The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 913: Visit Mr. Fang

"This group of businessmen!" Liu Xian threw the cup heavily on the table, and said angrily: "These people, without borrowing a grain, even said that the official was serving porridge and asked them for food. It was the official. Use this natural disaster to make political achievements!"

Gu Xiaowan watched Liu Xian's face flushed with anger, and even her hands were tightly clenched into fists with bulging veins.

Liu Xian was devoted to the people, but was said by those people that he wanted to make political achievements, no wonder he was very angry.

Gu Xiaowan comforted her aloud: "My lord, you are fair and comfortable, and your love for the people, the sun and the moon are obvious. If you get rid of your arrogance by a few words from others, you really have been caught by these people!

Just care about yourself, regardless of the world, although the worldly people will be cautious, but without everyone, how can you come to Xiaojia.

These people had no idea what kind of riots would be triggered if this group of victims had nowhere to go and gathered at that time.

Gu Xiaowan is not unreasonably worried, such things have really happened in history.

When Liu Xian came out, Gu Xiaowan couldn't help taking a breath.

"Then we should persuade these wealthy and powerful people to donate food. If there is a riot, we in Ruixian will be unable to keep it!" Gu Xiaowan exclaimed.

"Well, I will set up a gentleman of high morals tomorrow. He used to be a gentleman in the palace who studied for the Pope. Later he moved to Ruixian and lived for ten years. But the reputation is very good. If he can Speaking of this old gentleman's words, as long as he speaks, 80% of rich and wealthy families in Rui County will sell his face and donate food!"

Gu Xiaowan was taken aback: "What is the last name of that gentleman?"

"Surname room"

On the second day, after Gu Xiaowan was dressed and dressed, she went to the house with Liu Xian.

If Gu Xiaowan guessed right, this Mr. Fang should have been told to him by Qin Yizhi before, and if there is something to do, he should go to Mr. Fang.

Brother Yizhi said that Mr. Fang was his father's husband, but Mr. Liu said that Mr. Fang used to teach to the prince.

However, I heard Liu Xian later said that Mr. Fang had been out of the palace many years ago, and he had also accepted some students in the private sector. It seems that the father of Brother Yizhi should have paid his respects to Mr. Fang at that time. Under his name.

The house is not easy to find, not in a downtown area, but in a very quiet place.

When he arrived at the house, two big stone lions guarded the door, and the house was vigorous and powerful.

"I heard that the word "Fangfu" is still inscribed by the emperor!" Liu Xian whispered in Gu Xiaowan's ear.

Gu Xiaowan nodded, no wonder Fangfu has such a reputation in Ruixian.

Gu Xiaowan and Liu Xian came to the gate of the house, Ahmad went to knock on the door, and immediately there was a man who looked like a servant opened the door, the door was ajar, and a young servant in his twenties came out from inside. : "Who are the two guests looking for?"

The attitude is very respectful and the tone is very good.

It seems that the house rules are very good.

Liu Xian immediately arched his hands: "Brother, please go and pass the message, Liu Xian begs you!" Then, he bowed respectfully.

The little boy immediately returned a salute: "Wait a minute, two of you, I will go in and pass it through."

When Liu Xian reported his family earlier, he did not say that he was a member of the government. In Fangjia, a famous family, the name of the county magistrate is really a small official position.

Since Liu Xian became an official in Ruixian County, he has also visited Mr. Fang. However, it was unlucky to come back. Mr. Fang was either absent or inconvenient, but he never saw him.

It can be seen that Mr. Fang does not want to have any contact with people in official circles.

This time, Liu Xiansheng was afraid that he would be rejected by Mr. Fang again, and walked around the door with some worry.

After a while, the little boy who had just gone and returned, said for the first time: "Please come in, two people, my master is waiting for two people in the lobby."

Liu Xianyi was happy. He didn't expect to be so lucky this time. Mr. Fang was at home, and he was still willing to see himself.

Liu Xian immediately followed behind the young man and walked inside.

Gu Xiaowan followed behind and walked in respectfully.

The furnishings in the house are not luxurious, but you can see the taste and care of the owner of this house.

Small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, corridors and corners, as well as neatly trimmed gardens, and five-colored fish swimming happily in the gurgling water.

This Mr. Fang has outstanding taste, leisure and open-mindedness.

Sure enough, when I met the first side, I saw Mr. Fang playing chess with himself. Gu Xiaowan's earnest energy quickly interrupted the voice that Xiao Si wanted to pass through, lowered her voice and said, "Let Mr. Fang, let's finish this game first, let's wait!"

When the young man heard this, his eyes brightened, and he looked at Gu Xiaowan a little more enthusiastic than before, and he stopped reminding Mr. Fang. Stand aside and wait.

After about half a cup of tea, Mr. Xu Shifang raised his head and looked over here when he saw how the little servant hadn't led him over.

I saw a slim, pretty girl standing where I looked.

At the age of more than ten years, he has **** eyes with agile eyes, the tenderness of a girl and the wisdom of an adult.

On the sideburns of a simple girl, there is an ordinary wood-carved plum hairpin pinned to it. The plum blossoms on the hairpin are as vivid as someone’s hand.

A lake-green summer shirt, beautifully born, and a green jade finger hanging in front of the clothes, exposed outside.

When Xiao Si came to inform him just now, he didn't want to see Liu Xian, but when he heard that there was a teenage girl next to Liu Xian, with a green jade finger hanging on his neck.

I don't know what it is, I suddenly remembered someone's words, thinking about the girl who hadn't come to him before, and wondering whether it was this girl.

Now that I saw the familiar jade pull finger, I understood everything.

Mr. Fang immediately walked down from his position, stroked his short beard, and said with a smile: "Sorry, the guests have been waiting for a long time!"

Liu Xian immediately said: "The younger generations are bothering Mr.!"

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