The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2627: The Shen family should contribute

"Madam, whether we succeed or not, we can only try desperately. As a royal cloth merchant, we have not done such a thing for many years. Now it is passed down to my generation. Life is stable and prosperous. I occasionally see this royal piece. A cloth merchant's brand is a bit embarrassing. Now that the life and death are at stake, our Shen family should also contribute!" Shen Jianshen said solemnly.

Shen Wenjun's speed was very fast. After half an hour of work, the owners and shopkeepers of almost all the shops in the capital gathered in Shen's house. It is estimated that there are hundreds of people.

And these hundreds of people, their wives and children's relatives, even with their side branches, are in the capital, and there are many in the capital. With their influence, they are afraid that they can fight against each other's people.

Now everyone is worried, for fear that the city will be broken. Everyone is excited when they hear the remarks circulating in Beijing in the morning. As long as their good days are still there, they don't care who is the emperor!

"Master Shen, why are you inviting us?" asked one of the famous bosses in Beijing.

"Just for the remarks that circulated in Beijing this morning, I want to ask, bosses, what do you think?" Shen Jianshen asked respectfully, standing in front of the crowd without sitting.

One of the straight-natured bosses said displeased: "What can you think? It doesn't matter who is the emperor anyway, we just need to keep our current wealth and honor!"

When someone spoke, everyone else said, "Yeah, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, as long as our days remain the same!"

Seeing that nearly half of the people in the house thought this way, Shen Wenjun was a little worried.

But Shen Jianshen smiled, and someone on the side opened his mouth again: "Boss Shen, you should also know that Prince Ming brought 80,000 soldiers outside, but we only have 20,000 soldiers in Beijing. Now the city gate is fighting tragically, with heavy casualties. If this continues, the collapse of the city will be the matter of these two days!"

"Yes, Lord Ming said that he will not pursue the people in the city. We will live as long as we should. Why don't we let him into the city?"

You say, I say, hundreds of people out of 50 or 60 agreed!

Seeing this huge scale, Shen Wenjun was very flustered, no wonder the people in Beijing gathered so quickly in such a short period of time, Shu Hao's bait was really big!

Shen Jianshen just glanced lightly at these people who were in favor of surrender, then looked at Li Fan, and asked, "Treasurer Li, what about you?"

Li Fan got up, looked at the people who were talking, and sneered: "I am in the city! I will not vote to the death!"

Someone among them began to say: "Treasurer Li, your Jinfulou Fujinlou has robbed the business of Shuiyu Guzhai. Of course you are afraid that the Ming prince will avenge you!" Li Fan shouted: "I am a citizen of the Qing Dynasty, and I support the orthodox emperor of the Qing Dynasty in my heart. He is a rebel who seeks to usurp the throne, and his name is not righteous. , Where is the fear?"

Li Fan's words silenced some people who were still yelling just now.

The most important concubines in ancient times, the most respected and humble. Naturally, the emperor should have inherited the rulership only when the previous emperor issued an edict to inform the world, but this prince Ming

Upon seeing this, Shen Jianshen smiled and said: "Everyone, Rong Shen said something, and all the bosses have said just now. Boss Li disagreed because he was afraid of Wangye's revenge! But everyone, about the incident in the fifteenth year of Shunyuan, I don’t know everyone, but have you heard it mentioned by the elders at home?"

Shunyuan fifteen years?

When it came to that incident, some of the older faces suddenly paled, and some didn't know. They looked around and looked at each other, not knowing what happened in the fifteenth year of Shunyuan!

Shen Jianshen said quietly: "Since there is a boss who doesn't know what happened that year, let someone in Rong Shen tell everyone one by one!"

The fifteenth year of Shunyuan was the fifteenth year of the ancestor emperor’s succession. Because the ancestor emperor was already old when he founded the Qing Dynasty, so by the fifteenth year, his age was getting older and his body became less and less severe. Okay, but the mind is still the same clear!

The ancestor emperor gave birth to three princes, all of whom were a female compatriot, brothers, and all of them have grown up and become families and businesses.

Logically speaking, if this is a succession, it should be the succession of the eldest son of the family, but

The ancestor emperor had his third son succeeded to the throne, that is, the emperor's grandfather succeeded to the throne. And the eldest son and the second son saw that the ancestor emperor did not choose them, but chose the third child. Of course, they were angry from their hearts. They wanted to seize power from the third child, but no matter how they fought, how could they fight all the military power. The elder brother, after some suppression, the boss and the second child failed and was locked up in prison.

However, the third child cares about the brotherly brotherhood, let go of the second child and third child, and still give them a fief far away, so that they can stand on their own as kings.

But who knows, after the eldest second went to the fief, he did not remember the love of the third child, but the humiliation the third child gave them, so the two colluded with foreign nations and attacked the Qing Dynasty.

The youngest who succeeded that year knew that he had missed brotherhood and let the tiger go back to the mountain, so he personally led the troops and went to suppress it. However, because the incident happened suddenly, the supply of grain, grass and quilts was not timely, and because the estimation was wrong at the time, the emperor almost died on the battlefield in the world. Later, it was transferred from various places because of the then head of the Shen family. Food, grass and warm clothing, solved their worries, let them turn defeat into victory, and wiped out the rebellious rebels in one fell swoop!

And that war eventually led to the city massacre in which the two were enfeoffed. Of course it wasn't the work of the ancestor emperor, but the defeated boss saw that he was defeated, and left behind and killed all the people in the city!

This incident later taught the ancestor emperor a great lesson. Anyone who inherits the great **** must be a kind-hearted person, with a heart for the world, and a person with a heart for the common people.

Since then, all the emperors who succeeded are people who have both cultural relics and care for the common people. They put all their minds on changing the houses and improving the lives of the people. Of course, they will not forget to train their troops to strengthen the country. It was from that time that the Qing Dynasty began to gradually become rich and prosperous. Until now, when foreign nations came to congratulate, the Qing Dynasty had already enjoyed a reputation!

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