The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 930: Poor woman

Sun Dali originally saw this group of children playing and playing outside, and he had also seen him on weekdays. He knew that they were poor at home, and he didn't intend to go wrong with them.

But then I saw that there were two brightly dressed children in the group of children, namely Gu Ningping and Gu Xiaoyi, and I had never seen these two children.

Because this Sun Dali didn't go home on weekdays, he would go home and jump to the east and the west as soon as the New Year's Eve. The good name is New Year's greetings. In fact, he came to eat and drink.

Very annoying.

Seeing them having fun together, as if they were familiar with each other, Sun Dali thought about it again.

It happened that there was a broken iron pot at home, so I took it out and squeezed it around them deliberately, and then fell pretendingly, pretending to be the one they touched.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ningping would see through it all at once. Sun Dali was also a bully and afraid of hardship. Seeing that he could not get half the benefits, he bowed his head and said nothing.

Liu Hehua continued: "Brother Ping, let's go, ignore him, he has nothing to do on weekdays, he is idle all day long, he will come back to cheat and drink as soon as the Chinese New Year comes!"

Gu Ningping was all thinking about listening to Liu Hehua's words. Where did he notice that Sun Dali's eyes flashed, his figure moved, he immediately got up, and he ran away without a trace.

Gu Ningping was about to chase, and a familiar voice came from behind: "Ningping, stop chasing!"

Gu Ningping immediately turned his head and shouted affectionately: "Sister!"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Gu Ningping with excitement. This child is really grown up and can handle things by himself.

"You did a good job!" Gu Xiaowan praised.

Gu Ningping saw her sister say this, her face was a little shy.

Ah Mo praised from the side: "Brother Ping, you are really good. Your behavior just now was courageous and conspiracy. It's really amazing!"

The little children Liu Xiaoniu on the side recovered from the shock just now. They looked at Gu Ningping, their eyes admiring more and more: "Brother Ping, Brother Ping, you are amazing, you are amazing!"

In the eyes of a group of half-sized boys, it is natural to worship those heroes who know martial arts. This time, I saw Gu Ningping quickly rescued Liu Xiaoniu, and he beat Sun Dali to the ground, one by one, I don’t want to worship Gu Ningping!

Gu Ningping saw that the group of friends looked at him in admiration one by one, and he felt that he had grown up all at once, and he straightened his chest.

The same is true for Gu Xiaowan, looking at Gu Ningping with a relieved smile on her lips.

Although the village is not very far from Gu Yuan where Gu Xiaowan lives, Gu Xiaowan has never come to see it, so she proposed to let a few children be guides and take her around.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan wanted to go around, everyone was more interested. So, when she was young, she led the way. Liu Hehua followed Gu Xiaowan and introduced her to the people in the village.

In this village, some people were tenant tenants of Gu Xiaowan's family. Hearing Liu Hehua uttering their names, and then looking at the house they lived in, my heart became dark.

Some people’s homes are really too poor. This house is just a thatched house made of thin mud.

If there is a squally storm, it is absolutely irresistible, and I don't know how the life of the family is.

Gu Xiaowan followed the large army, and after a while, she walked through the entire village and came to the periphery of the village.

Not far from the periphery, there was a separate house standing there, and one could still vaguely see a rickety old woman groping for something.

Gu Xiaowan was wondering why there was no smoking in this house, and Ahmad on the side lowered her head and said, "Girl, that's the house of Oldest Qian. That old woman is the mother of Oldest Qian. I heard that she is blind and invisible. !"

Liu Hehua also spoke at this moment, pointing to the thatched hut and said: "Sister Wan, that's the house of the old third Qian, and the one standing outside is his mother!"

"Laosan Qian has been arrested, what does his mother eat on weekdays? How can I live by myself?" Gu Xiaowan condensed her brows and asked unbearably.

She had heard that Qian Laosan had a blind mother, but at that time, because Qian Laosan stole her sweet potatoes, she was full of fire in her stomach, and Qian Laosan was arrested and put in a cell. After that, I never thought about his family.

Now when I saw the blind old woman with her rickety body, I felt a little sad.

Liu Hehua sighed and said, "Lao San Qian’s reputation in our village is not good, but his mother is still good! It turns out that when his eyes are not blind, he can be diligent and good for the villagers in the village. Big guys like it. Her! But later Qian Laosan was always locked up in a cell, so his mother’s eyes cried and went blind. Qian Laosan always steals things from the village again. Everyone hated him, but it was a hindrance to his mother. It's hard to say anything. If this goes on like this, everyone doesn't like to interact with his family anymore!"

If you don’t interact with his family, it means that Qian Lao San’s blind old lady has no one to take care of. Then what does she eat every day? What to drink?

Gu Xiaowan didn't answer the conversation, but moved closer to the room.

Qian Lao San's mother had blind eyes, and the big guy's steps were light, so no one approached them.

Gu Xiaowan stood outside the courtyard and looked inside.

The inside of the room was dark, and I couldn't see clearly, I saw old lady Qian holding a sweet potato in her hand while washing it.

The third son of Qian’s family did not grow sweet potatoes, so it is probably given to her by some kind family in the village.

The old lady Qian didn't know what water to wash the sweet potato with to wash off the mud on it, but because she couldn't see clearly, the mud on it was still sticky.

Old lady Qian couldn't see it either, so she delivered it to her mouth and ate her skin.

The hands were dark and black, the wrinkles on his face were all drooped, and the clothes on his body were made of homespun, which had not been cleaned for a long time, and it was black for a while.

Maybe it's because there is no winter clothes at home, and the clothes are also very strange, with three layers inside and three layers outside, long and short.

What Gu Xiaowan saw was her heart tightened.

The weather is already very cold, but this old man eats raw sweet potatoes.

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