The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 979: Pinch in front of Jiangfumen

Where did Liu Tianci endure such a bump, and sat down on the ground, his fragrant buttocks and jade feet hurt, and when he squeezed, tears flowed from his eyes.

When the bearers saw that the young lady had been torn out of the sedan chair, they immediately put down the sedan chair and came to grab Gu Xiaowan.

How could Qin Yizhi let their dirty hands touch Gu Xiaowan and hold Gu Xiaowan in his arms?

Ahmad beat the bearers to the ground with three attempts.

As soon as Xiao Tao, who was knocking on the door, heard the strangeness behind her, she immediately turned her head and saw her lady being pulled out of the sedan chair by Gu Xiaowan.

Little Tao ran down immediately to help Liu Tianci.

Seeing that the culprit was Gu Xiaowan, Xiao Tao was a little guilty for no reason, but she still asked courageously: "Gu Xiaowan, you are so bold, you dare to hurt my lady. Do you want your fate?"

"Bite life?" Gu Xiaowan actually yelled out the word "Bite life" from Xiao Tao's mouth, she chuckled, and broke away from Qin Yizhi's arms, took two steps forward, looking at Xiao Tao and yelling condescendingly. Liu Tianci sneered: "In the eyes of you young ladies from Beijing, the lives of our country folks are fate? Can they be abused by you at will?"

Liu Tianci's buttocks were sore that it was smashed, tears burst, and the pain did not even lift his head.

Hearing Gu Xiaowan’s voice, she immediately scolded: "Gu Xiaowan, you wild girl, you dare to hit me, who will give you a bear heart and leopard courage! Come here, hit me, hit me hard!"

It seemed that Liu Tianci had not figured out the situation. Except for her and Xiao Tao, all the men around him were beaten to the ground by Ahmad.

All of them were lying on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time, so how could you care about Liu Tianci's orders!

"Liu Tianci, don't think you are from the capital, I was afraid of you! You tried to find me again and again, and you couldn't cooperate, so you started my aunt's idea, you said, where did you hide my aunt? That's it!" Gu Xiaowan stepped forward, bent over, and grabbed Liu Tianci by the collar, her eyes congested.

Xiao Tao felt a little scared when she saw her as if she was about to eat people.

But as Liu Tianci's slave and maid, even if his life is in danger, he must protect his young lady.

As soon as she stood up and blocked Gu Xiaowan, she stretched out her hand to pull the collar in Gu Xiaowan's hand and cursed anxiously: "Gu Xiaowan, you let go of my lady, let go!"

Gu Xiaowan was in anger at the moment, and she waved her hand directly and slapped Xiao Tao aside.

Without Xiaotao being in the way, Gu Xiaowan grabbed Liu Tianci by the collar fiercely, and asked fiercely: "Liu Tianci, let me ask you again, where is my aunt? Where did you hide my aunt?"

Xiao Tao wanted to go forward to rescue Liu Tianci, but Aunt Zhang on the side saw her, and directly pressed her to the ground, unable to move.

Seeing that she was being restrained by someone, Xiao Tao was bullied by Gu Xiaowan again, and her mouth yelled, "Come here, help, I'm going to kill someone!"

The sky is getting dark, but there are still some people on this street.

The people who came back in the carriage also heard the movement at this moment and ran over to see what happened.

When she saw that the noble and unparalleled eldest lady from Beijing was pinched by the collar of the Jiang family, her maid was pressed under her body, and she took a breath. Who are these people, dare to offend Liu Tianci like this!

If this is to let Jiang Huainan know, don't peel off the skin of these people.

People living on this street are either rich or noble.

Seeing the girl who was pulling Liu Tianci's clothes, she was a little familiar, and when she came closer, she turned out to be Mr. Gu Xiaowan, the accountant in Jinfu Building.

Now they all gathered.

You started to help out every word.

"Miss Gu, what happened? You let go first. This is Miss Liu from the capital. If you let Master Jiang know about this, then it will be amazing." This is kind and well-intentioned.

There are also people who are gloating about misfortune, watching the excitement, for fear that they won't be able to make things happen, and snarling around for fear that the world will not be chaotic.

Qin Yizhi has been watching by his side, not leaving Gu Xiaowan's side. He coldly watched Liu Tianci roll his eyes, but he was still indifferent.

Gu Xiaowan was tired and didn't shake her anymore. At this moment, Liu Tianci took two big breaths, and saw Qin Mozhi standing aside.

When it was done, the eye sockets immediately turned red, and the tears flowed down like a broken string.

"Brother Qin, Brother Qin save me, save me!"

The voice is soft and charming, like a warm current, hitting your nerves directly.

The appearance of the pear flower with rain, and the appearance of the closed moon and the shame flower, instantly caused the men around to shock the tiger's body. I only felt that the tail vertebrae had some tingling electric current, directly hitting the man's sixth sense.

Liu Tianci didn't expect that Qin Mozhi remained motionless with his affectionate words.

It was as if cotton hit the rock, and there was no reaction at all.

On the contrary, there are some greasy middle-aged men around, looking at himself with a squint.

Liu Tianci recovered all of a sudden, stopped crying, and immediately said sternly: "Gu Xiaowan, you let me go!"

After speaking, I'm going to pull Gu Xiaowan's hand!

How could Gu Xiaowan be threatened by her? She had learned martial arts for so long after Qin Yizhi for so many years, it was not for nothing.

Although there is no strength to deal with an adult man, it would be a piece of cake to deal with a weak woman like her.

With one hand, Gu Xiaowan cut the hand Liu Tianci was about to grab with a backhand, and cut it behind her, still grabbing her collar with her right hand.

A fierce face: "Where is my aunt? Say!"

Liu Tianci sneered: "Gu Xiaowan, what are you talking about? Your aunt is gone, how did I know? Could it be that your aunt found a close friend and ran away with someone!" In the second half of the sentence, Liu Tianci whispered in Gu Xiaowan's ear Murmured.

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