feeling more and more cold.

Her mind was not clear, but she kept her eyes open and saw a white dress rushing in with a sword from the outside.

Bai Yi, Bai Yi, not Shu Min, shouldn't be here to kill herself!

Gu Xiaowan's mind was confused, and the corners of her mouth grinned a little, and then she saw a handsome face like an immortal appearing in front of her. The worries on her face seemed to kill people, and her brows were frowned tightly. Together.

The face in front of him overlapped with the face that always appeared in dreams. Gu Xiaowan raised her hand and rubbed it lightly on his frowning eyebrows.

"Anan, don't frown, Awan feels distressed!"

Immediately, her hand dropped slowly, closed her eyes, and passed out.

The person holding her, his white coat was stained red with blood, he didn't care about the embarrassment, and he held the woman in front of him tightly in his arms. When he went outside, the non-verbal pavilion gathered quickly.

He is not in love with war, and the body in his arms is hot. He hugs the woman tightly and breaks through the more and more guards. Even if he is stabbed by someone, he still holds his arms tightly. The woman in the sword rushed out desperately.

When Xiao Yuanshan learned that Gu Xiaowan had been rescued, he was getting up from a concubine. The concubine looked at him in horror, for fear that he would die on the spot like the previous concubine. No matter how he knew it, he didn’t even look at himself, but grabbed I ran away with clothes.

And she also became the only one who survived among those concubines who served in bed. She shivered and put on the trousers, the clothes outside, and planned to sneak back to her palace, but when she opened the door and saw the sight outside, she was stunned. .

In the wide field in front of the palace, countless guards with swords and arrows in their hands surrounded the palace, raising the sharp blade in their hands and pointing towards Xiao Yuanshan.

Xiao Yuanshan was stopped by so many people since he came out. When he saw Xu Chengze who was standing in the lead, he was slightly shocked, and then asked, "When did you find it?"

"From the first day when you returned to Nanling to go to court, I have found that something is wrong with you!" Xu Chengze, with tens of thousands of soldiers behind him, said coldly: "My king is kind and benevolent. It has always been our duty to comfort the common people. The thief Xiao Yuanshan has always tried to expand his territory, leaving the lives and deaths of my people in Nanling at risk!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, no wonder Xu Zaifu, you are really smart enough. Xiao Yuanyao can have someone like you to assist him, no wonder he will beat me!" Xiao Yuanshan sneered.

In the shocked gaze of the concubine, he saw King Nanling beside the sound, and suddenly tore off a human skin mask from his face, revealing another face.

When the concubine "Xiao Xiao" saw the other face, she threw a fright, and sat down on the ground. She mumbled and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it anymore.

Warm blood was constantly pouring out of her throat. She looked at the sharp blade in front of her in shock. When she drew it out again, the warm blood splashed three feet high.

The concubine opened a pair of eyes, not squinting.

I would never die, but in the end he still died!

Xiao Yuanshan glanced at the corpse whose body was slowly getting cold in disgust, and then said, "Hate!"

Xu Chengze saw another concubine who had died, and shouted with a sword in his hand: "Xiao Yuanshan, you rebellious minister and thief, don't hesitate to catch it!"

"Catch it with his hands?" Xiao Yuanshan seemed to have heard some funny joke. The arrogant laughter was stern and stern, breaking the tranquility of the night, and the night became more and more hideous: "Why does this king want to catch with his hands? Xu Chengze, you are not very Do you love Xiao Yuanyao? He is now in the hands of this king. If you don't want him to die, you can take someone away immediately, otherwise, this king won't mind to die with Xiao Yuanyao!"

"Come here, bring Xiao Yuanyao over to this king!" Xiao Yuanshan sternly ordered.

However, before his people moved, they heard a weak voice not far away: "Xiao Yuanshan, are you looking for this king?"

Hearing the voice, Xiao Yuanshan looked at a man walking out from behind the soldier in horror. The familiar eyebrows were not Xiao Yuanyao, who else would be there!

Xiao Yuanshan pointed at Xiao Yuanyao in horror, and asked in disbelief: "You, you, why are you here, aren't you still locked in the secret room?"

Xiao Yuanyao sneered: "Xiao Yuanshan, do you think that people who betrayed me will not betray you?"

"What? Shu Min, Shu Min, you bitch, you bitch!" Xiao Yuanshan yelled immediately when he heard it.

"You don't need to shout, since she has released me, then she has given up on you!" Xiao Yuanyao sneered: "However, this king really did not expect how you changed this king ?"

Xiao Yuanshan shouted ferociously: "Xiao Yuanyao, don't be proud, it doesn't matter who dies and who lives! If you dare to move me, I give an order that Gu Xiaowan will die, and I will make you suffer for the rest of your life!"

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