The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 960: Going to take the children's test

A pair of bright eyes, like purple grapes, are lifelike, as if they can speak.

A small mouth is red without a touch, his complexion is ruddy, his hair is dark, and his stature is gradually becoming taller.

Maybe Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi see each other every day, and the changes in Gu Xiaowan's body, they look at it every day, and they may not notice.

But Qin Yi is different. He has been away for a year, and seeing Gu Xiaowan's changes at this moment is even more thrilling.

When he grows up, he must be a beauty.

Qin Yizhi looked at it, thinking about it and felt very warm.

It's like raising a child, it's always his own when he grows up!

Gu Xiaowan didn't know what Qin Yizhi was thinking. She suddenly remembered something and said, "Brother Yizhi, do you seem to be in a good mood tonight?"

This person, when Mrs. Xu said something like that, was still sitting there, what to eat with no expression at all!

It seemed that she nodded without worrying at all. What thoughts of him.

"I believe in you!" Qin Yizhi said confidently.

This sentence made Gu Xiaowan a red face again. He glared angrily at him, then buried him in the bowl again.

But this heart has already blossomed with joy.

Qin Yizhi's trust in Gu Xiaowan was like being able to put his life in her hands.

The room was filled with warmth, Gu Xiaowan’s lips were filled with a charming smile, and Qin Mozhi was an adult. If it weren't because I only liked Gu Xiaowan's words in my heart, I'm afraid that there is already a favored maid at this moment, and it won't be like this, it's a blank sheet of paper.

Gu Xiaowan also hopes that time will pass quickly at this moment, and she will grow up quickly.

However, although she thought so in her heart, these days are still going by day by day.

The year is finally over, and this year, Gu Xiaowan also knows that something bigger will happen at home this year!

The children's test is due in March.

Although Gu Ningan was only ten years old, Xu Chengze encouraged Gu Ningan to also sign up because of his good grades.

During the Chinese New Year, Gu Ning'an didn't idle either. On weekdays, he was bored at home, reading and writing, very hard.

If you encounter something you don't understand, go to the town to find Mr. Xu to answer your questions.

After the New Year, Gu Xiaowan went to Yushulou less frequently. For one thing, I don't know how to face Mrs. Xu, but for the second time, I don't know how to go there, so I can save myself feeling bad.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to take part in the child test.

Since Gu Ningan started studying, he has been praised by Xu Xianlin and Xu Chengze. Moreover, Qin Yizhi is also a scholar, and he is very good about Gu Ningan's homework.

Gu Ning'an has a solid foundation, and he really wants to go off the court, so that he can get fame in the exam earlier, so that he can share a little for the family.

However, Gu Xiaowan didn't care. Gu Ning'an was still young now, and she didn't necessarily want Gu Ning'an to test her fame. However, Gu Ning'an had that thought, and if she wanted to take such a path, she would unconditionally support Gu Ning'an.

In Gu Xiaowan's view, Gu Ning'an's children's exam is no less difficult than her high school and college entrance examinations.

Although there were not as many scholars in ancient times as there are in modern times, and there are not as many people taking exams as there are now, in ancient times, only reading was the only way to change their destiny. Therefore, rich children value reading in order to make the family better. Going upstairs, children who have no money also value reading, because only this path can carp over the dragon gate.

Therefore, Gu Ningan began to study his homework wholeheartedly at home. When preparing for the exam, almost a dozen people in Gu Yuan circled Gu Ningan.

Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi discuss with Gu Xiaowan about Gu Ning’an’s diet, what to eat, and how to eat nutritiously.

Qin Yizhi also tutored his homework from time to time. Although Qin Yizhi did not take the fame test, he was taught by the Imperial College in the imperial palace since he was a child. Moreover, Qin Yizhi also worked hard. If he was asked to test fame, he might be able to get the top prize.

It's just that he was born with a golden spoon since he was a child, and these fame and fortune are not mentioned for him.

It is precisely because of the counseling during this period that Gu Ning'an has greatly improved Qin Yizhi.

Compared with Xu Chengze, Qin Yizhi's thoughts have a broader vision and a more careful thinking. He can always think of things that others can't think of. Moreover, he is knowledgeable, and he is definitely not the kind of person who is full of knowledge.

Gu Ning'an has an even more favorable impression of Qin Yuzhi's.

Gu Xiaowan didn't notice Gu Ningan's adoration of Qin Yuzhi. Her daily thoughts were on Gu Ning'an.

At this moment, he also became his personal maid.

Go in from time to time to deliver hot tea and hot water, and deliver melon and fruit snacks to satisfy your hunger.

Moreover, from time to time, he grinds for Gu Ning'an.

The first period of time was okay. Gu Ningan's mind was all focused on reviewing homework, but as the exam time approached, Gu Ning'an became a little uneasy.

On this day, when Gu Xiaowan boiled a bowl of chicken soup for him as usual, and saw that the ink was gone, she stood aside to grind it for him. Unexpectedly, Gu Ning'an put down the pen, looked at Gu Xiaowan with some worry, and said worriedly: "Sister, if I didn't pass the exam this time, what should I do?"

Gu Xiaowan had never considered this issue.

She never thought about what to do if Gu Ning'an passed the exam, what to do if he didn't pass the exam!

She has always thought that if she is admitted or not, she will continue to study and continue to take the exam until she is admitted.

If you really can't pass the exam, then change your career. At least I have worked hard before.

She looked at Gu Ning’an’s expectant eyes and immediately said: “Ning’an, don’t be afraid, it doesn’t matter if you don’t pass the exam. If you didn’t pass the exam this year, we can continue the exam next year. If you are really not suitable for studying, let’s I won’t take the exam. We have so many lands and shops. In the future, even if we don’t study, we can also go farming and live a good life with our own hands. This is great!"

Reading is never the only way out. As the saying goes, three hundred and sixty lines are the best.

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