The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 986: Came to Jiangfu

When she heard that Gu Xiaowan didn't even have a rebuttal, Mrs. Jiang realized that there seemed to be something wrong, and felt that something unexpected might happen later, but this is already the case, no matter how tricky it is, it is too late.

There were people watching the excitement at the door, and Lu Tao also came. If she didn't show up, Lu Tao would feel that the Jiang family was unpopular.

When I left the Jiang family, I saw that the people who were under the pressure were all people, and only occasionally I heard someone whispering in a low voice, but it was quiet.

Seeing Mrs. Jiang coming out, Lu Tao's flattering smile climbed up his face, took the initiative to greet him, nodded and bowed: "Ms. Jiang is well!"

"Hello, Master Lu!" Madam Jiang did not take a stand, but also bowed in a salute.

This is in the presence of a large crowd, and it is necessary to give Master Lu a little face, isn't it?

Seeing that Madam Jiang actually returned a gift to herself, don't mention how glorious Lu Tao's face is!

I want to think that I did this thing well, Madam Jiang is very satisfied!

Thinking of this, Lu Tao glanced at Gu Xiaowan triumphantly, seeming to imply that, you see, Mrs. Jiang has already bowed to me, and your lowly girl hasn't bowed to the official.

When the matter is over, let's see how I clean up you!

Gu Xiaowan didn't see Lu Tao's warning at all. She just stood there blankly with her head down slightly, but she could also see her appearance, but could not see what she was thinking!

"Miss Gu!" Seeing Gu Xiaowan, Mrs. Jiang even greeted her actively.

To be honest, Mrs. Jiang still likes this Gu Xiaowan.

Although the little girl is young, she has courage and ability. Unlike her cousin Gu Xintao, she can only rely on men!

The Jiang family made a fortune by doing business. Naturally, there must be a courageous and courageous mistress. I think she followed Jiang Huainan back then and handled the affairs of the house and some internal affairs of the shop for him.

Only later, after giving birth to Jiang Yuan, did he take all his focus back, and concentrate on helping each other at home and managing Jiang's mansion.

But looking at Gu Xiaowan, Madam Jiang seemed to vaguely see the shadow of her youth.

However, this girl is a bit hard and soft, a bit thorny, and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing!

If you waited in front of the people in this town and bowed your head in public to apologize to Liu Tianci, it would be a very bad reputation!

Liu Tianci is a person who will not give up unless he achieves his goals, and he will come up with some torture ideas to torment Gu Xiaowan later, it is still unknown!

After Mrs. Jiang came out, after a while, Liu Tianci, supported by Xiaotao, was long overdue.

It's just that his face was a little pale, and his lips were pale, as if he had suffered a lot of injuries.

Wearing plain white clothes all over, he looked weak and boneless, and it was so charming that he would collapse when the wind blows.

It's so pitiful!

When Liu Tianci saw Gu Xiaowan, the tears flowed down.

Flowing all the way, supported by Xiaotao, walked down. came to Madam Jiang and gave Lu Tao a gift. How dare Lu Tao let her salute herself? He quickly gave a bigger gift and returned to the past!

"Miss Liu, don't let it go, you are the chief officer!" Lu Tao smiled flatteringly.

He is just an eighth-rank sesame official, and he actually asked the fifth-rank Jingguan's only daughter to salute him, so is he still asleep tonight!

Liu Tianci was quite moved, looking at Madam Jiang, the tears that had just been dried by the wind flowed down again.

"Madam" Liu Tianci sobbed, and then leaned in Xiaotao's arms again.

Xiao Tao's nose is red, and her eyes are noisy, she seems to cry at any time.

"Miss, it's okay, Master Lu is back here to seek justice for you, Miss, don't be sad!" Xiao Tao comforted softly.

Liu Tianci looked back and glanced at Gu Xiaowan, who was still standing there like a piece of wood, not to mention how proud she was. But this face just doesn't show: "Sister Wan, I"

Gu Xiaowan just glanced at her lightly, then turned aside and stopped talking.

Lu Tao saw Gu Xiaowan's indifferent expression on his face.

Obviously, when he came just now, he said he wanted to apologize to Liu Tianci, but now he was stuck there like a stick of wood, without saying a word.

Lu Tao became a little angry, pointed at Gu Xiaowan, and said solemnly: "Gu Xiaowan, don't you soon apologize to Miss Liu! Look at how beautiful Miss Liu is tortured by you because of you. How can you bear it!"

Lu Tao said sincerely, as if Gu Xiaowan had done the most evil and persecuted Liu Tianci.

Gu Xiaowan turned her head back and took a serious look at Liu Tianci.

In addition to the powder on Liu Tianci's face, his face became a little paler, but where did he look like he was tortured?

Gu Xiaowan pouted her lips and glanced at Liu Tianci lightly.

Liu Tianci's heart was a little hairy when Gu Xiaowan looked at it, how could this girl's eyes be so fierce.

It's like a poisoned knife.

Liu Tianci snorted coldly in his heart, but there were no waves on his face.

There was still a moving misery on his face, and a pair of big tearful eyes looked at Gu Xiaowan pitifully, as if he had suffered a great grievance from Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan just pulled her off the sedan chair and pulled off her collar, pretending to be like this dead father and mother.

If you know this, you know that Gu Xiaowan didn't do anything cruel.

If you didn't know this, you would really think that Gu Xiaowan killed her parents!

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Xiaowan had a black belly, she heard people around who didn't know the truth begin to talk.

"Look, how did Miss Liu's be like this?"

"Yeah, I heard that Miss Gu hit her, and she wants to apologize to her!"

"Oh my God, this girl Gu has put multiple hands on her, and she has beaten the charming Miss Liu into this look. Tsk tsk, this man is really heavy!" someone said.

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