The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 985: Agree to apologize

In addition, that little peach, but Liu Tianci's personal maid. Liu Tianci was the only daughter of Liu Congran, a fifth-rank official, and came from the capital again. His status was extremely noble. Even Liu Tianci's maid, Xiaotao, had a rising status.

Seeing the three of Gu Xiaowan and his party, standing there stiffly, not kneeling down at all, Lu Tao became angry, took the gavel, and shouted: "Who is in the hall, I won't kneel down when I see this official!"

Logically speaking, Liu Xian is a seventh-rank official, so Lu Tao, the head of a town, can only be regarded as eighth-rank.

Although he was not officially appointed by the court, he was also a decent official. Gu Xiaowan logically should bow down.

However, the Lu Tao in front of him is not a serious official, and Gu Xiaowan doesn't want to worship him at all!

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan was still indifferent after listening to it, Lu Tao became anxious and directly shouted: "Come here, take her down for me!"

After speaking, an official came forward to touch Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Ningping and Shishi had been standing by, seeing the officials coming up, wherever they would let them get close to Gu Xiaowan's body, they would directly block in front of Gu Xiaowan, and beat those officials back.

One or two, Gu Ningping and Shishi could resist for a while. However, due to the large number of people, the officials swarmed up and all of them came up.

Seeing the scene getting more and more chaotic, Mother Leng and Xiao Tao were still standing aside. This sword had no eyes. If it hurts his own person, it would be difficult to handle.

Mother Leng coughed vigorously, and deliberately or unconsciously took Mrs. Jiang's private seal in her hand, seeming to remind Master Lu to stay safe.

This Gu Xiaowan had already been taught last time.

Today, I was afraid of seeing blood, I guess Gu Xiaowan would not kneel down.

When Lu Tao saw that Mother Leng had taken out Mrs. Jiang's private seal, he thought about it and understood what she meant.

If the evidence of Gu Xiaowan's beating is really confirmed, then put her in a cell and detain her for a year or two to see how arrogant she is.

It can be regarded as holding his own revenge at this time.

Although the face can't be maintained, the order above the chaotic hall is already in chaos. If you don't maintain it anymore, I'm afraid it will really lead to a lawsuit.

He shouted coldly: "Stop! The official thought that you are the first offender, do not understand the rules, the official is generous, so I will forgive you this time!"

Lu Tao was very generous, and the group of officials retired immediately.

Then Lu Tao began to hear the case.

First I heard Xiaotao's cry, and then Mother Leng's testimony.

Throughout the whole process, Gu Xiaowan watched coldly, without saying a word.

Xiaotao's crying complained that what Gu Xiaowan was saying was damaging to the world, and Mother Leng's testimony was saying that Gu Xiaowan was cold-blooded.

After listening to the plaintiff’s cry, Lu Tao gave a shock, looked at Gu Xiaowan, and drank fiercely: "Gu Xiaowan, what else do you have to say? You committed a murder in public and hurt people, causing Miss Liu to be embarrassed and bedridden , What do you explain?"

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly.

That Lu Tao just assumed that Gu Xiaowan had acquiesced to her crime and continued: "Miss Liu is a golden branch and jade leaf. How can you not allow you to hurt Miss Liu at will! This is a sin of disrespect. Miss Liu thought that you had friendship in the past, This matter will not be mentioned for the time being, and your fault will be spared!"

"But" Lu Tao turned to a meal and told Gu Xiaowan what Xiaotao had just told him: "If you slander Miss Liu's reputation and hurt Miss Liu's body, naturally you will also be responsible for your actions. I will order you. Now go to Jiang's Mansion immediately and kneel down with Miss Liu to admit her mistake!"

This Liu Tianci is really poisonous!

Had it not been for Qin Yizhi had been following them, Gu Fangxi would have been sent to the capital. When she arrived in Beijing, how could she find Gu Fangxi?

This Liu Tianci is really a black heart and a black liver. She has done something wrong and can even turn black and white and confuse her. Does she really think that she is from the capital and can trample on their dignity at will!

Gu Xiaowan smiled, did not justify herself at all, but nodded: "Yes, my lord!"

These three simple words made Mother Leng and Xiaotao confused by the second-born monks. Gu Xiaowan didn't even say a word. That's it, agreed to apologize to Miss?

But looking at Gu Xiaowan's expressionless face and waiting for them to lead the way, I thought that perhaps Gu Xiaowan really agreed.

So he stepped forward to lead Gu Xiaowan.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan followed, Lu Tao also went to Jiang Mansion in a sedan chair.

This was to give Jiang Mansion a face, and Lu Tao naturally happily supported Jiang Mansion.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan was going to Jiang Mansion to apologize to Liu Tianci, the people onlookers all rushed forward and followed. Some people, watching so many people walking towards Jiang Mansion, came over and asked what was going on.

As soon as I heard that the accountant of Jinfulou wanted to apologize to Liu Tianci, and that he had made such a big battle, they all joined the team to watch the show.

Suddenly, the surrounding water on the entire street was blocked.

Gu Xiaowan followed Mother Leng to the gate of Jiangfu.

Gu Ningping and Shishi followed Gu Xiaowan's footsteps, and Lu Tao's sedan chair arrived. The entire gate of Jiangfu was surrounded into a semicircle, and there was no need for officials to maintain order. These people spontaneously moved away a little bit, and there was also a large space in the middle.

Gu Xiaowan, Gu Ningping, Shishi, and Lu Tao from the government office, and several officials stood in the open space in front of the door, waiting for the people from the Jiang government office to come out.

This is to apologize, and naturally it is to be in front of the people of the town.

Mother Leng and Xiao Tao both went in to report.

Naturally, I have to tell Madam Jiang and Liu Tianci the result of the verdict in the government office.

Mrs. Jiang was the first to come out.

I heard that Lu Tao had also come in person, and this is just to give Jiang Mansion full face. So he didn't take Joe, he arranged his clothes and came out immediately.

As I walked, I listened to Mother Leng telling me what happened in the lobby.

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