The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 980: Eloped with someone

When Gu Xiaowan heard that Liu Tianci had done something bad, he even came to slander his aunt. He hated him more and his hands tightened: "Liu Tianci, don't think you are a lady from Beijing, I will I'm afraid of you, if you don't tell me where my aunt is today, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Why? How to be unkind to me? If you want to have a seed, kill me. When that happens, I want your entire Gu family to bury me! I won't suffer!" Liu Tianci was not afraid of Gu Xiaowan's threat.

A sneer appeared on her face, as if she was mocking Gu Xiaowan for not having the guts.

"You" Gu Xiaowan was choked and stared at Liu Tianci fiercely.

Liu Tianci continued: "Gu Xiaowan, your aunt has already left. Maybe someone has found a friend. I am embarrassed to say that she came and evaporated. You look for it with fanfare instead of just sitting. Is it true that your aunt's stealing thing!"

"You nonsense!"


Gu Xiaowan and Aunt Zhang unanimously refuted Liu Tianci's words.

This is simply turning black and white.

Liu Tianci is really a good hand, sprinting around with his good tricks of pointing at the mulberry and cursing the Huai and pointing the deer as a horse.

Sure enough, Liu Tianci's words stunned the people present, each of you looking at me and looking at you, all pricked their ears to listen to the following things.

Some people sneaked away to please Jiang's family.

"Liu Tianci!" Gu Xiaowan roared, her hand suddenly fell heavily.

"Papa Papa" slapped Liu Tianci loudly in the face.

The slap in the face was very abrupt on the quiet street in this evening.

Liu Tianci was also stunned by those few slaps. He slapped gold stars in his eyes, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Xiao Tao was also slapped by those few slaps. Seeing that the young lady with golden branches and jade leaves in her family slapped someone else, she also forgot to struggle at the moment and her eyes widened.

After a long time, Liu Tianci suddenly reacted and let out a stern roar: "Gu Xiaowan, you dare to hit me!"

Seeing that her young lady was beaten, Xiao Tao also struggled to break free, and broke free of Aunt Zhang's shackles.

Aunt Zhang was also slapped by Gu Xiaowan's few blows, and Xiao Tao broke free.

When she was about to catch Xiao Tao, Xiao Tao had already rushed to Gu Xiaowan's side.

"Gu Xiaowan, I'm fighting with you!" Xiaotao devoted herself to protecting the lord, and rushed forward to throw Gu Xiaowan down.

One of Qin Yi on the side picked up the flying body and picked up Gu Xiaowan. He turned sideways, and Gu Xiaowan lay unscathed in his arms.

On the other hand, Liu Tianci, master and servant, were not so lucky.

Xiao Tao was about to throw Gu Xiaowan down, and after all her strength, she rushed forward. Who knew that Qin Yizhi was rescued, and only Liu Tianci was sitting there.

With a "puff", Xiao Tao closed her eyes and directly sat Liu Tianci under her.

When Liu Tianci was pressed by Xiao Tao, he let out a muffled hum, and immediately became unconscious.

"Miss, miss you wake up, wake up!" Xiao Tao saw that she was stunned by the young lady, anxiously, tears came out of her nose.

But Liu Tianci still did not move.

The neighbor who slipped away to please the Jiang family, went to the backyard and told the Jiang family.

When the Jiang family heard that Ms. Liu was hit by someone at the gate, it was fine, and she immediately told Mrs. Jiang.

As soon as Mrs. Jiang heard this, she immediately came out with Mother Leng.

When I went out, I just saw Xiao Tao Fei pressing Liu Tianci who was sitting there, and fainted. .

"Xiao Tao, you maid, so brave, you dare to harm your master!" Mother Leng saw so many people around, except for the neighbors around, she saw some strange faces.

There are males and females, small and old, but they are extremely in line with the group of people that the doorman today said.

"Mrs. Wuwu, mother, I didn't, I didn't! It was her, she was bullying the young lady, she was bullying the young lady!" When Xiao Tao heard Madam Jiang slander herself, she immediately cried, pointing to Qin Yi's arms Gu Xiaowan complained.

"Who are you?" Madam Jiang looked at Qin Yizhi, only to think that this person's long face was handsome and graceful, and his posture was elegant and noble, but the clothes he was wearing were a bit simpler.

But with the temperament of this whole body, it doesn't seem to come out of ordinary people's home.

And the little girl in his arms, who has also come down from that person's arms at this moment, but at the age of twelve or thirteen, her eyes are fierce like an adult.

It's scary to see it!

"Mrs. Jiang, this is Mr. Gu Xiaowan, the accountant of Jinfu Building!" someone shouted.

Upon hearing Gu Xiaowan's name, Mrs. Jiang realized that it was this girl.

After looking at it, I felt that this girl was strong and capable. I have always heard that this girl is capable, not only building her own house, buying the landlord, but also being the accountant.

Although she is a female doll, she can do nothing less than a man!

Originally, Mrs. Jiang was curious about this Gu Xiaowan. I saw you this time and saw this little girl who was beautiful, but the determination in her eyes was extraordinary, and she knew that this girl was not ordinary. people.

However, she actually offended Liu Tianci today, no matter how important she is, she must give Liu Tianci an explanation.

"Miss Gu, you rushed to my Jiang Mansion twice today and hurt people in front of my Jiang house in public. What is your intention?" At this time, Mrs. Jiang listened to Mother Leng’s report, thinking about today’s noon. , The group of wounded minions at the door of Jiang's house, and then looked in front of him, I was afraid that it was this group, and asked mercilessly.

"Mrs. Jiang!" Gu Xiaowan didn't want to offend this Madam Jiang, but if she was a cruel person like Liu Tianci, Gu Xiaowan would not give me a good look: "My aunt is gone. Someone saw it with his own eyes. My aunt took it away."

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