The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2621: She finally died

Xiao Yuanyao became nervous when he heard Gu Xiaowan's name.

"where is she?"

The two voices were almost coincidentally asked. Xiao Yuanshan looked at the two people opposite and asked these words in unison. He was a little shocked, but he quickly reacted: "Haha, you let me go and I will tell you her. Where, otherwise, I will keep you from seeing her for the rest of your life!"

Xiao Yuanyao looked at Xiao Yuanshan, and Xu Chengze felt cold in his heart: "Xiao Yuanshan, if you dare to touch her vellus hair, you will be dead, and I will also make you frustrated."

"It doesn't matter. I knew that there would be such a day. Anyway, with beautiful women on Huangquan Road, I would not be lonely."

Seeing what he had taken out of his arms, a sharp voice rang out in the air, and then saw Xiao Yuanshan actually lifted the sword in his hand and pierced his neck.

Xiao Yuanyao saw the fireworks that had just dissipated, and shouted almost madly: "Go find it, find it for me, you can't find Gu Xiaowan, you all come to see me!"

Xu Chengze staggered and couldn't hold it anymore and fell to the ground.

Xiao Wan, Xiao Wan, you really are in Nanling, you really are in Nanling.

A large number of people almost turned the entire Nanling tomb out of the sky, and no trace of Gu Xiaowan was found. Only a few wooden houses on the mountain suddenly caught fire and many people died!

Because it is deep in the mountains, there is no trace of the fire at all, until people searched the palace below, and then found the mountain, but when they saw it, several wooden houses had been burned and nothing was burned. Left.

Only a burnt black skeleton is left, whether it is a male or a female, it is not clear!

Shu Min learned that Buyu Pavilion was burned out by the fire, and many people in it were burned to death. She was a little shocked: "Jian Yu, did I hear it wrong? They said, Buyu Pavilion was on fire?"

Jian Yu nodded: "Wang Hao, it's true! There is no more burnt residue in Buyu Pavilion! There are bones inside, and there are also outside. The servants guessed that Gu Xiaowan must have died in the fire! And, Wang He Xu Zaifu is already reporting the missing person to the Qing Dynasty!"

Shu Min didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to be actually burned to death. She really didn't expect that she laughed, almost crazy.

"Dead, dead, she's finally dead, finally dead, great, great!" Shu Min laughed.

When Xiao Yuanyao and Xu Zaifu walked to the door, they happened to hear Shu Min laughing loudly. They only heard a harsh sound: She was finally dead, finally dead!


she was?

Who died? Who is she? Xiao Yuanyao rushed in almost like a wind, and grabbed Shu Min’s neck with one hand: "What did you say? Who did you say died? Who did you say died?"

Within a few days, Shu Min's neck was clamped again, and the blue-purple mark on the upper head was still there. Last time it was by Xiao Yuanshan, this time by Xiao Yuanyao. She couldn't breathe again, and she looked at Xiao Yuanyao with her eyes open.

The eyes were full of resentment and coldness.

Xu Chengze stepped forward and hurriedly grabbed Xiao Yuanyao, trying to suppress the anger in his heart and said: "Wang, we must find Xiaowan now!"

Xiao Yuanyao could hardly control his emotions and wanted to choke Shu Min to death. Now that he listened to Xu Chengze's words, he let go of Shu Min's neck severely. Shu Min was pushed away vigorously, unable to catch a breath. Come up and collapse to the ground.

Jian Yu hurriedly stepped forward to support Shu Min: "Wang Hao, how are you?"

"Don't call her the princess! She is not the princess of the king!" Xiao Yuanyao said almost harshly.

Shu Min clutched her neck, which was about to be severed. She looked at Xiao Yuanyao, with a sneer that she couldn't understand, "Why, king, isn't it the Nanling who came with your concubines in the main hall? Isn’t it because you married your concubine?"

When Xiao Yuanyao thought of being locked up in the dark dungeon and enduring severe psychological and physical pain, he wanted to slap Shu Min to death.

"You poisonous woman, if it weren't for you, how could Xiao Yuanshan catch me? You really are a freak. No wonder Xiao Wan doesn't like a woman like you, and this king hates you very much!" Xiao Yuanyao said word by word.

Shu Min laughed: "Really? Then why did you choose me and pro-Nanling? My Nanling King!"

"It's not that you said you have a way to get Princess Anping to follow me to Nanling, otherwise you thought why I chose you!"

Xiao Yuanyao said angrily.

"Did you see it? It was Nanling you wanted Gu Xiaowan to reach, and now she has something wrong with you, Nanling! Xiao Yuanyao, you just want the iron-smelting and forging skills in her mind. I also have it in Daqing, you After my father becomes the throne, he will send someone to send iron and forging technology!" Shu Min said.

Xiao Yuanyao looked at Shu Min, and the hatred in his eyes could almost burn Shu Min to death: "Do you think that the king wants her for the iron forging technology? Shu Min, don't think you have iron forging in the Qing Dynasty. Technology, can suppress me Xiao Yuanyao, I tell you, the king is not rare for smelting iron, tell me now, where is Anping? Where is she? Where did you hide her? Tell me Me, tell me!"

He grabbed Shu Min's shoulder and shook it hard.

Xiao Yuanyao was already crazy, his eyes were full of blood, and he stared at Shu Min in horror. The bloodshot eyes were like wild beasts. If the eyes could kill people, Shu Min would have died for so many times!

Shu Min was swayed, Xiao Yuanyao's strength was too strong, she almost fell apart by Xiao Yuanyao's shaking.

When Xiao Yuanyao let go of her and Shu Min finally took a second breath, he saw Xu Chengze next to him again. His eyes looked at him gloomily. The two most noble men in Nanling looked at him like this, and Shu Min felt in his heart. There was a trace of fear.

But thinking that he was the Princess Mingdu of the Qing Dynasty, her father was Prince Ming, and he might be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty in the future, Xiao Yuanyao had a thousand courage, and he didn't dare to move his hair.

Thinking of this, Shu Min was not afraid at all, looking at Xiao Yuanyao and Xu Chengze, grinning: "It's easy to want Gu Xiaowan. As long as you let me go and you let me leave Nanling, I will tell you where Gu Xiaowan is, otherwise If you do, I will die, Gu Xiaowan will die too!"

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