The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 939: How did he get in

When Gu Xiaowan heard it in the room, her face flushed immediately.

Aunt is really

Gu Xiaowan heard Gu Ningping's hurried footsteps outside, and looked down at herself.

He was still wearing prose clothes and trousers, his hair was still loose, his face was not washed, and his teeth were not brushed. Wouldn't it be that if he didn't see him in a year, he would appear in front of him so sloppy?

Gu Xiaowan was a little nervous, anyway, the door in the room was bolted, and Gu Ningping couldn't get in either.

So, I quickly went to find the clothes and put them on.

She has always felt that these ancient clothes are too cumbersome.

When she didn't have the money to buy clothes, she always had a set of gray cloth clothes on her body.

But later there was money. Although these ancient clothes are cumbersome, they look good!

Gu Xiaowan doesn't need to do anything on weekdays, and the clothes she wears on weekdays are a little more complicated.

After wearing it a few times, it will become familiar.

On weekdays, I wear clothes myself.

But this time, because there was someone standing outside who was thinking about it, although I saw it last night, but it was dark, I didn't see it clearly. This is the official first side!

I have grown up a year, so I can no longer care about appearance as I used to.

As the saying goes, a scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman accepts for a confidant.

Gu Xiaowan, it's like this now.

However, Gu Xiaowan in her previous life is the same, paying much attention to her manners!

How can a woman do a good job, even if she doesn't manage her appearance well!

Gu Xiaowan is not a sloppy person, on the contrary, she is very concerned about her appearance.

Now, Gu Xiaowan hastily put on her clothes, but this hair can't be combed.

I had to comb it a few times with a comb.

Gu Ningping at the door was already waiting impatiently, and howled: "Sister, how long will it take for you to get better? Come out and have a look, who is our house!"

Gu Xiaowan kept saying that she was almost healed.

Gu Xiaowan made sure that there were no other dirty things on her face, and that the loose hair could not be combed, so she could only let it do.

Gu Xiaowan made it right, stood in front of the door, let out a long sigh of relief, and opened the door.

The door was slowly opened in front of him.

A warm sunlight came in, and instantly warmed the whole room.

And standing opposite him, there was a person wearing a long black jacket with a royal blue collar exposed standing opposite him.

Smile like a flower.

With his back to the sun, the sun shattered behind him, as if a golden light rose up, shining the whole person like a **** in the world.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes were stunned.

At this moment, she really saw Qin Yizhi's changes in her eyes and remembered it in her heart.

Not seen for a year, he is taller than before.

The black jacket, navy blue robe and black trousers on him were all compared to the clothes he had worn before, and they were all an inch longer.

I thought it would be bigger, but I didn't expect that the clothes would be just right for him. is not more than a point, a lot of a point.

Just right!

And Qin Yizhi looked at the woman with loose hair standing in front of him.

But it is the closed moon shame flower that has never been before.

Not seen for a year, this little cat is more charming than before.

Those black eyes, like cats, were still like colored glaze, exuding extraordinary light.

And the stature is taller than before.

The contours of the face and eyebrows are slowly opening up compared to before.

There were still some pink faces before, and at this moment, the delicate jaws are also vaguely visible.

He was wearing a short red jacket and black culottes underneath.

Gu Xiaowan invented these culottes.

It is said that it is not very convenient to wear a skirt alone, so I just sew a thread between the skirts and divide the skirt into two trouser legs.

Such a dress is simple and ordinary, but it has a charm that people have never experienced before.

That kind of charm may come from her own body, just like she is in her body.

Both of them were taken aback.

Gu Ningping was still on the sidelines, yelling heartlessly: "Sister, are you scared, Master is back, Master is back!"

Gu Xiaowan heard Gu Ningping’s words, and then came back to her senses. Knowing that she had just lost her mind, she immediately retracted her gaze, looked at the ecstatic Gu Ningping, and said with a smile: "You are happy, and you will be tested by the master later. How is martial arts practice."

However, Gu Ningping is not afraid. He straightened his body, patted his chest, and said confidently: "Master, you can test me!"

Gu Ningping was not talking about it, Gu Xiaowan knew it too.

During Qin Yizhi's absence, even she thought that Gu Ningping would relax.

She had already thought about her excuses, and how she could convince Gu Ningping that she could not give up halfway.

But Gu Ningping didn't need her advice at all, and he studied hard every day.

Because Ahmad can also martial arts, and before leaving, Qin Yizhi also instructed Ahmad to teach him well.

Naturally, Gu Ningping didn't fall behind at all.

When Qin Yizhi was there before, when, how long, and how long he practiced, it is still the same now, it seems that he has worked harder than before.

Gu Xiaowan saw all this in her eyes and joy in her heart. Seeing Gu Ningping's changes, she felt comforted in her heart!

Almost everyone in the family welcomed Qin Yizhi's arrival.

Except for a sigh in Shishi's heart, Gu Ningan's heart was touched!

do not know either

When Gu Ning'an was thinking about something secretly, suddenly, he heard the stone whisper quietly: "It's strange, how did he get in?"

When Gu Ning'an heard this, he immediately looked at the stone with a puzzled face, and suddenly woke up at this moment.


All the passages into the bedroom at home are locked. How did he get in?

Last night, there was no knock on the door at all!

Is it

Gu Ningan looked at Gu Xiaowan, and suddenly recovered.

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