The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2623: Killed him

"Is it possible to stay here and wait for death? To stay in Nanling, we can only wait for death, and only when we return to Daqing, we can still live!" Shu Min knew that if she stayed in Nanling, even if she did not die, she would lose Xiao Yuanyao's favor in the future. Life in Nanling will also be extremely sad!

Might as well go back to Daqing! If the father succeeds in usurping the throne, she is the royal princess!

"But the inside of Buyu Pavilion has been burnt clean, Gu Xiaowan and her" Jian Yu said worriedly.

Shu Min glanced at her hurriedly, Jian Yu swallowed back quickly, and Shu Min said, "Even if she is dead, don't she tell her whereabouts? I'm dead, I have nothing to worry about! It's good to be dead! You are dead! Hurry up and pack things. Xiao Yuanyao will definitely send us out of the city soon. You send the news that Gu Xiaowan is dead to Qing Dynasty immediately. I believe that the regent saw this news and knew that Gu Xiaowan died in Nanling. He must It will be very angry!"

"Princess?" Jian Yu asked unclearly.

"If the regent dies, do you think he can contend with his father wholeheartedly? At that time, he will definitely come to defeat Nanling himself, and he must avenge Gu Xiaowan with the falling flowers and flowing water from Nanling. You see, three kills in one fell swoop! "

Jian Yu nodded, and hurriedly responded, packing up his things, while sending the secret letter to Daqing.

However, Xiao Yuanyao and Xu Chengze led people to look for them in Houshan for three days, but found nothing. Finally, they found the note she had left behind in Shu Min's palace.

Gu Xiaowan was locked up in the Silent Pavilion, and she had been burned to death!

Yes, it is indeed dead!

Many people died in Buyuge!

By the time Daqing knew the news of Gu Xiaowan's death, Shu Min had already rode with Jian Yu and left Nanling for three days.

Xiao Yuanyao looked at the note. One was unstable and almost fainted, while Xu Bianchengze turned around slowly and left the palace.

Laughing as he walked, he had been looking forward to it for so long, ten years later, he thought he could see her again, but he still didn't see it!

Chen Junsheng had been waiting outside the palace. Seeing Xu Chengze walking out of the palace gate, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked excitedly: "Xiao Wan is here? Where is she? She is also here in Nanling?"

Xu Chengze did not speak, but just walked forward, swaying, not knowing where he should go, Chen Junsheng saw that he was not talking, the hanging string in his heart raised again: "Chengze?"

Xu Chengze stopped and looked at Chen Junsheng, who was nervous. After all, he couldn't help it. Tears fell. He said sadly, "She's dead!"

Qin Yizhi was discussing with the soldiers in the army how to deal with the retreat, when someone outside suddenly sent a letterhead: "Master, this is a secret letter from Nanling."

Secret letter?

Qin Yizhi frowned and opened the letterhead in a puzzled manner. When he saw that there were only five words on the big piece of paper, he stood up suddenly. His face turned pale.

Seeing his sudden change of face, the soldiers on the side were puzzled for a while. What Nanling wrote over could make the regent, who had always been incapable of emotions and anger, be afraid of this!

Everyone looked at Qin Yizhi in unison, and saw that his hands began to shake, and his body began to shake uncontrollably. He bit his lip fiercely, the corners of his lips were already bleeding with traces of blood.

Qin Yizhi almost looked at the letter in his hand with a split heart.

There were only five words on the letter, but it killed him!

Gu Xiaowan is dead!

Wan'er is dead? Wan'er is dead? Who is this kidding him? who is it?

Qin Yizhi's hand was shaking, and he could hardly hold the letter paper in his hand. He wanted to shout, but he didn't dare. He bit his lips firmly, his lips were bitten, and a strong smell of rust , Still can't bring back his saneness!

He was almost mad, standing there all the time, his whole body was shaking, shaking like chaff, his face was pale, his lips were bitten white, and the blood on his lips was running along the corners of his lips. Down, it was red, but he still stared at the letter paper in his hand, his eyes looked astonished as if he saw a ghost.

Someone hurriedly asked, "The Regent, what's wrong with you?"

"The Regent, the Regent"

Qin Yizhi couldn't believe it, how could his Wan'er die?

how could be?

Qin Yizhi could no longer hear any news from the outside world, he was like a walking dead, he couldn't hear anything, couldn't see anything!

He has only one thought now, he is going to find Wan'er, she will not die, she promised to marry him, how could she die?

No, no!

Will not!

Qin Yizhi frantically slapped the huanghuali wood desk in front of him in two. The fierce rage on his body looked hideous and terrifying in the room.

Those soldiers, who had killed enemies with Qin Yizhi on the battlefield, faced millions of soldiers, he has always been calm and gentle, killing tens of thousands of enemies, but he has never seen him so crazy.

Knowing that Gu Xiaowan was dead, he seemed to be crazy!

Is she really dead?

A Wei, who was far away in Nanling, soon learned that Gu Xiaowan had died. He could hardly believe his ears. However, in this pile of soldiers, the entire Nanling Palace had nothing to do for the past few days. To do it is to find people, find people, almost dug out the entire Nanling palaces, large and small!

People in the palace heard that Gu Xiaowan was dead, and Xiao Yuanyao got the note in the palace where Shu Min lived.

Seeing Xiao Yuanyao's pathetic look and Xu Chengze's desolate look, is it possible that the girl is really dead?

Awei didn't know how he got back to the station. Shu Tianci was waiting for him at the station. Seeing Awei coming back in despair, a flash of fear suddenly flashed in his heart.

"How is it?"

Shu Tianci asked tremblingly.

Seeing Ah Wei suddenly holding his head and leaning against the wall, his face was dead and painful: "Girl, her girl is dead!"

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Shu Tianci stepped back a few steps until he hit the table. The sharp corner of the table hit his waist, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

He just felt like he was hollowed out by someone, dead?


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