The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 914: Amazing discovery

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan looked at this Mr. Fang very seriously.

The scholar's elegance is exuded all over his body, and every gesture is full of elegance.

He is about 60 years old, but because of good maintenance, the skin on his face is only slightly old.

Wearing a azure brocade robe with short white beard, he is kind and approachable at first glance.

"Liu Xian, the magistrate of Ruixian County, pays homage to Mr. Fang!" Liu Xian immediately bowed respectfully in front of Mr. Fang.

Liu Xian was a seven-rank magistrate, and in front of this gentleman who had taught to the prince, he seemed very low-key, and it even seemed that Liu Xian did not have the slightest pretension to be an official.

Moreover, Liu Xian himself knew that if he took a grid in front of Mr. Fang, it would be like playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong. Although Mr. Fang has been out of the palace for more than ten years, it seems that his prestige and voice are still the same!

Gu Xiaowan did not dare to be rude in the slightest, and immediately saluted respectfully.

The action is well-regulated, neither overbearing nor overbearing. A girl in the country has such a posture. Every gesture is impressive.

Mr. Fang smiled and nodded.

Looking at the delicate and elegant girl in front of me, the unhurriedness of this girl is even more impressive.

No wonder, when Master Huiyuan passed by himself, he would emphatically talk about this girl with himself.

From someone's mouth, he also learned the name of Gu Xiaowan, the wisdom of this girl, which is different from ordinary people, and Zen Master Huiyuan told himself the fate of this girl.

The fate of this girl is clearly a premature death.

But looking at the face of this girl, it is rich and honorable, and she has a glorious life.

It's really strange.

Later, I heard that this girl was pushed into the winter river, and almost burned to death in the fire, and I knew it, perhaps because of the rebirth of the ashes and the Nirvana of the Phoenix.

Mr. Fang nodded when he saw him, and smiled with satisfaction.

Gu Xiaowan guessed if Mr. Fang recognized herself.

Brother Yizhi once said that this Mr. Fang is his father's husband. This time he met again by chance, so he asked him to go to Mr. Fang if he had anything to do. Now, she really came to see Mr. Fang, but she followed Liu Xian.

However, nowadays, there are so many victims who want a peaceful Ruixian county. Everyone can only contribute, and those who have money can contribute food, and those who have grain can contribute more powerfully to protect the entire Swiss. The county is not affected.

Hearing Liu Xian's explanation of his intention, Mr. Fang's eyes lit up: "Master Liu has a heart for the victims. Such a good official is the blessing of the people!"

Seeing Mr. Fang complimenting himself, Liu Xian said quickly and modestly: "Mr. Fang is utterly admired. The people of the world are all citizens. If you are an official, you will naturally benefit your house. The people of Ruixian are my people. Disaster victims who have fled from other places, as long as they arrive in Ruixian County, they are naturally my people and are treated equally!"

Hearing what Liu Xian said, the approval in Mr. Fang's eyes became more and more intense: "Okay! What does Master Liu need to do, just mention it!"

Although Mr. Fang is already in his fifties, he is just the same as when he was young. His chivalrous heart is only increasing. Now the people are in trouble, he can't just ignore him.

Liu Xian looked at Gu Xiaowan and motioned to Gu Xiaowan to say.

Gu Xiaowan nodded, looked at Mr. Fang, and said respectfully: "Mr. Fang, there are now more than 500 victims in Ruixian. This is the data of yesterday afternoon, and more and more victims from the southeast are gathering here. Come here. Now, Mr. Fang must have known the disaster in the southeast. There has been no rain for several months in the southeast, and all the crops have been dry. The same is true in Ruixian, but because it does not rain for a short time, and this year, half of Switzerland The county grows sweet potatoes, and this crop is also drought-tolerant. So, at present, Ruixian County, in the entire southeast, is considered to have not suffered from drought."

"There are many high mountains in Minshan. No matter where they go, they must pass through Ruixian. These victims just want to find a place where there is no disaster and save their lives. Now in Ruixian, most of the green crops outside the city Naturally, those victims thought that they could eat food in Ruixian and never died of starvation. Therefore, crops outside the city were stolen by the victims. All of the small half of the crops were dug up overnight!"

Nowadays, farmers in Ruixian County see that most of the sweet potato seedlings in their fields have been pulled out, and they feel distressed.

This year’s drought, all the other things they planted are dead, but the sweet potato seedlings are still growing well. Some farmers are very happy. This year they are expecting a good harvest from this thing, but now it seems that they can’t wait for a good harvest. They didn’t die from the drought, but were plucked and eaten by these victims.

If this continues, Ruixian will become another hardest hit area.

When the time comes, the people of Ruixian County will have to leave their homes and fled everywhere.

Gu Xiaowan told Mr. Fang about the current situation. After hearing this, Mr. Fang was a little confused.

He has heard of this sweet potato sprout. At that time, someone deliberately pulled a cart of sweet potatoes to his home.

He also told him that the girl in front of him said that this sweet potato is rich in fiber, and that for older people, eating is beneficial to the intestinal tract.

Moreover, because of my age, my mouth is not very good, and I also like to eat light food.

According to someone's teaching, after he tasted it, it became more and more out of control, and he had to eat one every day.

There are many ways to eat, not much.

He knew that the sweet potato seedlings in the entire Ruixian County had been planted by the girl in front of him, but he still pretended to be suspicious and asked: "Master Liu, the old man is a bit curious. Ruixian has never planted anything like this in the past. , Why is it planted this year?"

Liu Xian looked at Gu Xiaowan and said with some pride: "Thanks to Miss Gu, if it weren't for her discovery of such a good thing as sweet potato, it has strong vitality, drought resistance, and the stems, leaves and fruits can be eaten, otherwise. , The people of Ruixian are afraid they will go out to beg!"

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