The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 987: Who can't complain

"Isn’t it? This girl Gu is not serious. It’s not good to offend anyone, and she went to offend Miss Liu. This Miss Liu is the only daughter of the fifth-grade Beijing official from the capital. If this offends others, it’s not for the Gu family this time. Can't eat and walk around!"

"Oh, yes, that is, this time, Gu's enough to drink a pot!"

"You are optimistic, this good show has just begun!"

Some of the people nearby were gloating and waiting to watch Gu Xiaowan's good show, while others were really sincere and worried about Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan didn't worry at all, and forgot the time.

Ahmad should be here.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan didn't react at all, Lu Tao was angry: "Gu Xiaowan, didn't you just say in the lobby, come to apologize to Miss Liu? What do you mean by standing there and not saying a word?"

Gu Xiaowan looked back and saw that outside the crowd, a familiar person rushed over. Gu Xiaowan's face was filled with a smile that was determined to win.

Looking back, looking at Liu Tianci with a miserable expression on his face, then at Xiao Tao with an angry face, and Lu Tao, who was eager to show his merits to Liu Tianci, suddenly his expressionless face changed.

Pointing to Liu Tianci, he suddenly shouted: "Master Lu, I want to redress my grievances, and you have to call the shots for the girls!"

Then, all of a sudden, he fell to his knees with a pop.

There was no sign of that posture. Everyone present did not react and saw Gu Xiaowan kneel down.

Then righteously protested: "Master Lu, I sue Liu Tianci for venting my selfish desires and forcibly robbing my aunt, and I want to tie my aunt elsewhere! Master Lu, I would like to ask for this behavior of abducting and selling good women. My lord, it is important whether I dragged her or she abducted my aunt!"

"What? She kidnapped your aunt?" Lu Tao was dumbfounded, and he didn't get back to his senses, so he repeated Gu Xiaowan's words just now, and when he knew when he had just said it, he was stable right away. After staying in my mind, I glanced at the tumultuous people, and Liu Tianci's surprised face, and said with awe: "Gu Xiaowan, don't talk about it, since you have promised to apologize to Miss Liu, you must apologize now!"

Lu Tao doesn't care what Gu Xiaowan said just now, the purpose of his coming today is to give Liu Tianci an explanation!

Now that Gu Xiaowan didn't apologize, she even fabricated Liu Tianci's abduction and sale of her aunt, which is nonsense and nonsense!

"Master Lu, please don't listen to Gu Xiaowan's nonsense. Her aunt obviously eloped with her mate, and she always came to my lady's trouble if she couldn't find anyone!" Xiaotao quickly defended.

Looking at Gu Xiaowan, she wanted to come forward and eat her.

Unexpectedly, this Gu Xiaowan would come so secretly, no wonder she agreed to come and apologize to them so readily just now.

It turned out that she didn't come to apologize at all, but came over, through the eyes of so many people, to find her aunt.

However, even if she looked for it, Gu Fangxi had already left Liujiazhen at this moment, and even if Gu Xiaowan rummaged through the entire Liujiazhen, he could not find Gu Fangxi's trace.

Liu Tianci is also confident, anyway, people have already left, there is no shadow of running. Even if Gu Xiaowan broke through the sky and broke her throat, she couldn't find Gu Fangxi's whereabouts.

Anyway, as long as she refused to admit it, she didn't know where Gu Fangxi was.

What can Gu Xiaowan do with her!

Liu Tianci's face showed his ambition to get light, and he was not afraid that Gu Xiaowan would file a complaint. He said angrily: "Gu Xiaowan, don't spit people, Xiaotao has just said that your aunt is not here at all, and what am I doing with your aunt? A woman who has been married and has been divorced, who wants it!"

Liu Tianci's words are actually telling everyone that even if someone like Gu Fangxi is kidnapped, it will be of no use to kidnapping.

Liu Tianci didn't expect such words to make sense, but in the ears of these simple people, they felt that the taste had changed a little.

But I don't know where the problem is. I just feel that Liu Tianci's words are very inhuman.

But Liu Tianci didn't know what went wrong with his words, and he was a bit complacent.

Mother Leng is an old man, and she has experienced many things. After listening to Liu Tianci's words, she was also shocked.

The girl looked down on people.

That is going to provoke public anger!

Sure enough, after hearing Liu Tianci's words, the surrounding people were unconvinced.

"What's this talking about? It's already uncomfortable for people to be divorced, and they are still belittled here. Even if no one wants them, don't you need to be so straightforward!"

"That's right, Miss Gu's aunt is gone, but she's going to find it. If you say something like this, it's not a knife in others' hearts!"

What's more, through the crowd blocking, she directly cursed: "This girl from the Liu family is really aloof, this Liujia Town is a small place, I'm afraid it can't tolerate your eldest lady from Beijing. , I'm afraid this land in Liujiazhen will stain the soles of your shoes!"

What this man said was very ironic, but it was also returned to Liu Tianci intact by Liu Tianci's insulting Gu Fangxi just now.

Liu Tianci's face turned paler now.

She didn't expect that a word she made to excuse herself would actually arouse public anger.

Is she wrong?

When Gu Xiaowan heard someone condemning Liu Tianci, she was overjoyed and tears flowed down her eyes.

Isn't it just crying? Who can cry?

Gu Xiaowan's tears fell like a broken string.

He complained in blood: "My aunt has never enjoyed a day's blessing since she was a child. She was sold to a local ruffian for a generous dowry by her cruel brother and sister-in-law. Since getting married, she has never had a good day. Every I’ve been married for the past three or four years. I have had two children, but none of them were born in the stomach. They had been beaten by that cruel uncle and had a miscarriage. My aunt had a small child. People lay on the bed, bleeding for two days and two nights, no one cares, if it weren’t for the handful of incense ashes by the mother-in-law next door, my poor aunt would have turned into loess!"

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