The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 996: Ning An fell out

Gu Chuanlu was grateful and wanted to have dinner with Jianghuainan many times, but Jianghuainan was always too busy. Except for having a meal together on the day when he was famous on the list of helping Gu Ziwen, the two never met again. Up.

Suddenly, the entire Gu's big house was also enveloped in tranquility because of Gu Chuanlu's good mood.

In Gu Yuan, under the care of his family, Gu Fangxi's body quickly recovered.

I haven't made much of the puppets yet, and the day of delivery is getting closer. There is no interruption from others on weekdays, but it is clean.

The whole family is making puppets while waiting for the list!

Finally, when it came time to release the list, Gu Ningan went to the county to watch the list early.

It was a happy day, and Gu Xiaowan followed along.

A group of three people went to Ruixian County, stayed at Jinfulou for one night, and waited for the list the next day.

After the big red list was posted, Gu Xiaowan read from the beginning to the end with joy, but in the end was shocked.

Even Xu Chengze who came with him was a little surprised.

Gu Ziwen, unexpectedly topped the list!

The first column in the first row below the list is the first one, and the name written impressively is Gu Ziwen.

Gu Xiaowan looked at all the names from start to finish, but there was no Gu Ningan.

She searched it again, but still nothing!

Looking back at Gu Ningan's face, it turned into a pig liver color.

Some of the students who followed were good friends with Gu Ziwen. Seeing that Gu Ning'an was not named on the list, but Gu Ziwen was at the top of the list, I thought to myself that it would be a pity that Gu Ziwen didn't watch the list today.

Just thinking of venting Gu Ziwen and taunting Gu Ning'an.

"Mr. Xu, take a look, your most respected Gu Ning'an is not on the list. Tsk, sir, it really wasted your thoughts! Look, Ziwen is at the top of the list, but it is from Yushulou. Great glory!"

"Isn't it? I compare Gu Ning'an with Ziwen. I can't support the wall with mud, and I don't even deserve to give Ziwen shoes!"

Gu Xiaowan was about to scold these people, but was stopped by Gu Ning'an unexpectedly.

"Sister, I'm useless, I didn't pass the exam!" Gu Ningan smiled and comforted Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan felt very uncomfortable when he saw his strong smile.

Xu Chengze on the side comforted him: "Don't be sad, not this year, and next year. We will definitely be there!"

However, there was some doubt in this heart, but it did not show it.

Gu Xiaowan also comforted: "Ning Ping, don't worry, you are the youngest one. It's normal to fail to pass the exam. Next year, let's come and go. Let's go back to Jinfulou. My sister will make you some good food! "

Back at Jinfulou, the faces of the few people Qin Mozhi saw were a little heavy, and they guessed it, maybe they didn't pass the exam, and they didn't ask much.

Back in Liujiazhen, everyone's mood was somewhat bad.

Gu Xiaowan didn't like these, anyway, Gu Ning'an was still young, so there were more opportunities to continue the exam! But seeing Gu Ning'an's heavy face, he tried his best to make him happy.

The news that Gu Ziwen was on the list had long caused a sensation in Liujiazhen.

Everyone has heard that Gu Ziwen is at the top of the list and that he has another talent, and the whole town is a sensation.

I heard that Gu Chuanlu put a table of running water for three days in Wuxi Village, and all the young and old in the village went to eat.

Strangely, every household hasn’t opened fire for three days!

The braised pork that Village Chief Liang ate was greasy. After applying a handful of oil, he patted Gu Chuanlu on the shoulder and said, "Okay, Chuanlu, you are really good at it. Wen Ge'er was born out of your talents. Scholars, I will be tested for candidates in the future, and I will enter the capital to be a high official in the future!"

Gu Chuanlu drank two glasses of wine, blushing, was praised by Village Chief Liang, and he couldn't find Bei.

It was his son who praised him, he was even happier than praised him.

"My brother Wen is like me, promising! I hope he is more promising than me!" Gu Chuanlu blushed, looking at Gu Ziwen expectantly.

Gu Ziwen was also sitting on the head table, sitting upright, with the style of some scholars.

"Brother Wen, if you become prosperous in the future, don't forget your good playmate Dabao!" Village Chief Liang looked at Brother Wen expectantly.

Liang Dabao is his treasure. He has been holding Gu Chuanlu so much, isn't it just to find a good way for Liang Dabao in the future!

Gu Chuanlu hurriedly responded: "Definitely, if my brother Wen has something to do in the future, I will never forget your big treasure!"

Gu Ziwen hadn't spoken, lowered his head, and ate the food in front of him.

Liang Dabao respected Gu Ziwen's wine under the instruction of his grandfather.

Gu Ziwen raised his eyelids and touched the cup casually, arrogant and rude.

Village Chief Liang didn't care about this, as long as Gu Chuanlu promised him that he would take care of Liang Dabao in the future, that would be fine!

Because Gu Ziwen was admitted as a talent, but Gu Ningan did not, Gu Xintao was very proud.

From time to time, I went to Gu Yuan to stimulate Gu Xiaowan, but Gu Xiaowan didn't care at all, and told Gu Ningan to ignore it.

However, Gu Ningping was a hot temper, and directly blasted Gu Xintao from the mountain to the bottom with a broomstick.

Itchy teeth.

Then Gu Xintao was like a shrew scolding the street, standing at the bottom of the mountain and constantly scolding!

It was said that Gu Ningan couldn't even match a finger of his brother.

In the past few days when Gu Ning'an came back from Ruixian, although there was a faint smile on his face, his whole expression was a little wilted, and the pressure in his heart was still great.

Gu Xiaowan looked in her eyes and worried in her heart.

Taking advantage of the time to finish dinner, she did not take a walk with Qin Yi. She took Gu Ning'an and said that she was going to the front yard for a walk. However, everyone knew that Gu Xiaowan wanted to enlighten Gu Ning. Ann.

When they arrived in the front yard, the two people walked side by side, walking around the front yard, circle after circle.

The year before last, when Qin Yizhi went out to do errands, he said that he happened to be passing by the Minshan Mountain, and he bought several grapes and sent them back.

Now, summer is approaching, and all the green shoots of this grape have appeared.

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