The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 961: finish exam

Back then, she sent Gu Ning'an to study, not to pursue an official career, but to make Gu Ning'an more literate and knowledgeable, so that her eyes will be darkened in the future, except for farming, she can do nothing.

Gu Ning'an heard her answer like this, she didn't care whether she was admitted or failed, and she felt a little warmer: "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely be admitted this time! Don't worry. !"

Gu Ning'an was obsessed with this child test.

He worked hard and hard, just wanting to pass the test the first time.

Gu Xiaowan was infected by the firm light in the eyes!

Soon it will be the day of Gu Ningan's exam. Because the children's exam is held in Rui County, Gu Ning'an has to rush to the county to prepare.

This time, Qin Yizhi took Gu Ning'an to Ruixian in a carriage. Stone drove the car, and the three of them arrived in Rui County.

It happens to live in Mr. Fang's house.

After five consecutive tests, I finally returned to Gu Yuan on the sixth day.

In the past few days, Gu Xiaowan can be regarded as having experienced the anxiety of his parents when he was admitted to college in a previous life.

Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi were also very anxious, but they were worried when they saw Gu Xiaowan's tea and rice.

They all came to persuade Gu Xiaowan, saying that there are two exams in three years. Anyway, if Gu Ningan is still young, if he fails to pass the exam this year, he can continue the exam next fall.

For so many years, Gu Ningping and her sister have managed all the things in the family.

No matter how big things happen at home, they don't tell themselves, just to let them study at ease.

Just for this kind of affection, Gu Ning'an will also pass it all at once to make the whole family happy and comfort them.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know what he was thinking, so she said that to him.

But seeing his attitude so determined, Gu Xiaowan could only say a word.

As long as you do your best, we can come again no matter what the outcome is.

Gu Ning'an is grateful for Gu Xiaowan's remarks, and only his relatives, no matter whether he is a failure or a success, will always stand on his side and consider himself.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Ning'an is determined to be nominated for the gold list.

After five games, Gu Ning'an felt pretty good.

I also discussed with Qin Yizhi and Mr. Fang. Mr. Fang also felt that this child is a very talented and talented person.

For this children's trial, thinking about it is a matter of course.

After returning, Qin Yizhi told Gu Xiaowan what Mr. Fang had said, and then looked at Gu Ning'an's self-confident look. Gu Xiaowan guessed that, looking back, Ning'an would pass the exam in all probability.

Xu Chengze and Xu Xianlin also asked him what questions he had taken on the exam, and how Gu Ningan answered them. When they heard Gu Ningan's answer, everyone in the Xu family also applauded.

Everyone said that looking back, Ning An would be admitted as a talent.

The time waiting for the list to be released is very difficult. Gu Ning'an also goes to the Yushulou to study normally every day, and Gu Xiaowan is not idle, and continues to run towards her landlord career.

During this period, the puppet shop in Beijing opened.

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