The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 959: You will have something for you

But everyone has never considered Xu Chengze and Gu Xiaowan's marriage.

It is really because Xu Chengze has too many Gu Xiaowan.

There can be nine years old in between!

Gu Xiaowan was only twelve years old and Xu Chengze was twenty-one.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Xu would say such a thing, everyone was surprised.

The expression in his eyes looked in front of Gu Xiaowan and Xu Chengze.

Seeing Xu Chengze's expectation and embarrassment on his face, he can also see some clues.

But Gu Xiaowan was different.

His face was a little confused, he looked at Gu Fangxi, then at Aunt Zhang and the others, his face was red to the root of his ears immediately: "Madam, Brother Chengze is so good, you will definitely find a beloved woman suitable for Brother Chengze!"

When Xu Chengze heard this, his face instantly darkened, his lips wriggled, and the words reached his throat, but he couldn't say a word.

If Gu Xiaowan said a few shy words, there would still be hope.

However, she cut off his thoughts in a single sentence.

It seems to remind him that she is not the girl for him!

It's also telling him to make him stop thinking.

After saying this, Mrs. Xu's face became awkward.

I wanted to say something, but saw Xu Xianlin quietly shaking his head at her.

Mrs. Xu looked at her son's look of disappointment, not to mention how uncomfortable she was. However, this is the son's own business. He never liked a girl. He didn't know the reason why he had to speak as a mother.

If it were an ordinary girl, Mrs. Xu would really say this.

But Gu Xiaowan is destined to be not that ordinary girl!

Moreover, it is because of her unusualness that Xu Chengze's soul lingers in her dreams and remembers her heart.

Thinking of this, Madam Xu could only close her mouth to open, and avoided talking about what was just now.

Everyone seemed to be aware of something, and they all avoided talking about it, arguing about the Xu family eating vegetables.

Gu Ning'an next to Xu Chengze kept giving Xu Chengze food, talking to him from time to time, asking questions, and Xu Chengze always had the confidence to sit down.

After dinner, the Xu family hurriedly left.

Gu Xiaowan didn't stay either. Today, she really didn't give the Xu family the face.

Moreover, Mrs. Xu's words always made her feel a little responsive.

If, if she really had such thoughts about Xu Chengze, Xu Chengze would not talk about it. Such private matters were not for his mother, and she always felt that Xu Chengze didn't even have the ability to express her own thoughts.

She also has to carefully consider whether such a man is worth entrusting for life.

In the daily relationship, Xu Chengze is indeed a good man, a good elder brother, and maybe he will get married later, and he is also a good husband.

Such a good husband may be a good match for the young lady in the current boudoir. But for Gu Xiaowan, who has ideas and brains, this is a mom.

I don't even have the courage to say that I like someone. Moreover, Gu Xiaowan has always treated Xu Chengze as an elder brother. Other than that, there is no relationship between men and women.

Emotional matters cannot tolerate a third person, tolerate involvement, or entanglement.

She had already agreed to Qin Mozhi, and she would definitely not disappoint Qin Mozhi.

Qin Yuzhi is Xu Chengze, not the same person.

Xu Chengze is a warm person from the inside out. His temper, temperament, and conversation are all warm and moist.

But Qin Yizhi is different, giving people the same feeling as Xu Chengze, but inside, he is a man with ideas, assertiveness and courage. He is strong when he is strong, and he will not hesitate to pursue the things that are firm in his heart.

The two of them are completely different.

What Gu Xiaowan needs is not a warm man who is warm from the inside out. What she wants is a real man who can stand side by side with her, overcome obstacles, and expand the territory!

For this, Gu Xiaowan never wavered her feelings.

She originally thought that there would be no such man in this world. But when she met, she would not give up.

Xu Chengze's family is gone.

Gu Xiaowan didn't eat anything tonight, and was tired today, so she went back to her room early.

Because I didn't eat anything for dinner, I really felt a little hungry later, and I was going to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I heard Qin Mozhi coming: "Waner"

Gu Xiaowan opened the door and saw Qin Yizhi walk in with something, and said softly: "I saw you didn't eat anything tonight. There is still chicken soup in the kitchen. I have cooked a bowl of chicken noodle soup. You can eat something to cushion your stomach. It's uncomfortable to be hungry at night in the province!"

Qin Yizhi is a careful person, and even knows how much she ate at night, whether she was hungry.

A sweet smile appeared on Gu Xiaowan's face.

No words in the room.

Qin Yizhi sat opposite, watching Gu Xiaowan eating carefully, as if looking at a picture scroll, he was a little dazed.

Gu Xiaowan noticed his strangeness: "Brother Yizhi"

Qin Yizhi was awakened and said amusedly: "Wan'er has grown up and looks better than before."

Gu Xiaowan singled out the wrong place in his words: "Then Brother Feizhi dislikes Xiaowan's ugly appearance before?"

Qin Yi choked and came back to his senses in an instant: "No, the ones who used to be good-looking, now that the female big eighteen has changed, they are getting better and better!"

What Qin Yizhi said was not flattering, but true!

Gu Xiaowan's family looks very good.

The Tian family used to be the village flower in the village, and Gu Chuanfu was the same.

Among the three brothers in the Gu family, Gu Chuanlu and Gu Chuanshou are not pretty, but Gu Chuanfu and Gu Fangxi are pretty.

Maybe it's because of following father and mother.

Gu Chuanfu and Tian are both pretty, and the children they gave birth to are also very handsome!

Gu Xiaowan was about to reach Jing, and this body was also quietly changing.

Some of his faces were plump before, and this time they have gradually become thinner.

The face is more contoured than before.

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