The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 940: Mediate for the Xu Family

At this moment, Gu Ning'an didn't care about eating anymore. He had an excuse that there were books still in Yushulou and he wanted to get them back as soon as possible.

Gu Xiaowan had no doubt about him. Now that Qin Yizhi is back, she still has a lot of things to tell him, and she didn't notice Gu Ning'an's slightly changed face.

The place where Gu Ning'an went was indeed Yushulou.

It wasn't that I took the book, but I went to inform the news.

Before Xiu Mu, he heard his wife and Mr. Xu say that he wanted to find a matchmaker!

Later, he also met the matchmaker.

Surprisingly, it was the matchmaker Li, who had told her sister about Zhao Zicong, the big mole on her lips was impressive.

Gu Ning'an was passing by the lobby, and heard the flattering laugh of the matchmaker Li from inside: "Mr. Xu, Mrs. Xu, don’t worry, I will tell you about this. This Gu’s girl is a good girl. Ah! To match your son, it is a pair made in heaven!"

Mrs. Xu, who listened to her, was overjoyed, and she called for a reward.

And in those few days, Xu Chengze also smirked unconsciously every day.

Xu Chengze is twenty-one, this is in Liujiazhen, but it's big news!

Nowadays, there is something ugly to say.

Some people say that Xu Chengze is short-sleeved and only likes men, not women!

Mrs. Xu and Mr. Xu are also very anxious.

Gu Ning'an was naturally delighted to hear that they were looking for a matchmaker to propose marriage at their home.

Therefore, it is considered that I have not heard it.

But in my heart, he secretly wrote down the days.

Amazingly it is today's day!

Gu Ning'an didn't know why, but felt that this matchmaker could not come today, she would definitely return without success if she came today!

Gu Ning'an went out in a panic, and just not far away saw Li Matchmaker in red and green, humming a little song, and walked up the mountain.

Gu Ning'an quickly stopped her: "Are you Li Matchmaker?"

Gu Ning'an knew this person, just wanted to confirm it more.

The matchmaker Li saw that it was a half-year-old and elegant child who was blocking her. She was also shocked. This child is still so young and already has such a demeanor. If this is grown up, then don’t Amazing!

Thinking of this, the matchmaker Li said with a smile: "I’m right, what, brother, you have a crush on somebody’s girl, do you want me to help you with the line? Don’t worry, I’m the best in Liujiazhen. , You are looking for me, that's right!"

Gu Ningan blushed by what she said, and stared at her angrily: "Who is looking for you to get the line!" "Then why are you stopping me?" When I heard it was not a matchmaking, the matchmaker Li knew that she had no money to make, and her tone was not good, so she helped her on top of her head. The big red peony said displeasedly.

Gu Ning'an's expression was not very good, "Matchmaker Li, are you going to Gu Yuan to propose marriage?"

"Yes!" Matchmaker Li looked wary: "Who are you? How did you know?"

Could it be that this was a spoiler sent by the Zhao family?

The matchmaker Li immediately became vigilant.

The people of the Zhao family are really unscrupulous! Haven't you given up until now?

It's just that people like that are so bad inside. If Girl Gu married her, wouldn't it be suffering!

One's own can never do such wicked things!

Over the past year or so, in addition to the Zhao family asking her to speak for Ms. Gu, some other families have also come to her.

However, she refused with all kinds of questions. This time, Mrs. Xu from Yushulou unexpectedly came to her, and even asked her to find Miss Gu to propose marriage.

She was happy all at once.

Although the Xu family is not a great family in Liujia Town, it has always been a clear stream in the town! Teach and educate people, gentle and elegant, has always been the most respected figure in the town!

Moreover, the young master of Yushulou was very knowledgeable, and he was admitted as a talent at a young age. He was also handsome and handsome. Although he was a little older, he would hurt people if he was a little older!

As long as the girl Gu and Jing are married, the two will be married, and after another two or three years, when the girl is an adult, they will be married.

Mrs. Xu said, no matter how long the girl Gu wants to wait, their Xu family can wait, regardless of her young age!

Mrs. Xu’s reputation in the town has always been very good. She is thrifty and keeps the family, treats others with courtesy, gentleness and gentleness. When she talks about Miss Gu, the appreciation and love in her eyebrows shows that Mrs. Xu attaches great importance to Miss Gu. of.

Married to a family with a mother-in-law who loves her, she will be able to deal with her relationship well in the future, and there is no such thing as aunts and uncles in the family, so you don’t have to deal with it.

Such a good person, Li Matchmaker will naturally fight for them, but she patted her chest and said that she would definitely make it!

And Mrs. Xu would choose to go to Gu Xiaowan’s home to propose marriage at this time, because Xu Chengze is really too old. It is twenty one this year, and there is no girl in the match. This has been rumored in the town. Up. If it weren't because she knew that her son was fond of Gu Xiaowan, she might have to worry about whether her son had broken his sleeves.

Secondly, it is because of Qin Mozhi.

This is the biggest part, and Xu Chengze mustered all the courage to agree to Mrs. Xu's plan.

Qin Yizhi has been away for a year. I heard that there was no news this year and did not know where he went. Xu Chengze thought he would not be back. He was overjoyed, so he planned to go before the New Year. in advance.

He and Gu Xiaowan were the first to know each other. If it weren't for Qin Yizhi who had been killed halfway, he and Gu Xiaowan would have been childhood sweethearts at this moment. He didn't know why in his heart, he always felt that it was a bit risky to do so, but if he missed this opportunity again, he was afraid that there would be no chance in the future.

Therefore, Li Matchmaker was invited.

And matchmaker Li felt that she brought such a good family to Gu's girl this time, where she was still sitting, and she set off just after dawn, and she spoke to the matchmaker happily.

Looking at the young boy who was blocking his way in front of him, the matchmaker Li didn't pay much attention to him except being vigilant.

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