The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2634: Torture

At this moment, a guard from outside came to report: "Master Su, there is someone from the Gu family!"

Gu family?

It must be Auntie or Xiao Yi, Ning An.

Thinking of this, Su Mang hurriedly sorted out his emotions and went to see them.

Seeing Gu Fangxi, Su Mang's heart was like a blood hole, and he wanted to shed tears in his heart, but on the face, he pretended that nothing happened.

"Why are you here? Why don't you have a rest after having been busy for so many days?" Su Mang said to Gu Fangxi distressedly.

The three of them were a little happy, and Gu Fangxi said, "We are not tired. We have a rest every day. Wherever we are tired, it is you who are tired."

Su Mang grinned hurriedly, knowing that Gu Fangxi was hurting herself.

"Fangxi, I'm fine, nothing happened!" Su Mang said.

Gu Fangxi nodded shyly, and Gu Ningan on the side said, "Uncle, you should know why we came. Has anyone come back? Did you find my sister?"

Su Mang took a deep breath, and then said, "No, the person hasn't returned yet. If he finds one, he will definitely return. Don't worry!"

Hearing that Gu Xiaowan hadn't been found yet, all three of them sighed and looked very depressed.

Su Mang resisted the sorrow and sorrow, and squeezed out a smile: "Don't think so much, go and rest well, these days, everyone has been busy and exhausted, the prince and he is also exhausted, I I will take care of the prince here today. I will send someone to take you back!"

After sending away the three Gu family members, Su Mang squeezed his fists fiercely, not knowing how long this matter could be hidden.

Shu Hao conspired to rebel, and on the day Shu Tianci returned to the palace, he ordered the copying of the Ming Palace and took away all the people in the Ming Palace.

All his family properties were confiscated. When Shu Lin was taken away, he shouted grimly: "I am the prince, you can't arrest me, you can't arrest me!"

Perhaps, he is still dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Period, thinking that he can be a big treasure.

All the servants in the mansion were arrested, only knowing that the howling of ghosts and wolves lasted all night, everyone clapped their hands and applauded.

Such a rebellious thief is damned! Regardless of the safety of the people, they thought of becoming the emperor, but fortunately they didn't listen to their nonsense at the time!

Shu Hao and Shu Lin had already been imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison, and Ni Bing interrogated them personally.

Shu Hao didn't say a word, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, he could only say one thing: "If the king wins or loses, if the king loses, kill if you want to kill, then kill if you want to cut!"

"Kill? It's cheaper to kill you! Shu Hao, I ask you, did the death of my son and daughter-in-law have anything to do with you?" Tan Yexing took a whip and walked in from outside. He is getting older and now After months of rain, snow, wind and frost outside, he became more and more old.

"Tan Yexing" Shu Hao sneered: "This king thought you would die in the frontier!"

"Really? You are not dead, how can I be willing to die! My son and daughter-in-law's vengeance has not yet been reported. Even if I die, I must track down the murderer!" Tan Yexing shouted angrily.

Shu Hao laughed, took a sip, and said triumphantly: "I won't tell you, Tan Yexing, you can bring this hatred into the coffin. If you die, you will be a hundred dollars."

Tan Yexing was irritated, and he flicked the long whip in his hand and hit Shu Hao's body. The whip dipped in salt water hit him with a fiery pain. When Shu Hao had suffered such a pain, he let out a scream.

"Tan, Tan Yexing, you just killed me directly. I won't say anything!" Shu Hao laughed madly and painfully.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die first, you still have a son here, come here, take Shu Lin here, I want you to watch your son die in front of you!" Tan Yexing at this moment His eyes were red, like a bloodthirsty ghost, Shu Hao was frightened when he watched.

"What are you going to do? Don't touch my Shu Lin!"

"Really? Let's see how much you said. I also let your son taste the pain before my son died!"

"Tan Yexing, you are pretending to be a public servant, and the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses are not allowed to use private businesses. Tan Yexing, you, you have broken the rules of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses!" Shu Hao shouted.

Tan Yexing sneered, saw the trial room, and then smiled and said, "I'm a fake public servant? Who saw it?"

Shu Hao looked around in horror. In the trial room, apart from Tan Yexing, there were only two people in the guard uniforms. Those guard uniforms were obviously from the General Hussein's mansion!

"Where are people? Where are people? Where are people?" Shu Hao yelled hysterically, Wucheng Soldier Ma Si, this is a dark cell, only Shu Hao's roar whirring around in the dungeon, listening very much. Infiltrating.

At this time, a more frightened voice came: "Don't, don't touch me, don't touch me, I am the prince, I am the prince, don't touch me!"

When Shu Hao saw Shu Lin being caught up, his eyes were distraught, as if he was already mad, Shu Hao shouted: "Lin'er, Lin'er, Lin'er"

Shu Lin couldn't hear anything. He was caught tightly, and then tied to the penalty post. He kept mumbling to himself: "I am the prince, I am the prince!"

"Come here, get me a bucket of ice water and give him a good sense of clarity!"

"Tan Yexing, you are crazy, he will freeze to death!" Shu Hao shouted when he heard it.

Tan Yexing looked at Shu Hao with a sneer: "Do you think you are still the prince after entering here? You and he are both prisoners. I can serve you, even if I die, no one will say anything!"

Then, in the trial room, I heard Shu Lin crying hysterically: "Ah, ah, ah"

A bucket of ice water poured his head down, and Shu Lin was still thinking about dreaming of a prince. He was trembling with cold, his teeth were squeaking and biting, and he was in pain when his thighs came to the pain of being slashed. The cold sweat came down: "Ahhhh"

Hearing his son's screams and his painful appearance, Shu Hao was also a father, so he called out immediately.

"Tan Yexing, you and we have been officials in the same dynasty for dozens of years. Although I think I have a estrangement from you, I have never done anything to hurt you. You let us go. I will give you thirty thousand taels of gold. Okay, you let me go!" Shu Hao moved out of the temptation at this time, Tan Yexing looked at Shu Hao with his vicissitudes of life, full of anger.

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