The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 931: Give her food

The old man's teeth are not good, and it took a long time to bite this thing, and it was grind and grind in his mouth.

Gu Xiaowan frowned.

Gu Ningping and Gu Xiaoyi didn't dare to speak out, looking at their sister, they felt distressed.

Everyone did not speak, looked at the old woman Qian, and then all turned their heads and stopped looking.

Liu Hehua on the side said softly: "Sister Wan, my father sent the sweet potatoes! He said that the third wife is gone, and his mother has no one to take care of, so he sent some sweet potatoes!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard it, she was moved secretly.

This Liu Dazhuang is also a loving and righteous person!

But the situation at home is also normal, but it is quite good to be able to do this.

Gu Xiaowan looked around, but didn't speak any more, and walked back on tiptoe.

But this heart has been immersed in the shock just now, and he can't recover for a long time.

When he returned to Liu Dazhuang's house, all the food at Liu Dazhuang's house was ready.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan and the others came, they greeted them and went to the table. Due to the large number of people, two tables were prepared. There were ten people in Gu Xiaowan’s family, so they all sat on the big table, with Liu Dazhuang, Tao Da, and Old Man Li, as well as a small table, namely Tao, Yin and the five of the family. Children.

Gu Xiaowan originally wanted to let Gu Ningping and Gu Xiaoyi also sit with other children, but Liu Dazhuang and the others refused to die, so it was fine.

Sitting on the table, Gu Xiaowan looked at it.

A big pot of fresh large ribs soup, steaming in the middle of the table, there are fat and oily braised pork belly, small fried pork, and today’s pork, this Chinese vegetable, is enough to make six Seven kinds of dishes.

In this country’s meal, meat is the best meal.

Gu Xiaowan knew that Liu Dazhuang and the others tried their best to get their food out today, and they were very moved.

But looking at the table full of steaming vegetables, I didn't know what was going on, and I felt uncomfortable.

Thinking of the old woman with wrinkles and vicissitudes of life, she couldn't eat anymore, so she got off the table and asked Liu Dazhuang to talk to Dow.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan called Liu Dazhuang and his wife away, those who did not understand the matter were a little confused, but the children guessed it, and carefully explained what they had just seen at the dinner table.

Besides, when the mother of the third child of Qian had used a raw sweet potato to satisfy her hunger in this cold day, she felt a little sad.

Qian Laosan is indeed hateful, but his mother did nothing bad, she is a good person!

But now, the third child of Qian is locked up in a jail for life or death, and his blind old lady is left unattended at home. Poor, pitiful!

After listening, everyone sighed.

After a while, Gu Xiaowan came out, her complexion was much better than before, and she was relieved of the tension she was just now, and relaxed a lot. Seeing Liu Dazhuang and Dow walking out behind, the look in Gu Xiaowan’s eyes changed completely.

Worship more than before.

Dow ran to the back kitchen, Liu Dazhuang smiled and greeted everyone to start eating.

I saw Dow in the back kitchen soon brought out a food box, which contained a bowl of hot big bone soup, a piece of stewed old rotten meat, and a bowl of white rice and some easy to chew The dishes are ready and we are out now.

The unidentified people were a little curious. Liu Dazhuang touched his brain and said: "It was Miss Wan's idea. Miss Wan gave me some money so that I can have hot meals at home in the future, so I will give Qian's mother a bite!"

When everyone heard it, especially Old Man Li, stroking his beard, looking at Gu Xiaowan, his eyes lit up!

At such a young age, so kind-hearted, such a good person!

Thinking of this, Old Man Li raised his thumbs up: "Girl, you are a good person!"

At this moment, if someone said that Gu Xiaowan was the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, someone in Bacheng would believe it.

Gu Xiaowan just asked Liu Dazhuang and his wife to go in, which means they gave him thirty taels of silver. In the countryside, ordinary meals, twenty taels of silver for three meals a day, can eat for a year.

Gu Xiaowan deliberately gave a little more, but also to allow Liu Dazhuang and his wife to treat the old woman better!

After Dow came back, she followed Gu Xiaowan to talk about the old woman's surprise and touch.

Gu Xiaowan just felt sorry for the old woman, so she did her best to help her, anyway, she had done her best.

My mood suddenly improved, and I became more appetite looking at the food on the table.

The chopsticks were first mentioned, and everyone saw that Gu Xiaowan moved the chopsticks. Then they picked up the chopsticks and ate.

The craftsmanship of this Liu Dazhuang and Tao Da is really good, and occasionally improve the food, the taste is also excellent.

Gu Xiaowan was in a good mood. She drank a big bowl of bone soup and a piece of bobbin bone. In addition, she also ate a bowl of white rice with a round belly.

Liu Dazhuang and the others were still worried that Gu Xiaowan would abandon the food and not have enough to eat, so they just put the more colorful dishes in Gu Xiaowan's bowl.

Gu Xiaowan was very kind, and she was full, but she kept eating, and when she couldn't hold it anymore, she had no choice but to brush their favor.

Liu Dazhuang and the others saw that Gu Xiaowan really ate a lot, and they had to give up.

Old man Li drank a little wine, he took the fat and oily pork belly, and he took a bite of oil with every bite. What he ate was oily and glowing.

Excited, so at the dinner table, I told the children about hunting in the mountains when I was young as a story.

The children listened with gusto, and what Old Man Li said was also full of emotion.

Everyone eats a meal happily and harmoniously.

After he was full of food and drink, Old Man Li happily hiccups, braved the horoscope, carrying a catty of wine in his hand, and a few catties of meat tied with a straw rope, and swayed home.

Because I had agreed with Gu Xiaowan at that time, this other pig was for Gu Xiaowan, and it had all been packed in the basket. Gu Xiaowan would be picked up to Gu Yuan later.

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