The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 912: Scaffold porridge

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "It is precisely because we have food here that the victims will continue to come to our side. We can't rush or blast. Mrs. Liu is a parent official, not just a parent official of the people of a city. When those refugees arrive in Ruixian County, Master Liu will also take care of them. If they are really ignored, then the entire Ruixian County will be disaster victims, both in Ruixian County and other counties. If large-scale mass incidents and starvation occur The death incident, if the matter reaches the emperor’s ears, I’m afraid.

Gu Xiaowan was a little melancholy. After she said she was afraid, she shut up, looked at Liu Xian seriously, and did not continue.

She did not say, Liu Xian also knew what Gu Xiaowan would say next.

Nodded heavily: "What do you mean by the girl?"

"It is necessary to protect the people of Ruixian County and to settle the victims from other places." Gu Xiaowan said solemnly: "Only in this way can there be no troubles and no people who starve to death."

"But now, Ruixian County has also suffered such a severe drought, and the victims have come again. This year I don't know what the output of this sweet potato is. We can't even keep our own people. How can we protect the victims!" Fan Shiyi Listen, it would be best if both parties can keep it. But in this situation, let alone protecting both parties, it is difficult to protect one party!

"In the severe drought in the south, the court will definitely have the disaster relief fund. What we need to do now is to stabilize the current situation and try to protect the victims. If there is no turmoil in Ruixian County, the government will succeed, and we will succeed!" Gu Xiaowan was determined. Said.

Ahmad on the side listened to Gu Xiaowan's words, his eyes lit up, and looked at Gu Xiaowan with excitement.

After hearing this, Liu Xian asked excitedly: "What about now? What shall we do?"

"Porridge, disaster relief!"

As long as the victims have food and are not hungry, when the disaster year has passed and they return, everything will be easy.

Gu Xiaowan discussed with Liu Xian that Ruixian still has a lot of food, but it can't stand the daily needs of so many victims.

"Is it possible for us to go outside to buy grain and bring it in?" Master Fan asked.

"Impossible. There are victims everywhere now. I'm afraid we bought them and were intercepted by these victims on the way." Gu Xiaowan shook her head.

"Master Liu, you still have to do this. You are the only one who mobilizes the rich and noble people in Ruixian County to donate a little, so you can survive this time! Jinfulou, I will make a donation and donate five hundred taels of silver."

Gu Xiaowan said solemnly.

Liu Xian saw that Gu Xiaowan was so caring about the overall situation, and that she was still a child, but he had such feelings, and he regarded Gu Xiaowan more highly.

"Girl Wan, on behalf of the people and victims of Ruixian County, I thank the girl for her great kindness. The girl is kind and righteous, so I will come forward to find those rich people to donate money and food. It is not too late, Master Fan, you go find someone Go to the east of the city and set up the wrinkle shed." Master Fan responded and went down immediately.

Liu Xian's prestige in Ruixian is still very good. In the prestigious family of Ruixian, a lot of money and food have been raised, but some people are still unwilling to donate it for their own benefit.

The people in the back looked at someone in front who didn't donate, and they didn't donate at the back. After running for several days, only a few thousand catties of grain and a few hundred taels of silver came.

The congee sheds in the east and west of the city have also been set up. Master Fan is very reliable in his work. He has also spent money to invite several sturdy women to cook porridge in the porridge shed. There are also a few sturdy men who divide the porridge, and then the yamen in the yamen Staying aside, maintaining order on the scene.

Gu Xiaowan came to the east of the city and looked at the long queue of victims. Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but take a high look at Master Fan.

Those disaster victims held bowls in their hands, lined up in an orderly manner, craned their necks and looked into the porridge shed.

Most of the people standing in line were old people and women. Some women still had children in their hands. Everyone looked sad, not knowing how long they had been hungry.

Some people are afraid that they will not be able to drink the porridge later in the line, so they have a crooked mind and want to jump in the queue. Some people even rush to the front of the porridge stall and want to grab it.

It's just that they are a group of extremely hungry victims, and now they are extremely hungry, and they don't have much energy.

Master Fan had anticipated such a situation before then. He asked a few tall men and strong men to maintain order with the servants. Seeing that there could be a few victims in the team who didn’t understand the rules, he immediately took care of him. Those people slipped to the back, and said viciously: "Walk in line, you have a share!"

When I saw that the people who kept the order were fierce and evil, and when I heard that they had a share, all of them were happy, and quickly went to the back to line up.

With the previous lesson, people who don't want to line up, dare not. All lined up properly.

Master Fan was also watching in the porridge shed, and seeing Gu Xiaowan coming over, he hurried forward.

"Miss Wan, we have counted these two days. There are more than 500 victims in Ruixian today. If the food donated by adults is the same as today, I am afraid it will not take three days!" Master Fan wrinkled Said with a frown.

Gu Xiaowan also frowned, looking at the group of victims in line, all leaving their homes, looking for a way to survive.

If the family can continue to live, who will leave their homes and be displaced abroad!

"I will think of a way to pass the hurdle before me first, so that these people can fill their stomachs!"

Gu Xiaowan said.

Back to the Yamen, as soon as the front foot came in, I saw Liu Xian coming in dejectedly on the back foot.

An angry face.

Looks like this, it should be no success.

Sure enough, Liu Xian said, "I went to several shops today, but I can't give up a grain of grain or a copper plate!"

The few bureaucrats who followed Liu Xian were also sad.

"My lord has worked hard, let's go in for a cup of tea!" Seeing Liu Xian's tired look, Gu Xiaowan hurried in and poured him a cup of tea.

Seeing Liu Xian's face looked better after drinking tea, Gu Xiaowan asked, "Master Liu, what happened!"

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